1. I got some feedback, that people don't trust me so much, because, they don't believe I'm on their side.
Fair enough. I''m on "Nobody's side" as they say. If people would be able to comply the reediculous ToS, I have devised myself merging together; The Bible; Thus spoke Zarathustra; Bagavadgita; Taodejing; Either/Or then you could be saying, that I'm on your side, whatever nihilistic side of no side it may be. The only thing, you should mind, is not to become Woke! Because if you become woke, I'm definitely not on Your side!! There are so many people, who's side I could be value-wise, but then they open their ugly mouths and reveal of being woke and there is nothing I can do... :S :$ Just be "Nobody" and we'll get along just fine. If you happen to be making yourself the Face or the Name, then you will have issues with me. You see, in my world, The Face and The Name does not compute. I cannot see your Face nor your Name. It would be like seeing a blank blob in a hentai anime, depicting a faceless censored character doing ssomething, he should be ashamed of. You would be better off, being a woman, having been married to 6 men, while the sixth is also not yours, and I can have a nice chat with you, then you have one of those really virtuous profiles, there you just drown in signals and attributes, because those are all promises, you have yet to deliver. And I happen to be able to verify them with the Bible or spiritworld. Also don't ask me about the status of somebody else, unless you want me to put my Ravens Eye on you. If you talking to me, we are only talking to each-other, not gossiping about somebody else and his status in Heaven or Hell. That is none of your business and none of mine, so why do you even have to go there...
2. I also heared, that they say, I should go to a Christian forum and do my thing there...
Please don't be so rough and nasty, somebody might be crying. The only time, I like to go to a Christian Forum, is the time, I like to be tossed down from the mountain atop the homevillage of lord Jesus Christ was built. By default, its not my business to talk to those, who are saved, for my business is to offer help, to those, who are lost and still feeling the need to understand the Gospel, whether they want to like it or not. They already closed one Chriistian Forum in Estonia, because of me... :(( >/////< because how I talked about, how to worship on Sabbath day, then I had no ill will with it whatsoever. Or how to take the Trinity. I don't work with experts but fuck-ups and pupils, whose cup is empty and not full!!
If I see you do the Usha thing, while I watched you carry the Arc of the Covenant, while not abiding by the ToS because it has to be carried on shoulders not on wheelcarriage and the carriers have to fast and prepare themselves, which takes time. If you start shortcutting, like most Chrsitians always do, please don't do it next to me, because I will be not even the Thunder but the Divine Lightning from lord Jesus Christ striking you down, then you attempt to stop the Arch of the Covenant hitting the dirt, while you hand is made of dirt and violated the ToS. I will fucking kill you on that spot, for disrespect against lord Jesus Christ. :((( Please don't do that. You can be Doeg, who supports the Arch of the Covenant in his house, against his will or the Psa 84:10 Jos 9:1-27 2 Ki 2:15 who trickstered his way to avoid falling under religious genocide and work for all time as the lowest slave in the Temple, who works at the gate, but can never enter. Just don't say, how you're already there, being enlightened then you're not.
I can only function in my own den, there I do the least of damage to other content creators. The reasons, why I have no content on Bitchute. I just don't wanna risk it of corrupting them somehow. I have been into places and undergone various changes, to have my way of worsipping lord Jesus Christ, and it has had its troll on my fragile mind.
I don't mind, then my comments get deleted, because its an honest accounting. As long people understand, what I have to say. Its nothing personal. I'm so overtaken and possessed of my understanding of lord Jesus Christ. Nothing else fits inside of me anymore. OwO I don't expect the people to love me back. I don't need to be their best friend -- because I can't afford that anyhow. I could be your Familiar though, - all Witches have at least one Familiar -- if it spites the Chrsitians and their non sequitur with lord Jesus Christ, for He will disavow them, who do more virtue signals than actual work. Virtue signals, like blowing the horn or doing tithes and other merit, because you are rich, hold no currency in Heaven. Its then you treat the Satanist well, or the Gay/Lesbian like a worthy person in society, that will account. Why should God look, how you treat your allies and friends, he looks how you treat your political opponents. In my books, Raging Golden Eagle, although he busts the nut in the Livestream -- I still think its a hysterical one X^D -- has more chances going to Heaven then Kamala Harris, who is the righteous skin colour and the righteous value system etc. There are no values and skin colours nor genders in Heaven. Just pure energy. Just God and your Relationship with God. All I have is my Love to lord Jesus Christ in a much Yuri of DDLC fashion, what would make Natsuki grossed out, so she wouldn't even wanna read my poems, because it made Yuri fap with my pen. I really like these kind of memorabilias, then somebody admitts, she would do that... It would turn me on. >////< I also entrench myself with any kind of meaning of lord Jesus Christ, to be with him all day all night. Every breathe I take is a salutation to lord Jesus Chist. You should read my blog from the beginning and see the yourney I have had thus far, and how my poetry has changed, especially the new years promises section. It will tell you about a man more than anything else, what he promises to do in a new Year, because those are the so called Jubilee promises or Israael. God really accounts on them and is pissed and disappointed, should a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim not heed them accordingly. ALways try to follow through your Jubilee promises.
3. So what's in it for you?
Do you need a hentai pillow or punching bag or just the male version of Monika, who would hear you out, no matter what bullshit you quack, just like in DDLC, then go for it. Just don't be fake. Don't think, I'm gonna conquer the World for you to rule, and smite your enemies under your heel. That wont happen, because I don't like peoples minds and personalities to die. I wan't everybody to get the same chance in life and not to be censored of it, just because they happened to not belong to the right social or political group. Its fight club rules, We don't talk about it, but everything else goes ;)) UWU I mostly can relate to Poetry; Zen; Meditation; WitchCraft; Gaming; Communism (If you mind, that we will not take over the world, to avoid that thing what happened in Soviet Russia and is commencing in Communist China or North Korea) I can only talk about the Utopian version of Communism being a Christian and having taken all atheism out of it, for noncompliance with lord Jesus Christ. He takes shotgun rights, non negotiable. You can yourself, what ever you wanna be, even Kitsune Hime, if you can pull that through honestly --- for I will destroy your mind and spirit, if you fail doing so and give up. Whenever you give up, you should stand up and go back to the beginning and try again.
4. Do I accept confessions?
I have adopted the original version of confessing, there both sides confess to each-other; which was abolished by St. Paul, because people started doxxing each-other with the information, they got from the confessionals, being unworthy brothers and sisters to Christ. It was so sad and made lord Jesus Christ weep. If you want to confess to me, you must be able to accept my confessions as well. If you have read my responce to Vee about his videos, then yeah. That's how rough it can become. So please keep that in mind, then you ask me to be your confessional. There are no halfassed things with me only SSS+ stuff. Just as the Fishermans Friends commercial says, I love that stuff "If its too tough, you're too weak!" The best marketing I know of, aside of the classic Snickers commercial. Sometimes the big corpos surprise me and do something nice I can enjoy, but mostly they are gross and I try to evade their P&R to avoid finding a reason, why to hate on their merchandice. Mostly it is easier to buy, then you don't know, how its sold online. Its like the big Corps, don't know how to meme or have lost all thought, how words work in the normal environment. They must be having a lot of Yessir's in their Ivory tower, they travel via elevator hauled up by Rapuntzels genetically altered hair to be so stunning and brave.
5. Do I accept submission?
Yes I do, provided you offer me no money. You can offer me insults; insight; ideas; Criticism -- but NO MONEY. I earn my own money, just like a prostitute likes no presents, because she can't afford them. I'd rather buy everything myself, because that's cheaper than having it gifted to you. I still remember, how watching Zeitgeist made me write Christian Poetry. If you kill me on the stage, I will respawn like a Male-Darkness of Konosuba with a happy face on >/////< I'm a masochist and I love to be the punchline of any kind of a joke, as long it will relieve the stress Tobi of Naruto stile. I like to assume the Omega Wolf mantle to goof off, to allow the Alpha males to survive. That's what I do. So If you even need to punch something, you know there ro come, I love a good work out, do mop the floor with me UWU Only the chosen few can hire me for money, because I approve their company and what they do in the society, and then I work for minimum wage. I always work for minimum wage!! If you can give me low attribute jobs, there I am the lowest of the low in hierarchy, I can be your man. But don't think for a second, you will use me as your Brand. unless you wanna Nehustan it... and loose all value spiritual or otherwise you believed to have possessed in your life!
6. Are you safe for work?
Nope, try not to use my content from your companies computer, because sometimes my aura can dismantle those. We don't want you getting into trouble with your boss about that, do we now ;))
You can only use it on your spare time, although sometimes I wish I would heed that council myself and not write so many essays and commentaries/ poetry while working. It's a good thing, it hasn't damaged my work so far, or I wouldn't know there to put my eyes...
7. Can I do WitchCraft and be a Christian like you?
Hell no, please don't do this at home. Why would you wanna have lord Jesus Christ on speed dial one and Lucifer on speed dial two?? Do you really wanna live, as though your inner spiritual self and the spirit world are one and the same? Please don't do that, you get warped; go insane at best or get lost in the void and are never seen again, while your empty body is ranting and doing heinous creepy stuff on earth. Why would you possibly wanna shame your family like this?!!? I am the personalised incarnation of the young Prophets meme, who asked his friend to smite him, who refused and got eaten by a lion, a stranger then hit him, so he could talk to the King, who let his enemy go. I am that kind of meme from lord Jesus Christ against the Christians, for cutting too much slack. Follow the Bible and what lord Jesus Christ has said, but please don't follow me! Pretty please. I wont be there to rescue you, for I'm not your Superman, Louis Lane!! So don't jump the window to conjure my help. I might let you fall to your demise. The WitchCraft is for those, who can already do it and perceive your setting and coding not for rookies, who are getting started. Always have a sensei with you, then you verify the stuff I am teaching you, to be sure I wont end up corrupting you. Because if you don't heed this warning, its your fault, once you stand trial in the courts of the most high, not the Katanas or Mecha's fault. You wielded the stuff, so you figure out the ToS, how to implement it in your life, or if you even should do this. There are easier paths to Heaven than mine. Just saying. Just don't accept me as your rolemodel. Creepy guh... >_< >/////< "OvO"
Thanks for having this chat through the void. I wish people would comment directly it would make thing easier. Have a nice Monday, Good Night