I'm never gonna understand people, who are happy, then their peers mess up big time, hoping to climb up the ranks as follows. Don't you understand, that your work will be harder, because you will have to get the chestnuts out of the fire to get the moral credit back? Or excuse themselves with other workers ilk. "Its not my fault, the other one did it!" Why can't people just shut up and work, instead of eaves dropping and peeping on their fellow workers to knock on their actions, in hopes of getting credited for it. You do know, you're sitting in the same boat, and if you sink it underneath your rival, by making the hole under his seat bigger, it doesn't matter, who started it -- you finished it, and you both are going to be on the Titanic, not only he, who dealt it first. You should rather amend in silence, whithout assuming any credit with, to make things better. But no, that can't be happening -- some other party could be creditted for your good deeds!
Expect bad things to happen and treat people in bad faith, and it shall be granted unto you, because people are like mirrors. The same is true about good faith. The reason is, that people fold their hands too soon. It doesn't mean, that if you had 3 or 4 or 5 bad hands in a row, that this is the rule, how every hand shall look. It could be, if you give up. You shall never know, unless you keep trying. People just want to get paid credit samefold like the Scoreboard leader, while just buying the game and finishing the first hour...
This kind of equity does never work. Equality is credit due -- there you assume in good faith the probable outcome of somebody, thus hiring or investing in that person. Not that this person already is that. You're merely enabling the chance. Thanks to propaganda and lazy thought patterns, people assume, that equality should magically alter the outcome. If you put in the same effort, you should get out approximately the same result give or take your physical characters. It is true, that a Warrior class can play a Magic build and wice versa but it will have some feedback. By opting to choose certain atributes of Wiz<rding, the Warrior gives up the hight of possibility, he could have achieved, had he specialized in one class. Combo classes, which are Warrior/Mage/Rogue are henceforth only 1/3 of their possible amplification in every of those respective classes, just to gain momentum through abilities, which connect well with each-other, not needing to much specializing in one particular branch. Of course, if you could max out all three classes, you would be like Nietzsches Superman. But who would like to play with you then? It would be a great instructor or NPC in an univercity to teach those skills and lecture about the possible havocs and misconducts of any class and combination. Like a trickster teaching the Hero some pointers, what could also detriment his quest. Why can't people understand, that it matters, how they treat the guilty and less valued. That if you're happy in Gods presence, than you're the Pharisee but the other one is Morally bankrupt. What is so fun in that? The weakest link of your party defines the strength of the whole. Loosing your Tank unit to Pride and Hybris is more than a loss of one unit. Its also the loss of confidence and gameplan you relied on so long and have to revise in a new form. Instead of being happy, how your higher up, who seemed to boss you around too much, failed, you should help him up, while not excpecting no credit due, that will make him see things from your perspective also, or help you hone your character in a better shape. Don't expect only good things to happen to you, because of being so deserving. There is always some more worthy, who can humble you onto the last chair, as Jesus once told. Be the one that binds; mends and supports; not the one that breaks down; scatters and revolves. Those are sometimes useful too, but not as much as the former. You don't use as many nukes as shovels, then you go to war. Just saying. And if your worth, is to be the nuke -- too bad for you -- what if the people decide, they don't wanna go nuclrear on their opponents. Then you would just stand idle; twiddle your thumb and drink-cry yourself to oblivion, for not being of any use and worht any kind of attention. The more you increase your strength and speciality, the more you decrease your social actuality. An Ulamog doesn't see as much play as an Llanowar Elf. Until you show up, the game might be over, or the crowd throws the kitchen sink at you, for being such a cock-blocker. Let that sink in. Supermen, what are out of this world, are not mutually loved. Why do you think, Supermans alter ego was Clark Kent -- a nerdy pushover, who lacks all confidence and apparent skillsets, compared to Louis Lane, the Superstar Reporter, who because of her queen moves always got into positions, there a white knight had to save her. The truth is, that Superman, was so OP compared to normal humans, that they there the pushovers, would he have used all his might, like people think the strong and powerful should act like. The sheep never understand, why doesn't the wolf eat All the flock? Because the wolf wants to eat next day and next season as well!! The sheep only see, what you could do here and now, not what it accounts tomorrow, and what it will force you into. We wouldn't love Superman, if he'd be like Tony Stark or Lex Luthor in attitude. The mightier you are, the more humble you must be. Great power begets great freshold. Then Moses became so Holy from talking to God Yahweh (I Am Ego) was lecturing his people. They there in such shock; awe and trembling, that he had to cover up his very face, so people wouldn't see it, because his very presence was so dreadful. People constantly had the feeling, that their audit was at hand and that their fucked. That doesn't account for a nice conversation, then people are shitting and sweating bullets; spilling the beens about what you could say on their state of mind with God Almighty. Would you like to be such toxic waste, what people have to keep in a containment unit, to not get detriment from your existance in their vicinity? So don't try to climb up the ladder, if you rather want to be left alone in peace -- if you got nothing to say. Leaders eat their followers shit. They are like the Harem King, who has to make sure, all his waifus are well and of sound mind, not bitching against each-other nor feeling left out. Can you do that? How many such waifus or husbandos can you make happy in your harem? If that number is low, what the fuck are you climbing the ranks for, then you're good for nothing?! And don't be happy then the Pisa is sinking, for being able to make my support-selfy. You don't really wanna become the antling, who supports the tree, then the elephant in the room starts scratching his back onto it, and asks you to not let the timber fall!! If you can't be like the floor, which does the weight and workload of the bed and the chair and the table and the everything in the room, then don't complain how you have a tought life, how you have not been appreciated enough nor your awesomeness been discovered, if you cannot support as much as the floor, what shuts the fuck up and gets no credit for the things all the other stuff in the room get credit due. The leaders are the floor not the workers. The workers trample on the floor. being in the middle, and the scolars are the roof, what should keep the rain out. All so the Worker or the middle class could flourish the best, or there will be no roof nor floor. There can be no Communism without upward mobility, to the middle class and downward mobility, from the scholar class. Those who want to be leaders, as Jesus hath said: Should be the servants of the servants. Just like the private contractor, who was hire by the company, who got the contract. You're not working, you're the tool, what is used to work!! Get it into your system already. So why do you smirk, then the rental axe goes plump into the pond. Juimp after it or get it to float like Elisha did in Israel. That's justice not being happy, that you have a chance to climb the ladder, cause somebody fell down from grace... Have a nice Saturday folks.
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