Saturday, November 25, 2023

Remember the name


Kuroko no Basuke Remember the name

Tetsuya Kuroko is the character of this Sermon, held on Sunday. He was the Phantom sixth man, who was chosen by the teamleader of Teiko Junior High, Akashi to be their joker, of the Generation of Miracles. Normally I don't let people suggest me new anime, especially through a scetchy personality test. But I humoured myself and was not disappointed. It was worthy to be seen along side Yuri on Ice. I got it, both shows have Gay attributes in it, but they are done in an artistic way, what doesn't damage immersion and feel oppressive. You can still understand those teenage stories and aspirations, their fears and scrutiny along side with their drive.

So this Akashi figure taught Tetsuya how to misdirect, and use his natural stealthiness, the ability to erase his presence on the field. It made me think of myself. Sometimes I can do that too and just ooze into the mist, then people bother me too much and just ghost them. He didn't learn how to throw points, but that makes this story so much more relatable. That's what narcissistic leaders do, to keep you on their team, but that's exactly what Jesus needs on His team as well. I commend, how Tetsuya showed integrity in changing schools to prove his own philosophy of Basketball. “I am a Supporting actor, a shadow. But a shadow will become darker, if the light is stronger and it will make the white of the light stand out. As the shadow of the main actor, I will make you, the light, the number one!” Tetsuya Kuroko to Taiga Kagami Truer words have seldom been spoken, and I have been trying to do the same to Lord Jesus Christ, to be his shadow, so His Truth would better come out around me and in my life. That's what preaching the Gospel and being a Christian is all about. Do watch both of the shows, I enjoyed the hell out of them. I don't wanna spoil too much, because its better then you let it impress you on the fly. Also I want to keep this Sermon short, to be read in an elevator. May you have peace and find your place in this world, as have I, in following Lord Jesus Christ. Halleluyah! UWU

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