Remember, not to look for sages and mystics, while neglecting your childhood friends and family. What would the sage or the mystic tell you otherwise, than go back to the beginning. I hear of so many charts and verifications in order to detect your worth -- but nobody values the unworthy accordingly. Why seek the dragon, then you can't stand the mouse? First accept the mouse, the dragon will find itself a roost to land in you. Why would you offer incense to gods and Yogi, but not loving-kindness to the next who asks your favour? Do you really want to be the Alp, who gives your god or Yogi a bad name, because it found itself in your mouth! Don't prag, what you would do, once you have mastered, if you havent even stepped one toe into your Masters hut. You can still get lost, while on a joutney there -- what will you say then, to those, who heard your foolish dares. Your actions are the best praise, you shall ever receive. Eat wormwood and drink vinegar -- and you shall be enlightened indeed. Enlightenmnet comes from self-reflection and loosing all, what is in the way; what is heavy in thought. Folly comes from navel-gazing and adding titles to elongated speeches and lofty success-stories. Work relentlessly, even if success fails to come in due time. Get the job done, not the shout out. Many mountains started from the first pebble cast. Many ravines are dug, while hunting for thy enemies soul. How do you Journey -- From the finishline, there all questions have the right answer or from the beginning, then you still have to form your questions? Failing, is as important as succeeding; errors as valuabe as bullseyes. How else do you learn to value your worth, then its not hard earned and through fire and salt?