Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Add Jason

 Corellating the Drawings of Adjacent belated in my bebop rocksdady;

as Splinter was crying a river to his pink octopussy which didn't audicion

for Bond. Jason was hunting some golden fleece, which manscaped on

his thighs, saving a lot of Mulah and desperate Housewives watching

Picket Fences and Providence 4 seasons at odds with 5 didn't amount

to many likes nor replies to comment-tweet on some preheated bullshit.

Some people will still swear on the Bible hiding a Desert-Eagle, how it

actually was a Schwartzwald Torte baked for May 17th I wish I could

bake some Critical Thinkers and get them to write some Poetry and 

Hardcore statements what could Hentai with Senpai and UWU with

Cthulhu. Would you add me in your Fiends list and put the R on the table.

Check all your R's and C's for we are all Communists in here. 

Then you cope with reality, don't allign left nor right but Justified. 

Thank you, have a nice Day! God Fucked on Speed

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