Saturday, November 25, 2023

Let me take you to Church


Take me to Church

Now, in giving these instructions, I do not praise you, since you come together not for the better but for the worse. For first of all, when you come together as a church, I hear that there are divisions among you, and in part I believe it. For there must also be factions among you, that those, who are approved may be recognised among you. Therefore when you come together in one place, it is not to eat the Lord's Supper. For in eating each one takes his own supper ahead of other; and one is hungry and another is drunk. What? Do you not have Houses to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God and shame those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you in this? I do not praise you. For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to yo: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said: 'Take, eat, this is my body, which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me' In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying: 'This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me' For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim His death, til' He comes. Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner, eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lords body. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. But then we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we might not be condemned with the world. Therefore, my brethren, when you come together to eat, wait for one another. But if anyone is hungry, let him eat at home, lest you come together for judgment. And the rest I will set in order when I come.” 1Cor17-34

Now when one of those who sat at the table with Him heard these things, he said to Him: 'Blessed is he, who shall eat bread in the Kingdom of God!' Then He said to him, 'A certain man gave a great Supper and invited many, and sent his servant at supper time to say to those, who there invited: 'Come, for all things are now ready.' but they all with one accord began to make excuses. The first said to him: 'I have bought a piece of ground, and I must go and see it. I ask you to have me excused.' another one said: 'I have bought five yoke of oxen and I'm going to test them. I ask you to have me excused.' yet another said: 'I have married a wife, therefore I cannot come!' So that servant came and reported these things to his master. Then the master of the House being angry said to his servant: 'Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in here the poor and the maimed and the lame and the blind.' And the servant said: 'Master, it is done as you commanded, and still there's room.' Then the master said to the servant: 'Go out into the Highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. For I say to you, that none of those men who there invited, shall taste my supper.'”Luke 14:15-24

Lord Jesus Christ, Blessed be thy Hollowed Name, to whom this Sermon is done. In accordance to my Masters custom to eat Supper with the Pharisees as the aforementioned passage in Luke shows, I have felt the urge to share this Love on Sabbath day. After all, they there His servants; His Knights and Paladins, and they didn't understand His sadness. It took the liberty to add St. Paul's passage first, due to the Holiness of that Great Man, who aside being of small stature, could achieve so much. Was he before Saul, and like King Saul amongst the women and weapons of war. And then he was among the Prophets – but more than that. He was a Servant of God, who defied the Emperor Himself being a Roman Citizen, loosing his head. Such was His Love for Christ and the Church He used to persecute!! God bless this Superman! Now what is the problem, that I feel compelled to share those words in Christ. Everybody knows those. You might be even stating like Israel. “Homie, don't we know, that every bottle shall be filled with wine!”? Jer 13:12 Don't tell us how the machinery of some Factory works! Give us the Sermon already, we're busy, touching our I-phones and molesting Monika of DDLC on our PC sexting with our Waifus imaginary or real”, while you might even be married! Christians do so many wonderful things you wouldn't believe is possible. I mean the Sons of Eli, there priests of Israel, then they had the audacious thought of hiring 14 year old maidens to serve – how stunning and brave – and then fuck them! Wasn't that worthy of Bill Clinton and his lip service for God being Levinsky's blowjob? Halleluyah!

What? Too much?! How come! This is how I learned to read those passages, and try to understand, who I Am! I wasn't a wanted child. I was born from a 19 year old chick who wanted to run away from home, with a scholarship, suffocating in their Narcissistic grip. Right into my Fathers loving embrace... who was a Virgo, born 15th September 1958 thus also an Earth Dog. My Mother was born on 20th november 1962 being a Scorpio and Water Tiger! You might say, a match made in Heaven, because Scorpio Loves Virgo, but due my Father being a drunkard wuss loving his friends more and listening to them than to his wife or parents-in-law, who lost all their reputation with that stunt He pulled, managing to remain married only for 2 years... The other participants there, My Grandmother, blessed be her grave and may she rest in peace! Born on 10th of April 1938 being an Aries/Earth Tiger. My Grandfather and her husband, blessed be his grave and may he rest in peace! He was born on 30th October 1932 being Scorpio/ Water Monkey. Now My Grandfather wasn't just any Monkey, being gifted, if to meme John Wick. He was like the Monkey-King Son Goku. So gifted and proud was He, as the Superman, the Famous Architect, who devised half of our towns fiscal pipes and stuff at Tartu! And my Father, like the Iosef Tarasov He was, decided to Fuck my Mother Pregnant and edit this happy ending they dreamt for their savvy princess. So you can tell the Love they there feeling inside of them, and how much Feelings they had towards my Father, who loved to complain with his buddies how his Mother- and Father-In-Law don't love him as he was in his own family, there he was praised, for marrying upwards. And My Father inherited his visage and face onto me, along with his name – so my Grandfather could always remember! My Grandmother, who was a closet lutheran, but didn't go to church out of fear, her proud husband might change the locks or burn the apartment down. He wasn't neither Christian; nor Communist nor belonged under anything. He, like the Lone Wolf He was, loved his Genius, what had brought him everything. Also denied him to devise the other half of Tartu for being such a douche then people had to come for his business. You always had to talk about fishing first – his deep passion – before you could talk about the business. And where there us. My little handicapped brother born 8th of August 1983 Leo/Water Pig and Me born on the Annual homophobia day 17th of May 1982 Taurus/WaterDog aka Bulldog. Because that sums up my personality. I will even charge a bull and grab it by its nose and kill it, if I sense a sleight against something I vowed to protect and honour. UWU

So my Grandmother decided to name me Kristjan Räst making me Christian VIP for Räst is the first part of Viper (Rästik) Everybody was amused what a great name for such a firstborn child, like then David fucked Bathsheba – wait, that one died from the curse of Yahveh, and the second born was Solomon! – even God was amused and accepted this offering. I have ever since felt, like a maiden, who is brought to a Dragon, or Psyche offered to Eros. It was really nice reading the Old Testament and the New, encountering God like the Nazgul standing on top of me, like I was King Theoden, son of Thengel, in all His magnificent glory Sword and Morningstar ready to give me to some abomination in the shadows to feast – and then He chose to rather make a Christian out of Me! Coming from My Family no less. And I was like Nigger, for Real??? Didn't you mistake me for somebody else! I feel like Dave Chapelle on his standup right now. X^D And then I stumbled on this quote along with St. Paul's feud with some twats who cant eat the Supper properly, and I was like “Hot Damn! So that's the reason, I'm still alive? Sucks to be them!!” I mean, its not the first time. Some People in Israel always think, because they dicks are cut in a special way, if they become Christians, it gives them privilege to Gatekeep, who gets in and not. Didn't they even kill Steven the Martyr the first Deacon, who drove the freed Jewish slaves, by Emperors decree – that this has bounds in the church as well! But it did not! Thus offended like the Karen's and woke idiots today. I felt so in awe in front of Lord Jesus Christ, His Father, Yahveh Sebaot, and Holy Spirit, that I didn't even dare look up or use my name and call myself Christian, that I changed my name in my head to Walgekaaren aka Whiteraven. I have used this as my writers name ever since. Now this name has a special ring in Estonia, because it means, somebody is like Jinx or Jubilee to the Forest and doesn't go to town. Some looney like Luna Lovegood. Because in front of God, I didn't wanna be Superman, lest He decapitates me, like He did unto Dagon in its own House!! So I took a name, normally used by female shamans. Male shamans are called Wise Crow or Black Hawk. Manly things, not something, what would stick out in the wilderness, like a Camo Suit with a Hello Kitty on the Chest. But amongst mortal men, I am Superman, just like King David amongst deer and Michal daugher of Saul, who didn't like her beloved dance like a raving lunatic in front of the Arc of the Covenant, which previously had killed Uzza and blessed the House of Obed-Edom the gentile. The reason, why Uzza couldn't touch what blessed an alien, was that one followed the law and obeyed his Kings word, and the other didn't. For Yahveh is King in Israel!! And that submission allowed a gentile to live next to the Holy of Holies, then normally even kings and priests couldn't do that. One king who tried that became a leper. Anyway. This tangent has a reason. If you're visited by God and receive his Gospel, then you know, and you rejoice! The question is, asking this like the Necromongers in Cronicles of Riddick – Do you want to join that intellectual twat who got his soul yoinked out? Or do you want to eat Supper with Lord Jesus Christ! Because all the prior invitees have been assholes and didn't come. They said something about their life and abilities and possessions being more important and they don't have time to build up the Kingdom of Heaven!! So Lord God has summoned Conflict, the First Apocalyptic Rider, who sent after Kitsune-Hime Inari O-kami. The goddess of abundance. To tear down all those Houses, who have defiled the Word of God all these 2000 years! You might be saying, yay, Astor is in da house, like Young Justice, because how can a Goddess of Sammurai and Smiths bring harm. But then you bring something from China, there the stars are one way, to Europe or Estonia, North becomes West and Earth becomes Air; Water becomes Fire. And that Goddess of shapeshifting shall treat Europe much like Hera treated Io for her adulterous ways, with Zeus. And then it will be exactly like the First Apocalyptic rider is depicted. With a crown, riding a white horse. Who will not be Jesus Christ, because white represents Death in the East, much as black represents it in the West. The same I chose my name colour, Whiteraven. Because then japanese captured Christians, they painted their faces white, to appear like shinigami, so it would be ok to kill the Gaijin. It was at the time, then the faith was introduced to Japan along with the culture of the West, and the Emperor thought back to not end up like Estonia for instance, suffering 700 years of slavery, so that Hansa Union could do business with Moscow and Estonia or Tallinn wouldn't take a toll from it. For Gaijin or Gaikokujin means foreigner and Japanese loathe them the same as Americans illegal immigrants on their borders. Which it pretty much there. Faith has always been a political cudgel, killing even the Empire of Rome. I have learned a lot of things, including witch-craft while traversing from 6 to 21 then I was baptized on 2003 on the last Saturday of the Year. Thus I honour the Sabbath. Even though my temper makes me blow my stack like Yosemite Sam. I couldn't even stand Eduard Lohse, not finding Jesus in the bible, calling all theology being invented as a social construct of St. Paul. May he rot in Hell. Thus I couldn't become a Theologian or Pastor, but learned to become a Security officer. Been doing that since. Also writing poetry and walking with Christ, as best I could. Not being perfect, but I would die for Lord Jesus Christ, He needs only give a small hint, and I would jump. I love to serve!

On this day, a demon is asking you, Will you stand with Me, to Serve Lord Jesus Christ and honour the Gospel and Sermon of the Mount or will you stand with this World and Mammon – for let me tell you something, like Rath of Ben 10 this will be your lot. Famine; War and Death are marching and you shall perish! Jesus will be coming at a later date, and I don't know when, but you should worry about current day, lest you be found with the Mark of the Beast and not with the Mark of the Worthy. The Name of Yahveh (I Am) who are like virgins, themselves and not of this worlds NPC's! What say, my brothers and sisters – can I take you to Church! May you be on the crossroads or highways, there you normally can only find hobo's and highwaymen or delinquents. Will you walk with Christ, or is Fuck You, your last say! Halleluyah, Praise the Lord, for on this day, the Gospel hath been preached unto you, Take Godspeed and be well be blessed. Go out and make people see your Joy in Christ, even if you're not Christians! Make your best exaltation of your Way known, so the prior invitees may blush, for not honouring the Sermon of the Mount. Be it Muslim – be a better Muslim and be blessed; be it Hindu or Buddhist – be a better one and receive the Lords Blessing. But you Christian and Jew, shall wail and gnash your tooth outside. You must repent or perish! Come back to the fold or die in Hells fury! For I will bring Conflict amongst you. 2 will be against 3 and 3 will be against 2 until you say: “Blessed be, who comes in the name of the Lord!” and shall do the bidding of Lord Jesus Christ and not your own merit and afterthought. Will you let me serve you, like a handmaid as I was told by Lord Jesus Christ and invite you into the Lords Supper and Grace! I shall wash your feet and feed your camels, giving them water to drink as is the custom. If someone needs their hands cleaned I can wash your hands, allow me poor water on your hands and oil on your heads. Be welcome in the House of God. Don't worry about the suit. The Lord has provided and you can wear me. I shall be your shield and sword. Eat my flesh as food and drink my blood as nourishment and be redeemed. Just as Jesus did unto me before, be exalted in this lowly servant, who is but a pencil of John Wick. Can I get into your heads and write you up in the Book of Life, please? Strength and Honour, Halleluyah and Charge! Onward Faithful Servants of the Lord! Godspeed! Deus Vult!

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