Friday, November 10, 2023

Christ is King


When doubts cast full, my heart and soul;

then spine and marrow, rendered cold.

All sins wail behind mine implored;

I still shall raise my head, thus soar –

to make it known through meek and bold:

My Christ is King – Begone you scold,

Redemption never fail me thus could!”

Forsaking friends or families in feud;

then worlds asunder, foundations crash.

Blood, Fire, Smoke-pillars slew;

Fashioned madness, while leaders screw...

I still shall stand my ground so brash;

above the rabble, misguided trash –

My Christ is King – Exalt thee in few!”

Now hear ye, friend and foe alike;

the shield shall shatter and mace will break!

Take heed and nurture, for splendour might;

there is a Fountain, what makes things right.

My Christ is King, come ye, who shake;

I shall serve you. until you can make –

Together onwards, faithful Knights.

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