Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Mana vs Chi

 I don't really like the fact, that games use Mana as a form of energy source in order to do stuff. Because mana doesn't work like that. Mana is like the good deeds, you have on your soul -- also the bad deeds; the negative energy. You can only access mana, then somebody betters kills you on the battlefield or some other ways, bests you, to gain access to your ELO points, like the chess tournament raiting, for instance and increase their own. You can get mana by eating your opponents, like did the Maori; or by doing sacrifizes on the lands or crossroads, like the necromancers or assassins there doing. If you would access the mana of a land without it, you would simply deplete and striplmine it like a dead meme. There you see an image of an apple, but its grayscale, because somehow it doesn't have the same impact and importance anymore. For lack of mana or something. I quess, that account got overdrawn...

Chi, on the other hand comes from Chikara which could be strength; power; force; ability; energy; emphasis; stress; capability; might; assistance; vigor; means. So much more for an elaborate source of material. The building blocks of a good game. The same problem is with the connotation Left or Right.

Formarly, if you there a loyalist and loved the King, you there a Yay, and you there Right hand in the Court. You wanted the Kings way. If you there critical for whatever reasons of that, you there the Left hand of the Court and wanted the Courts way, to ballance the King out. And then there was those who abstained in the Center, because they couldn't choose, whether to Yay, or Nay. 

You could have had social or antisocial; environmental views on both to the Left and to the Right. The difference was, that one wanted a King and the other didn't want a King. One wanted strong leadership, the other wanted to be left the fuck alone. Then come the merchants, who previously theren't on the board at all, because they there common folk, and nobody could foresee industrialisation. In a similar manner Social networking could do the same experience, there they fundamentally see our political environment. 

How would you feel, then instead of Left or Right you would have Twitter and 4Chan or Fox or something else and in the Center you would have Redit. It would still look like the same thing, but would also  be fundamentally different. Wouldn't it be like somebody messing with Mana and Chi and replacing mana-potions with Stamina potions? Imagine Diablo 2 settings, if those two changed places as I describe. You would have a really big orb of Stamina while a really small bar of Mana, to connotate, which is more important and used more often in the game, because of how scarse is the one compared to the other. 

The same problem will arise, if Social networks take over the World Leadership. Opting Else and Abstaining, even if its on the board, will become somewhat of a challenge. What happens to your social status, then your opinon is "Fuck it, lets go to the sourcecode!" while everybody is heavily invested in this to work already. Who's gonna call it out or call it quits, if something doesn't work, as its supposed to be. 

The more we win in precision, and accuracy, the more we loose in reverting back. Our countries could face the Vatican problem, there Vatican had to abticate its rights, to be kept alive inside of Italy. What will happen if our mostly peaceful protests and wellfare systems will bleed out the governments, so they will be bankrupt, and cannot fulfill their basic functions, without the Social Networks taking over, as the Christian Church took over at the times of the Fall of Rome? Its a legitimate question we should ask now, then its still nothing decided. Because once it is decided, 80% of big corporations andf fortune 500 would be gone. You don't have enough critters to sack for the Level 3+ creatures to keep em alive in the system. Just saying a meditative thought; thank you; Love you, have a nice day! 

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