Monday, November 27, 2023

Heroes of Blight and Tragic



Who wants to Live Forever, the Stalwart Hero,

as the Zeros and One's the chosen of the shotgun

roam free, healthy, sane – but You chose to gear up!

Why would anybody wanna be the chalice, that cup;

what Jesus lifts to His lips, to satiate Gods thirst, better run

for your Money – before it stabs through, like Asahel shunned

for being only pretty to look at, but no Abner the Buck!


All the Blight and Tragic glee, reserved all rights

for those, who wormwood and vinegar King and Country!

Abandon all hope and family, like a bride in the night,

for your groom is at His way, and knocking on sight...

Will you open to Love – the greatest Terror of all Bounty;

for you shall not love the worthy, but the Naughty;

the Gaunt; the Broken; Forsaken – that's behind your kite!!


Be Heartless, like a mother, who lost her offspring;

like a Man, who's brothers betrayed him, falling in the back.

For none of the Chosen shall feast on the Lords Gathering –

but Ravens and Wolves; Demons and Goats, may they be staggering

on the Day of Yahveh, like an avalanche pout a crack;

like a dealer, who folded his nuts against a Bohemian trash –

alas, some torrents in the pulpit still bringing their gibbering...


Look at you, Kings and Princes, Goddesses and Sphinxes –

aren't you worthy like the ancient Nephilim and Rephaim!

El Shaddai Stands in His Royal Court, Lord Jesus Christ, who extinguishes

those foreign flames, to the Right, and Holy Spirit to the Left unhinges!!

Holy, Holy, Holy is Yahveh Sebaot!! World is Full of His Glory, Peratsim!

All Mountains shall be mowed down, like Lebanon and Syria made grim;

they shall behead, like Dagon in His House, until the multitude cringes!


Those, who say: “You may not attack a house, then the children sing!”;

down came the Raven and cursed those, like Elisha, descending Bama;

Just as the Maccabites warring the enemies on Sabbath Day bring.

You wanted to slap the first cheek, here's another for yours Kind!

After the slaughter is done, like Shibboleth Zion will be Hamas –

both shall be put into a pot and boiled for Lord's Supper – Drama

for you all, such is your reverence to God, Thus say the True King!!


Be filled with Pride and Shame and look at the birdies feathers;

isn't he a Perverted Alp, not worthy to be Messenger of Christ!

Just like was told about the Fool, never send such to gather,

what your Master intended, so the chosen could honour their liver!

Make your eyes blind and tooth gnash, like you slew Steven, frisk

in your outrage, the audacity a Bastard who has Evil Spirit brisk –

dares to sullen your Worthy Reubens Business, and dost shiver!!


As you did to my Master, Lord Jesus Christ, do unto me;

in every notion and meme, I wanton to fall amongst the Prophets

and Martyrs of Saints. How shall you usher and plead?

May this Cornerstone befall you and get your beads –

the more are your customs to worship, the less El Elyon suffers

to even glimpse an eye to your worthy offerings Citizen Cain Buffo!

Even the Joker would make a better servant of servants indeed... 


Don't rejoice Uzza, don't relax Europe – for you're no charmer

yourself, but an adulterous vixen. Even Inari is ashamed of You!

Thus go to Her bosom and kneel down, learn Okami way to Hare;

ye, who think for themselves: “We got Democracy, to snare –

we don't need to follow the old ways, we, the Greater Good!!”

Very Well, you do that, for Conflict is upon thee, Robin Food

shall bleed dry, O'Neill shall have a serpent in his belly dormant!


Fallen is Lucifer and all his children are wailing, Babylon mourns;

none of you, shall feast on the Lords Supper, who you Godspeed

in the morning, then you don't know, what the evening bore.

Like a woman, who swore an oath, it must be redeemed by your

husband, thy God, who shall disavow your fervour, your Need!

To the Highways and Crossroads, Selah, bounce them in Reed;

gaze upon your mišbat, which is Ichabod Crane, your scorn!!

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