Saturday, November 11, 2023

Moral Combat


Inspired by Patrick M. Markey PhD book, I have yet to read, on “Why the War on Violent Video Games is Wrong”

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the Darkness of this Age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with Truth; having put on the breastplate of Righteousness and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all, taking the Shield of Faith, with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and The Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, praying always with all Prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication of the Saints – and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the Mystery of the Gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.” Eph 6:12-20 NKJV I am Machine Animal I have become Pretty little Psycho This little girl Dance with the Devil Monster

How to write good Christian content?

In order, to write something good, it has to prove a point. It goes without saying. The point of a Christian is, to spread the Gospel. And here lies the problem. We think, it should be done by means of copy-paste. There the acolyte, not only receives the good word, but also the culture, we there raised. By that time, you get to preach something, the culture might have changed, and even if you there a Rebel at your youth, you might not have it in you to understand, what the current day gives. Or on the other hand, you're so progressive, that you throw Baby Jesus out with the bathing water, in order to be stunning and brave, while knocking your statutes to the Next Church-door of Wittenberg. Which was brave and essential from every standpoint, but it also gave a chance of some shrewd politicians, who there his friends to instigate a rebellion amongst the local peasantry, to form a new Christian State with them on the front. You should always be wary, on who's tuning in and how they shake their hands in glee, and what they are happy about. But I digress.

I put under the quote six songs, what I'm gonna use as examples of good messaging. They are also in AMV form of Tanya the Evil anime clips, because I felt it was meaningful to the point I wanted to hammer through. Obviously, they aren't Christian songs, because in order to understand, what is wrong with the Christian messaging – well it lacks balls and a dick to penetrate – but just as with Video Games, there the teenager dost want to hear, why he cant kill the monsters saving the day in Duke Nukem. I mean, even St. Peter was allowed to at least chop the ear of the enemies soldier off, once, and the Brothers Boanerges, to wish holy fire down upon Samaria, for not receiving Jesus for festivities and be rebuked – because it was on Jewish terms, and they hated His guts, believing he had chosen his side. God didn't excommunicate them for it.

A song is normally a short praise or chanting of one theme, normally around 3 minutes. There are plays of 7 minutes, but I wouldn't recommend for a beginner to go thus far. The same is with Sermons. A normal Sermon should not be longer than 15 minutes and if you're more eloquent, you can fill 30 minutes and 45 minutes. Or even a full hour. People have different attention spans and pain thresholds. For instance, I enjoyed, then studying Theology, like the male Hermione Granger I was, to immerse myself in studying the Bible. I would listen to the lectures first and leave the classroom last, and after a strenuous 3,4 day cicle, the other students there worn out. I could see it, from their fading eyes, which started to dim, every time they came to listen to the Sermon on Sundays in the Academical Church I was attending, because it was also the home Church of the Bible School/University I went. People there polite, and didn't say anything, like Estonians normally don't complain; even if somebody would accidentally cut his limb off in a freekish skeeing accident, there the fishing boat motor is stripped on your back and the blades of the motor have to be minded then you turn, while its on... Such a water sport was invented by Estonians. X^D

Still, you could see, they there'nt enjoying it to the fullest, for their quote limit had been exceeded, and they needed a more Singing and dancing kind of approach, on which Estonians are not very good at. At least not in Baptist churches. I know, the black community in America is different, but that's my point. Culture matters a lot. Many things, what we take for granted and don't put in words, might be as inexplicable as “Manaburn” to a boomer. If I would ask people, what it means, to turn the other cheek, would they know the right answer? Because its not take it like a bitch. Back then, the Jewish Christians also made the mistake of not explaining their culture to people from the outside. And then the culture changed, the old things got new meanings. They there still in use, but they there like Santa Clause or the Leprechauns bringing candy to children's socks. God is dead in those kind of things, if you cant execute your faith in real life.

For just as the aforementioned quote of our Holy Armour from St. Paul, God bless His Soul, for being so insightful. I love this little man, who was much Greater in His letters, than you might have thought from his stature, one of the reasons, I could respect Tanya and accept such an anime/manga or Tyrion Lannister/ Peter Tinclage from Game of Thrones, though the latter I now despise, due to his act with his fans. I'm myself 182 cm tall, but due to the men in my mothers side of the family being dwarvish and mostly smaller yet sturdy, I have to respect smaller people. Too bad I look like a fucking elf myself. So, the armour. We fight with our inner demons and urges, mostly Fear and Anxiety, what take the form of the seven deadly sins. 1. Pride 2. Greed 3. Lust 4. Envy 5. Gluttony 6. Wrath 7. Sloth The Lutherans hated Sloth the most, because, then you have established yourself, it is very easy to fall asleep on your laurels and gaze your pretty tummy along with the navel.

Its not that we have to go to war against a Nation, but we have to defeat our own urges to be self-important and insert too much Me into the pot. People need to know, that exactly Me was the one, who gave you The Message! It was also called sending an Alp to be your messenger, in the ancient times. There are so many quotes on the fool, and why you should not deal with such characters. You can look it up later. Right now we are talking about writing.

What do you want to say with your song or Sermon? How do you get your true feelings to connect with the audience, without wasting their precious time. You don't want to quote 20 chapters of Isayah, because maybe you like that, and Isayah is an awesome prophet, but something tells me, most people will be bored out of their socks and will fall asleep. Keep your point as short as a tweet on Twitter. This should be your message, like the parables of the Lord. It has to draw a picture to your eyes, and it has to be real. Nobody likes a message, what doesn't relate to the speaker. You talking about alcohol being bad for your health and sinful, then take a sip of Scotch.

Good songs are confessionals, there the author opens up his soul and confesses His Own Shortcomings, not somebody else's!! Christians always love to preach on other peoples sins, what they don't got. In that sense I respect Clive Staples Lewis for being such a marvelous Christian and man for the laypeople, then others wanted to befriend lords and ladies and make their Sermons more lofty, he made his message understandable to the masses, without loosing integrity nor honesty or trueness to Scripture. Can you say the same about yourself, that no matter what. You remained true to the Word. All those 6 songs have been meaningful in my spiritual life, then I was struggling to become fully fledged Christian and acknowledged by the elders. I could put Baba Yetu as the seventh, the theme song of Selesnya in Magic the Gathering, but its not needed. (Our Lords Prayer in Swahili)

Then people hear your song or poem or sermon, they need to be able to put a Capital Letter in front of it and Believe it! It should have fervour and spunk. People should be able to relate on, what you're going through. And while you're doing all that, you need to be winning your own Moral Combat – with Yourself! Why did you become a Christian? What makes you come out of bed and do your routines? What are you fighting for? What do you want to achieve and leave as a Legacy!

Those are the questions, you'll need to answer every single day of your life with something, what keeps you going. People normally don't ask for help and burnout is a given in any job, what involves Spreading the Message!

As an example, I will write a Poem, called “Moral Combat”! Mortal Combat was one of my Favourite Games.

Moral Combat


Stand up and fight, take your shield, Christian;

its time to die for the Lord and Thy Country!

May Truth be on your waist, face Steven –

who was a stalwart deacon, believe him!

May your breastplate be Righteous bounty;

for those in need, give a joust almighty!

For our Gospel of Peace at your heels stem...


Jesus is our Lord and Saviour, remember;

the shield of faith, shall quench Hell's respite!

Even on our darkest hour of despair, dead ambers

shall be snuffed to new Light. Put Salvations Beret,

make way for your Lord and his Children, despite

all odds and shortcomings – Its time to Fight!

Lift up your Spirit, like a flaming Sword, come here!


Open your mouth boldly, like St. Paul, small in stature;

St. Peter wept salty tears, after denouncing thrice Jesus!

You may come, who ye sin so brazen, get Virtue;

for Justice is served to the Saints ye Holy Creatures!

Lift up from the dirt and wallow be Proud, take breathe;

your Jesus Lives, and crushed the Serpents scull, free choice!

Today we dine at the Holy Supper – Deus Vult this!!

Now what it going on here? Obviously I wrote it in accordance to the passage, naming all the content. I used my regular build of seven lines in a stansa. Three stansas total, which is a good start. You normally don't want it to be longer, then its a song. The rhymes are abaabba, which I picked up at school, and I was terrible at first, but now its like kage bunshin is to Naruto. It has this encouraging theme of poking a spear in your ass, like the songs there, what they used to get the knight going for the Crusade. Right in the first stansa third line, it talks about Steven the Martyr the first of the Deacons. A Great Superman. Nobody could face him in speech and dialogue, that's why he was murdered by his opposition and his church exiled to all the corners of the world, making all its members to Missionaries. Can you believe it, that regular folk at the church could do that nowadays. Now its just entertainment value, why people come to Church. Those people there better off joining the WWE to watch Hulk Hogan and the Undertaker duke it out. But nobody can put their faith in words. People could speak hours about Pokemon but not about what makes them love the bible and Jesus Christ. For me it opened the door to poetry. I just saw the competition in the prophetic books, how to improve as a writer. Coming back to Steven, He was summoned, because the widows of the greeks there not treated as the widows of the Jews. St. Peter and the other apostles there to chicken to deal with it, so they decided to elect some deacons to watch after the dinner tables so they could pray to God. And immediately some free liberated Jewish slaves, who there proud of their such official status in Rome, started to molest Steven and demand respect. Also argue about, who gets to belong into the Church of Jesus Christ and are they even truly Jews. Because back then Christians there a newly formed Jewish denomination. Steven shut them off and was executed for offending God, because He saw Jesus Christ at His Right Hand in Heaven. We have the same problem with wokeness today. That theme of Steven seeps also into the rest of the first stansa, because why do you need to take up your armour – you protect those in need, to administer some Gospel of Peace to the folks. I understand the irony of Hamas vs Israel on current day. That doesn't change the Nature of the Gospel and our business is not to be offended or in accordance to the political correctness but to the Lord Jesus Christ and all the Disciples before us. Lets not put them to shame, giving our 147%! The off word stem at the end is on purpose, not just for the rhyme. Because it draws its vitriol from the vision, that if your feet are walking in peace, you'll stem the bleeding, what you might have had while you there walking the path of Murder and Wrathful Outrage... Every time, you walk with Christ and spread the Good News, you also spread it in your own Soul. Healing others and Healing You!! Second stansa second line inspiration is the Magic the Gathering card Joyous Respite. Sometimes evil thoughts are like the lullabies of Slanesh (Warhammer 40K) they sound sublime, but are made of the tormented wails of lost souls, who fell asleep in her domain. Fiery darts didn't seem strong of a metaphor to me, so I lend that. Third and fourth line of second stansa is affirmation that you can do it. Don't think, that I can write this, for being a positive character. Every word has been battled through in my own spirit in guts and gore, then I came face to face with my own fears and calamities. I am my own worsed critic and cant stand my voice on the recording nor my face in the mirror, which is the reason, I can't upload anything on Youtube, for cringing immediately and taking it down again. Somebody else would have to do the camera work; editing and keep me away from the controls. Or nothing would survive. So much of my content has been destroyed in fits of rage, then I felt like it wasn't good enough. The Beret is not there for being fancy, even though French are awesome. Its because I love special forces. I could never join the army because of my stats and studying theology. I try to always play Paladin or some Zealoth build, there I mix and match Attacker Thief and Mage attributes. Basically your random everyday Raven Oathbreaker... It is there to show camaraderie. That you're not in this alone, but you got your brothers and sisters. The worsed thing about depression is, that your locked inside your own mind, believing you're alone and nobody loves you. Like the madness scene of Avatar: Korra, then she was about to be poisoned with that toxic metal in order to kill Raava and enf the Avatar cicle. Its very hard to tell yourself, that you can do it, and its worth something. That's why I love to work with teenagers and hear their stories, how they deal with their bullshit. It completes me, then I can help them, through my own lifes stories or simply listening... Sometimes you just need to be the shoulder to cry on. I lacked that in my childhood the most, having to be the Man who makes his family Proud! By lifting up others Spirit, I lift up mine.

Third stansa brazen I took from Diablo 3 the courtly debate between Tyrion and Imperius. I also didn't wanna repeat boldly, as I quoted Martin Luther in his “Sin Boldly!” thing. Sometimes we cant do anything right and offer God our sinful life instead of something holy. And that in turn redeems and makes us holy Saints. Because we didn't run away like Adam and Eve, noticing their public nudity for the first time. In the end I put Deus Vult from the show Tanya von Evil. I know I know, its on purpose. Because you could be as twisted as Tanya von Degurechaff and God can still find use for you. Don't relent on your prayerlife and faith simply feel invalid now. It will get much much worse, trust me. Just like the drill Tanya put through her men. But in the end it'll be worth it. “Those who sow in tears reap in joy” Psa 126:5,6

And well, that's all folks. This is how I write my Poetry, and you can do it do. Do your thing, living life to the fullest, with God walking next to You. Halleluyah and Godspeed!

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