Wednesday, May 12, 2021


 Could you fill in the Blank, what the Blank as I walk the Plank;

not giving aggrieving Blank on that lone Island, there my bulletine

for Valentine went to Walhalla and not  into the White horse. 

Who knew that something, could be worse, than Black Troyans.

Blank Blank Blank -- the Raddish was eating too much spinach.

Ironing on my immoral grandstanding; slapping my cock on your 

third cheek under the Crimson Chin, what broke all the records

at the broadway. Lets give all those stars to SJW's for being Heroes

of our Times. Gendergending all blockbusters, to make sure, how

Socialism saves the day again. Rordriguez was in search for the

Estonian Archangel, while his sugardaddy fired him on Christmas...

I guess, he was too capitalist while being bootlegged in Africa.

As you file tour CV fill in the Blank Cuck Vipers will do the rest.

Being thirsty for some Blank if Blank was Blank I could Blank Blank Blank.

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