AssKing and #FuckOrange went to a bar, which was owned by a Horseheaded Manscaper;
who was busy shaving his balls and chesthair. He forgat to wear a mask, although, there
was none in his size anyhow. AssKing was furious and put on a hasmat suit, as he ordered
a Tequila. As he tried to drink it, he spilt it over the suit and had to go to the little ladies room.
He had transitioned just Yesterday. Unfortunately Revy was being eaten out by Rock
and didn't appreciate the holdup, shooting the falseflagger in the head. FuckOrange freaked out
about it that Her Husbando was killed on action and started Her tweet-orgy #CancelBlackLagoon.
No sooner she was done typing Cancel and Black in the same sentense, BLM; A.N.S.W.E.R. Alaska Native Brotherhood/Sisterhood; American Crusade against Lynching cancelled She/Her for even daring to claim, that there was something wrong with Revy shooting a Cis-White male dead, who was trying to get into a LadiesRoom. He just forgat to post His/Her transition video on Rotten Tomatoes, nor Hulu, not to mention Netflix. so His/Her credentials didn't check out. A real Social Justice Warrior would never have done such a terrible blunder, bordering with Treason so close -- Just in case she could be a closet Trump Supporter -- I know, its ok to be called #FuckOrange, but you never know with these types. After Kill-Bill Watergates had its Epstein ressurected. All the Willage People didn't appreciate that, and there trying to get into the mansion, armed with pitchforks and torches, to mostly peacefully protest about the probable pedo story, although no evidence and accusations there yet presented to the public nor localized authorities. You can never know, just let it be thrown under the bus, Justin Case style!!
The Horsehead paid the tab of Revy and Rock, thanking them for saving his bacon, asking them to honour his humble establishment whenever they felt like it, promising to give them VIP-ER status
Very Important Person -- Extra Royalty was reserved for those customers, who had no problem paying their dues with a Black American Express to muscle around half a million per year. Revy Checked out.