Friday, November 3, 2023

Resist in Feces

Then trends have leases, pretending cases;

subject matters but details idle deviled.

Some love mothers and daughter, others nieces;

the righteous often have to resist in Feces.

Just like Ezekiel once saw angels smile.

A wheel inside a wheel, he couldn't eat bile!

For then the honour turns rot, many deceit faces.

Its great to be pureborn, hold banners high;

take your best behaviour to battlefield, court.

Some don't even can afford to kite.

Like zealoths in the crowd the swash in the night;

Sculls and daggers, who could that have been, wort?”

Later in the dens the tails curtail for sport.

Was Isayah one-two-many or Jeremiyah shy!

Q outsorcing to fin: “There's no Jesus!”

Theologians molest the gospel to be written by St. Paul.

Are we baptized in St. Peter or St. James, Preach thus –

there's but one Name, what shall bring salvation, blush

ye heathen devils and artistic arcanists of Sheol.

Who ye seek great annals and secret passagedoors.

None of you shall feast in the Heavenly Supper!!

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