Saturday, November 18, 2023

Mothers Heart2 Ema Süda

Isa 58:6 “Isn't this the fast (Shabbat), I have chosen, to break the chains of Wickedness; to untie the cords of the yoke; to set the oppressed free, and tear off every yoke?”

Jer 28:13 “Go and tell Hananiah, that this is what Yahveh says: 'You have broken a wooden yoke, but in its place fashioned an iron yoke!'”

Mark 9:28,29 “After Jesus had gone into the House, His disciples asked Him privately: 'Why couldn't we drive it out?' Jesus answered:'This kind cannot come out, except by prayer (fasting)'.” Revy AMV Enemy

This topic is very close to my heart, thus I chose to tackle it on Saturday (Shabbat) then we are bound to do, what we don't like to do our Lords bidding, as said in the first passage. The problem is, just as with turning the other cheek, people don't know anymore, what prayer and fasting means. Mostly thanks to delusional vegetarians and vegans – I can knock on them, for being such in my adolescent teen years as well, but had to stop, because it drove me further from God and not closer. – people think you need to put the sad face on, like visiting the Statue of George Floyd, of which lord Jesus Christ is deeply disgruntled and put off. Why do people force pathos and act so fake? Anyway, that's not the point of this essay. I meant to be talking about how to pray or fast properly, without having to deny yourself food. Because its not the practice part, what is lacking, but the spiritual part. For this reason, I chose the Mothers Heart song, link in Estonian so do learn the language, if you wanna understand! UWU

Its the most perfect fasting or prayer song, I have found, what corresponds to the passages, I put on the top. Because, this is, what Lord Jesus Christ meant, then He said: Mat 16:19 (To Peter)“I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven (Solomon and David) whatever you bind on Earth, shall be bound in Heaven; whatever you release on Earth, shall be released in Heaven!” We are ordained and called as Christians to verify and deliberate such things, so people would receive the ability to see the Gates of Heaven and the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ! Halleluyah!

Then you're fasting or praying to the lord, wash your face (put the persona mask on) so people would not know, and wont commend you to be pious, or else you wont have bounty in Heaven! It also corresponds with the teachings of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, but that's another matter to behold, which you can check on your own... (Mat 6:17,18) The reason, why the demons can Acts 19:15 check our ID in Heaven, because we don't pray to God. Sure we go to Churches to listen to our awesome prayers; Sermons and Songs of praise, gloat on how much we can flex with our ability to tithe! I come from a Fundamentalist Christian Baptist Church what was the homeschool chuch of KUS (Highest Theological Seminary) it was so Bama or Ariel – going up to the offeringmount, (Its befitting that a cleaning detergent calls itself Ariel, for you can clean stuff with the ashes from a offering/burial mount, which practice was also in the Kaali meteor crater in Estonia) that we had the best of Theologians in Tartu, that it was comparable to the Temple of Solomon, now we're the second temple, due to our cowardice and false pride, for not letting the children to God, for their taste in clothing and music being from the streets. Now there's a retirement home and KUS quo vadis to Tallinn (Kus means where in Estonian; it was meant as a nice pun, to encourage people to study theology and find the faith, but it never actualized like that. Mostly 7-12 per year suffered to start their studies, though it was easy to get a scholarship from the churches.) or why Pharisees are compared with lime graves, which decomposes the corpse faster, or in theology drive the soul to its logical conclusion – Atheism/Nihilism; only the stronger make something meaningful and attempt to becomes Superman like Ryonosuke Akutagawa, who killed himself and Friedrich Nietzsche, who went insane!! Thus God has taken the Men off Church which are mostly filled by women and children, elderly. :o Don't be like us, and learn from our folly! TwT And we did have powerful prayer and everything. Christ walked amongst us... Its not, that we didn't have spiritual gifts, we didn't have awareness, how fast it can go bust. :v :$

Then all we're required to be Jesurun not Jacob Isa 44:2 (deceitful vs straightforward) That's also the reason, why thugs understand God better than honest people and why Jacob could see the Gates of Heaven, without dying or wrestle with God. (Luke 16:1-13) Christians and Jews rather curry favours to themselves, not to the people or to God, thus the ominous leaf on the shoulder on Shabbat day!! Whatever you may do, if you pick it up to remove, what has fallen there, it is work. Haram! If you walk with it, it is carry, thus work. Haram! If you stay put you dececrate your clothes, because you need to hit destination before noon, or else risk, what got a certain woman raped on the doorknob... Haram!! This kind of things depower Shabbat and your ability to pray and fast. Instead we're but lukewarm not smoking hot. If your faith is not as fearsome as Revy is a hired gun and mercenary/pirate serving Balalaika (Sofiya Pavlovna Irinovskaya; Boss of Hotel Moscow, who was brought up by her grandfather, who was the head of the USSR military in the Black Lagoon anime, you wont have much of Akatsuki to talk about shit going to Heaven. Those people understand, what loyalty; teamwork and passion is. Why cant the Jews and Christians also understand?? I just see bored faces in Churches, more worried about their tax returns and 401K than the state of Christendom. And then you have the audacity to demand prophecy or servants of the lord – Like I was named Christian, then my grandmother didn't go to church. But its the thought, that counts X^D :(( :o :v :$

This wicked covetous generation of boomers; zoomers and xoomers deserve no Prophet nor sign from Heaven, save what Jonah the Prophet gave Mat 12:39 And don't say, we have Jesus Christ, for infidels and hypocrites don't even got, what they believe they do! Mat 25:29; Luke 11:34-36; John 9:40,41; Exo7:3... because even Israel was disallowed to say: “This is Yahvehs Temple, Yahvehs Temple Yahvehs Temple!” Jer 7:4 Even if you there the only begotten child of El Shaddai, and lived such a life as you have done, God would still forsake you! Come back, ye Children of the Lord Jesus Christ and remember the 12 disciples and the deacons and messengers, who wrote letters, before you!! Or else God will replace you with women; children and elderly and summon witches and demons from every crossroads, to replace all those “crippled and invalid” whom God so despises. 2Sam 5:6-8 Either build up the Cornerstone or gaze upon your Doom: Eternal then the Cornerstone falls upon you, taking the gamer for the priest! I can find more faith amongst cosplayers; otakus and Satanists, than amongst Christian churches. And I have been in many of them!! “Oh, lord, give us times of tribulations, for we cant believe and do your bidding in good days!” Oh looky there, the times have come, wait, where are all those who asked for it? Why are they now gone?! To all who ask for tribulations and Days of Yahveh, or the Great and Dreadful words. Fuck You with Pitchforks from Hell and Hailfire (small pellets of icy talons/embers, what are both hot and cold)! :o for You have slapped the other cheek of the Lord Almighty and called Him vile! Thus deserving such and stoned to death in this life... Amos 5:18 What have you done in your life, to praise the lord and give the gospel to the next generation?

Be humble as was Mary in front of Lord Jesus Christ, that she forgat to Martha's Vineyard to take away Naboth's! Have a Mothers Heart, then worshipping and praising the Lord, and you may pass. But if you bring the yeast of the Pharisees or Zodokite to the Lord, be damned! For El Elyon don't like false witness and condescending scholars, who look down on the meek and downtrodden, who can't even lift their chin out of their chests to snuff a prayer, save: “God hath mercy to my soul!” and then you dare to bring about your worthy sacrifices and prayers, then I didn't even look at Cain's offering, but chose Abel!! You're all sons of Cain, not Abel, and from Lamech Gen 4:24 not Enoch or Noah! That's why you collect Q-sources and scripture, to not find Jesus and prophets of Yahveh there, because it could have been a social construct, for who in their right minds believes in miracles! :P Thus Heaven is shut to the Smart and Worthy but bestowed upon the orphan and widow or bastard! It wouldn't have to be that way, if those, who there first anointed, wouldn't fuck around, to let Uzza die supporting the Ark, because they had no time to fast and prepare as was commanded and concented by contract with Yahveh Sebaot. Thus Obed-Edom was blessed, then King David got mad, and why he later had to humble himself to the extent even Michal his wife got sullied and brought condemnation upon herself, for not giving honour to God, and became childless and barren, then all her children there killed to atone for the crimes, King Saul did against King David and Israel! For the same can happen to you, thus Repent, Christian and Jew alike! Luke 13:1-9 It would be better, if you picked fights with God, like women do, then being indifferent, as though Jesus is your bitch! Its the other way around. You should be Gods bitches and worship the dirt under his boots. For that reason, what the Wise and Knowledgable have condemned as unworthy, that has God chosen, to Have His Supper, making it His Cornerstone upon which is built St. Peter and St. James – The Catholics and the Orthodox – come back to Lord Jesus Christ, ye children of God! For what will you do on the day, Rev 18 speaks about, for that Babylon is Internet itself, and once the FCC gets its dominion over it, how will you remain Christian and Jew, and not do the bidding of Jezebel instead, who has also been released in spirit! Just as Martin Luther King said it before then he asked every nigger around, to not use the bus and go to the backseat, ye Christians and Jews alike, forsake your internet connection and go off grit. This will deprive all internet providers of resources and bankrupt them. Thus those filthy merchants at FCC who should be defunded a long time ago shall fall back like Eli from his seat, then the news from War returned to him. No Mercy who touch the Ark of the Covenant, Uzza! Who is with God and defenestrates Jezebel? Who is still faithful and doesn't bend the knee in this World! How do you stand, Will you cry out, onward faitful Christians and smite the children of Babylon to the rocks, or will you remain to your business and wives, because it is not time to have the Lords Supper. It will still happen, just not with You! God will fight with women and children; the elderly and with witches and demons, ye Chrisitan and Jew! Halleluyah Godspeed Deus Vult!

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