I really like this song, from Mick Jagger, because its so brutally honest. For the same reason, the church dost not love it -- for putting the establishment in check. Just like the pope called the Beatles the Antichrist, for singing songs, that are back then, driving all the women crazy. People can't get no satisfaction, because there is no salt nor spoon in their life to eat the soup anymore. The porn industry, which started with Emanuelle, because before you there only allowed to publish sex education tapes for schoolboards, for a certain class. Emanuelle was such a tape as well, done by enthusiasts, who wanted to tell a real story, which packed the salt and got the spoon. And people finally realized... No shit, there is money in there, because people actually wanna watch it. If I would compare the porn of the past with the potn of today, its like comparing a Llanowar elf with a Dreadhord Butcher at best or an Ulamog if not god forbid Oko. People don't realize anymore, if they are even receiving any fucks of anything unless the Cthulhu is summoned into their realm and they could only have an UWU moment about that, before being devoured entirely. Because everything else is under the radar, then the radar-dome is at the outscirts of the Universe. This is the very reasons low frequency earth waves don't reach your attention span anymore... Sometimes less is more. If you're content with lesser taste and less sugar, even an average hoe becomes like the Princess of Persia, who the Prince of Persia must rescue. The SJW trolls, are not ugly, because they look like an female Alp wearing glasses, but because of their condescending nature of thinking they are 22/10 should deserve the best White Knight in shining armor possible.
Woman, if you there that good, there would already be a waiting line at your fathers house, to broker the terms of marriage, and you wouldn't have to call it out on Youtube or Twitter. Those, who talk big business, are mostly the little dogs, like the Chihuahua or the big dogs with Chihuahua heads, but the big dogs with level heads, normally don't bark, but solve the problem, instead of having it in the first place. It kinda devaluates your claims, then you have to call them out, not the others. That's the very reason, why the Bible teaches to let the neighbours tongue shout you out, not yours and be humble to receive it well. Then has the merchant ever told the truth, then shouting out his own merchandice and telling its the best ever. I still remember the al dente pasta, what according to the Estonian commercials there worshipped by the Itallians, then in fact, most of them there gringing on them. But hey, its your own fault, if you believe there is oil in your sofa to be drilled or a tiger in your tank... If you can't get no satisfaction, do the same, then your browser starts to hang and lag. Restart and empty the cache!! Free your mind and empty your cup. Pull the cord out of the socket and have a sabatical moment. It doesn't have to be an entire day, just your time, what you allocate for that specific purpose, and you'll notice. The Roses are red again, the Violets are blue. Everything has taste and colour again, like you found the right sharpness settings on your TV then you stop focussing on your status quo and perfect average life of Happiness mongering. We're not happy, because our bitch made us cumm or favorite porn or hentai-pillow, but because we had some quality time with our signifincat other, we couldn't get in no other place from no other person no matter what. -- Monika in DDLC knows about it. I'm still wondering why the suicide hotines have not picked up on that game mechanic. It would have merit. -- That is true love.
Otherwise you're just treating your waifu as a vibrator. Sometimes its only satisfactory to listen your significant other bitch about her fucked up day, or see her do the chores, do them yourself etc. It doesn't have to be the next level of CummAcrobatic Olympia... Subverting your own expectations is the secrets of happy marriage. Why did the Middle Ages women, not wanna divorse, allthough the men there constantly drunk or at war or at business or beating them up? Because they also spent time with them and where there, then it was needed. Now men are in Runescape or somewhere else, and you are unhappy about not getting any attention from there. Why the hell did you not establish the groundrules, if you married such a gamer, who is married to his gaming-Avatar and not you. Yealoucy is there to specifically draw those red lines on the sand, so people wouldn't cross it go there and get divorced. Its that simple. Its better to be the dick who yells about it, than the doushe who divorced about it, because you failed to sort thing up, before they got out of hand. What's better to cry about it and be sad one day or one hour, or cry and ferment on it your whole life, after the failed marriage and let the second third or fourth husband/wife fix that shit you both there too nice to handle immediately? I was born as an unwanted child in such a relationship, there neither side could let go of their dogmas, and the inevitable happens. Could you do betters, or I wont forgive you, for you had the benefit and privilege to learn from my mistakes, and you had to repeat them. All the bastards of the world will condemn in the Courts of the Most High, all the men and women, who come hear, to snicker: "i guess our love run out!" "I guess we there not meant for each-other!" "I guess God should not have put us together!" "I guess we needed some space!" "I guess insert generic irrelevant excuse here!" If you don't take care of your love intrests like with the portfolio on the stock market nobody else will!! Are you ready to humble yourself and love thy neighbour and spouce as you love yourself?