Monday, November 6, 2023

Medal of Honour


Medal of Honour

Pro 30:20; Zeph 1; Amos 5:18-20; 1Sam 22:2; Psa 42


Rise Knights and Ladies, ye chosen ones;

the silent heroes-heroines, relentless in strive!

Let me show you, who's in Heaven outdone;

not by a trinket nor red tape; best outgun.

It's because you where there for us, Steve.

You there the Raven, who didn't Karen her sleeves;

to wash her hands and mouth: “I didn't eat any!” Pun.


To the officer, who ran the extra mile, I salute thee;

his children had to raise themselves, wife be the Man.

Medic and nurse, who ER the hobos along with degreed;

who remembered the Oath of Hippocrates, not business fees.

To the Milkman and Plumber, who didn't smooth the Lamb;

accepting only service as ordered, the Grandstand!!

For what you done to the people, you did Jesus, now Live!


To the stocky Busdriver, who made his passangers pray;

to the rowdy Custodian, who stole the joint from the babes.

To all of you, a Blessing awaits – go into the Lords Supper, Hail!

Woe ye, who are priests, but your parish is sound asleep, nay;

those who rather watch for clicks and triggers, but who's saved.

You would invite in Iskariot, for he's good with money, for shame!

But Zeloths; Fishermen; Tax collectors? – “Never A Gain!!”


What the wise and the smart have not gathered for the feast;

that did Jesus summon amongst the twelve disciples...

A little bit here, a little there, such is the power of yeast;

beware of the Pharisees-Zodokite's lend-lease!

Neither 19 nor 21 but 20 geras in one Shekel;

learn it from the house of Obed-Edom of Gittites well!

All the World is full of His Honour, as Isayah appraised!!


Such was the Cornerstone, what was cast aside indeed;

such are His servants, who live in front of his feet.

Sermon of the Mount, Martha, not Vineyard of Naboth; bleed!

Mary shall not loose her chosen lot, nor those in need.

The Godspeed you can believe, what Satan defeats;

stand your ground firm, not a finger, die on yours, Priest!

If you don't catch the foxes on Gods Hill, please leave.


Its the Mothers Heart, who made a mistake, but kept

the Son and Daughter from going astray to the World!

Under mocking scorn, but worked 3 jobs, no regret –

raise your chin Hagar, for your Son shall be King, let

it be sung amongst the courts and below the sword!

Išmail, his hand against himself and others, behold –

That will dig a well, what the Chosen didn't met!!


Not by a medal nor by awards of Oskar – Emmy;

not to shame the oil on Jesus' head, for a harlots spite!

God dost not need your lofty prayers and sacrifices, Granny;

nor your vitriol, Grandpa stand down from the pulpit. Verily;

if Justice would Flow, like Niagara Falls, not to spike

the drink and vision, but remain sober, when others kite.

Not to the Left, nor Right nor Center, Christ is your money!


There are those, who have cut themselves from towns,

to go to the forest; who have become vile to look,

by kin, who still remain with the stove. Who owed

a debt, who was of anxiety and distress, unbowed

to the offerings of King Saul, who couldn't wait, shook!

But David the Bard-King, like a Stag, thirsty, covered

the sins of Many, to bring them to Salvation, Rad!


To all the Whiteravens; Dark Elves and Alps, let us pray:

I am Conflict and despair! I hold no Enterprice!

Hear me, oh Maker of All Things, He who Slays

the wicked bestowing Attributes to the Righteous. May

I be a Hunter, like Nimrod, beholden to You, Vice

nor Virtue dost guide my path, My Lord, Amazed

by your Grace, who makes rain, make my Day!”

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