Monday, November 13, 2023

May my Heart Awaken Mu süda ärka üles

You have no idea, how hard was to find a traditional Estonian Choral in the style of Pühalepa County. For everyone in Estonia had their own way of singing their religious songs. And how I hate Cyrillus Creek for using echo and butchering this great song. How about fucking singing it as it motherfucking is supposed to, God Damn it?! Oh my God, how many I had to parse through on Youtube! And I didn't find it... :o :$ # &”!:V I guess some blues string has to do... :((

This Essay is how you can ready your heart for prayer. Because just as you have to warm your muscles for a good workout, you need to do the same for a good prayer life. Yes. I do have a prayer life, regardless, what you may think of my Twitter feed. I do talk to Jesus. I also talk to Asmodeus; Lilith; Morrigan; Zozo... well you get the point. I liked to trespass as a teen and I still come around in the hood. So you would know, what kind of Christian I am, and could take the necessary precautions, if there is any need. Thank you very much UWU

Don't waste your time in thinking, what the cake would do, while you're thinking, how to eat it! Too many people worry about, what is none of their business and are bleeding hearts over nothing. I mean, if you gonna become a monk in a Buddhist ashram or a shaman in the forest, I understand it can be troublesome to go fishing and have pity about the fish you gonna catch in order to eat. But in real life, it should not be a normal thing. The same is true, then you pray to God. Don't do it in a fancy way, you normally don't talk to your homeys. Jesus is not impressed if you have one tongue for your homie's and one for God. Use the same tongue in your prayerlife and then see what happens. When I talk with Jesus I slur and give punches the same as in real life. If I have an issue, there the wife of Will smith is a thot and punches him in the face and fucks around, I treat Jesus the same. Why should I tell a lie there? I want to improve my prayer life so I would not treat Jesus so ghastly. What's the point in showing people only your pretty face and good days but not your ugly fucks and bad. That is the very reason, why youths give up on Jesus, because they look at you perfect traditional Life Tm and don't see it themselves. The issue is not with traditon, that people should not live like that, but you're lying about how you got there. Don't post your highscore, post your playthrough and walkthrough, how you got to that!! If you leave out the times there St. Peter was a pussy and disavowed Jesus thrice or The Boanerges (Sons of Thunder) James and John who both got to sit on the left and right of Jesus Christ by being Martyrs. Or St Paul, who as Saul persecuted the Christians and gave them up as an governmental agent in Israel. What does your faith matter, then you highlight your V's but not your L's. I think the L's are much more important. Like Jacob running from his brother who's birthright he stole and saw the Gates of Heaven and shit himself, thinking God wants his soul and vowed immediately to drop 20% of everything, then the default rate to God was 10! Just to get out of that dreadful Vision... Or the time He Wrestled with the Angel of God, and got his hip punched, for not letting go without a blessing. Or the times, then Gibeonites deceived Israel, to escape genocide and there cursed to servitude as Gatekeepers of the Temple forever. People have different ways to charge at the Gates of Heaven and boon it for themselves! (Mat 11:12 John Bunyan's “The Pilgrims Progress”) What is your nindo, like Naruto Uzumaki would say, who started at defacing the four faces of Konoha, wearing the kyuubi as a chinchuriki inside but became Hokage.

Are you awakened to the Gospel, to first help yourself and then your kin in receiving the Good News, or are you still idly sleeping at the meatpots of Egypt and entertaining, what shadows can be cast or written on the walls, as you drink yourself with the cups and chalices of the holy ones. Because if you don't use your Talents accordingly, you're no better than Belshazzar's Feast! Daniel 5 He tried to rectify it and give Daniel the reigns, but was slain the same night after the writing was on the wall. Or is it the fault of Lord Jesus Christ, that he's so unjust “Reaps there, you haven't sown and cuts there you haven't scattered?” Mat 25:24 That you bare no fruit! Is that the Truth, Halleluyah?

Why is my money going to Israel? Why is my money going to Ukraine? Why is the border wall not built? Why is Trump not elected and Brandon at his stead? Because you forgot to do your due diligence and Pray!! You don't spend your money in church nor to acquire the Kingdom of God and his Business Mat 6:33 That was the deal, so Jesus wont give you everything else... Why should Jesus care about your cause or your business, then you don't lift up the youth and bring them to Christ, Uzza! Mat 19:14 “Oh the Ark of the Covenant was falling from the Oxen carriage, it wasn't supposed to be in the first place, but on the shoulders of the priests, who had no time to fast and prepare, because they wanted to bring it to Kinglanding hayaku ikee! – So I lifted my hand to stop...” I don't know why your life is accursed and the Ark blessing Obed-Edoms house. Could it be, there is no King David dancing in front of it, like a raving disciple of the prophets; like King Saul went amongst them, sullying the heart of Michal the daughter of Saul, who was displeased at the King humbling in front of the lord and became childless from that. For all her children got slain, that she questioned that need. If you don't receive God in your Life like a VIP don't expect a VIP treatment of your lives. Ask not, what would Jesus do – Ask: “Here I am, Ready to Serve My Lord! What is your Quest!” and then you have done so: “I did but the lords bidding and nothing much!” Luke 17:10 What say, Faithful Christians? Does Lord Jesus Christ still have worthy Knights; Valiant Paladins and Cunning Zealoths, or should he go forth and find some Whiteravens instead? Should the Lord summon evil spirits to do His bidding! Who's with me, who shall come forth and lay his sword and name in front of their King, Yahveh Sebaot, and His Christ, and The Holy Spirit. Halleluyah, Amen and Chaaarge in Godspeed!

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