Thursday, November 16, 2023

Midwife Cryosis



Regirthing another Venus Ambrosia,

so stunning and brave – never a gain!

Truth shelby the last Highlander Borgia;

who set ablaze the domes of Thunder Urgo,

then the Wir abstained for the Bane. –

Hunger Games longplay for the dean Shame!

Midwife Cryosis, then nurturing pinned Rose-Briar...


I slept in your dreams and -mares, borrowed

an alp and two gremlins, hope you don't blind!

I mind my maddened glee with a cup; mirrored

in shades of Clay. The tin soldier dancing honoured;

as the paper doll Femmed a fatal mothership Kind.

Frozen in the Kay, Gerda tried to break through, sigh –

the spell can't release, burning the last pillow.


Hash Hash, baby, become when you stung, Endure;

as you farewell to your broken psyche and lo –

Ruhamah for Ammi is not your Bel! Backstage Sire:

don't forget the whip, as you grip your prison for hire.

So many profilers forget to attribute with goat...

There's no game; time to give up and gloat;

a Superman fucks Louis Lane, creatures conspire!


Who's the next Potterwhore, to unearth Rowling;

in the graves noone dug up, to find nobody buried?

Quo Vadis, Europe, Io et Samedi! Pardon my bowling

French kisses; the bowels of Hell there cowering.

I was too spicy and had to be spat out horrid...

Some day I shall prey on the replay button for real;

as a matter of tract, someone has to in mad howling!!


The Tesseract is still spinning, the eyes of the Raven;

diagonally parallel horizontal vertical, limiting opaque.

Now I can seep through the gates of no gate; cavern

the covetous killing spree and frenzy, GTA owed in a town.

Meme was I-Carly; Stacy X to doubtfire Southpark;

transient to Karl Lark and Havamal. The trigon spark

a conundrum on my psychic reading star chart mayfam.


Want some newt words, that never paradigm a change;

No-Bama; No Bileam; No Bother, just pikes on the gourd!

Who wants to put a smily face on – I insist estranged...

Many caught the breathe, before they could stand out bold;

many old fabled there never born again, Winter-skald

told them same old as Kenaz-Isa could disparage.


Cryon the Cornerstone – He, who fell for it, crushed

dates for his Mistress Casarina; heartbroken fallen under.

The covers sculldug deep in pressurist artsmarta hush.

Don't revere secretions, as the shit can trophy-blush

into a museum, becoming the new Savoir-Tojour Deer!

Belle and Fidele, had to cater to the wider endearing;

Bling-Bling Ching-Kao-Ting, the check registry bounced douche!

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