Wednesday, November 8, 2023

I stand with AfD


Psa137:9; Rev 6:6


Just as once Luther stood; then Pope was bringing stones;

his will Cathedral better, than worship in the hood.

Thus indulgences he sold and blasphemed aghast bored.

When the coin in the coffer jingles, soul from Purgatory restored!”

The same with Germany and its Democrat mood;

too afraid of its shadow, it chops where Schwartzwald stood!

Germany, do you like Byzantine Whores??


No to Nuclear Fusion and the Right Wing for sure;

but yes to Gas; immigrants, who hate your guts.

Always ashamed, what your ancestors bore;

the Cross on their shoulders, even proud adorned

with Heathen runes and drinking mead – now brats –

to make bistro for Russians and firesale comrads.

Who is more Communist, than Schwabish St. Closure!


Because you love green, who desecrates the hard labour,

what an artist made for 38 guilders a month, now sold

then Capitalist wagers: 100M to praise his own favours.

See, what God will do to those baizuo endevour;

shatter them on the rocks, like the infants Of Babylon bold;

let the rivers run red, who molest and scold.

A Raven for every eye, who smirked at the roots gathered!!


I stand with AfD, May God bless them Godspeed;

I formerly voted Eesti200 now come back my pray;

into my bosom, for I regret, those haughty eyes peed,

in their brains and in my soul not doing as promised, we need!

I'll be damned then Martin Helme wont be President, Way –

AfD exalted, like Obed-Edom in front of Uzza whos slain!

For God don't like those, who fake the laws and freedoms ordeal.


Listen Sodom and Gomorra, who you think yourself Worthy;

worm-tongues are you, not David writing: “Like a deer thirsts –

you only seek blood of those, who don't wordsmith;

who don't sell the commoner with a sole, to make room scurvy!

Thus I say, and here I stand, AfD God's chosen church.

Not by hand's made, and not by money adorned birch;

but with tears and sweat, hard labour made Godly!!


Close the borders and let it be said: “Don't harm the oil and wine;

2 pounds of wheat per days wage; 6 pounds of barley ibid!”

For that reason are the Green Children accursed swine,

like dogs with rabies, who put to death they shall not dine

with the Lord on His Holy Supper, but in the darkness ribbit

like Northern frogs Japanese Kappa's, they are damned outright!

For Conflict ensues, War; Famine and Death are marching, Heil!


Until it is said, blessed is He, who comes in the Name of the Lord!

Then neighbour is not against neighbour: “Wasn't your grandpa a Nazi?”;

Then people don't look for thorns in the eye, but mend what is implored.

Make justice like a waterfall and righteousness like a mountain-fort!

But you excuse yourself fighting the past and finding Witches, Stasi;

God Will also make your Sermons into druncard rambling Quazi.

Only because Jesus had pity, there you chosen, European Lichlords!


Make the Games roam free, no more nannies who abjure

who gets to enter the Temple through the merchants Hall!

Take your cords, Muslim, and smite them out, like featured

Jesus Christ, then He promised to rebuild in 3 days stature!!

Everybody deserves they say or I will kick the lamp of Gall

Democracy from its seat in front of El Shaddai! Enthrall

to your words, Father, Son, Holy Ghost or bust, Sire.

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