Saturday, November 25, 2023

Pains Reward



Before you learn to Love, learn to Hate, to relate

with the agony and despair in the craven spilt guts...

then all mighty words and creeds hath faded

in the sight of brothers and sisters lost, sladed.

What dost it matter, to those, of depressed buts;

who break in their shattered hopes and dreamknots.

Dread the naught ye haughty, who are stable, great!


Before you mend a wound, learn to break your bones;

your trust and resourceful wits, aspiring to know it all!

Those, who have not failed utterly, don't know the show –

must go on, while crying under the gaunt mask, slow...

motion sickening the sickle into the shekel, Hammer thrall

the absence of sacred spaces, to Deus Vult installed!

What do the mortals know about, eating the Lords supper bored?


Can you drink from the cups of Boanerges and be baptized in Fire;

can you wear the Cross of Peter, the girth of Steven, while at court!

Many shout bold statements of valour, then the dark knight retires;

say that, in his presence, then Its standing at your Gates mire...

Can you run with the madness and wrestle with God, insurmount

the odds against you, to walk on mountains – do the account!

Would you die for the ungrateful and unworthy, like did Christ, sire?

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