Saturday, November 11, 2023




You wanted to trust in God, but went out Saturday;

Mannaburn – nothing to gather for those, don't follow!

Remember your name and thy Creed, Pray –

Six days we roam to and through, to save the May;

Seventh is for Mercy, to humble your soul hollow;

just like Mary in front of Jesus sat – allow

your Martha at the pot, to catch a break in slay!


You had to work, no play, don't relent, be proud;

for you serve God, like Obed-Edom the Ark.

May providence befall all officers around;

for you work to make others life sound.

Look, the stairway to Heaven, its time to embark;

ye crude mockingbirds and heavenly larks!

Guard the Gates of the Lord, you Hallowed Hounds!


May thee exalt thy Lord, in every sweat and blood;

blessed are those, who come in the name of Jesus!

You are the coven of the weary, be dountless, good;

for your Prize is on the way, Heavenly Food.

You shall feast and never tire, heed thus;

for those, who dined in His flesh and drank gushed

blood of Christ, shall Live forever Spruce!

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