Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Old Man Sane



Wiseman slays pry on your wings, Kings, don't loose your chin

in your stomach nor chest. Confess, condemned sympathies –

proud, as you sin boldly, for none have passed on merit and whim!

Who's that Sane Old Man, who wants to spill his beans grim;

to eat wormwood and vinegar, spewing vitriol acid acrylic lies;

there's one, in every belly – believe. Hell yeah, Steve, NNN trials.

As the Cross was laid to rest in many Saints and Sans-in.


Sassii tibi Nahui Yanqui, Sorcier sortir moe glossanovas spree;

spiel dir deiner Scheidung, too many theologians bi-mean...

Full Meta Alchemical, in searching the Nihilist stones streak;

why do they spout, then they can't live a single digit off rake?

Don't listen to any youngling nor old, until you can see, gleam

from their lives choices, what it means to be Christian Supreme!!

Conduct orderly your Joy in El Shaddai – can you redeem...


Don't worship Nehustan, then the snake is crucified, to spit venom;

too many wanton changing the main event for the warm up phase.

Do you want to grow old, reap your rewards from your heirloom?

Find your own path, not what the Smart and Crafty have doomed;

no social constructs may doubt in Jesus, Bible shall loose no phrase!

Find your inner child and enter the Peace of God, in the zone full rizz;

We are the sacred incense, the Sage of no Stagecoach groom!


Its time to be Brides for El Elyon and face your maker bold;

Just like a maiden longs for her husband, shall a Christian be!

Humble thy Soul, so that God may exalt thee with Grace gold;

Silence your lip and ready your Will to receive silver tongues.

Many Principalities-Powers turn against your copper-steel;

Temperance with Loving-Kindness, run with Stallion Steeds!

Many walks with Christ stopped, then the Word became old!!


Heavy is the mind, who worries in the Business of Reuben;

where did Barak Go, to the Highgrounds, not to see Deborah!

Dan and Gilead abandoned their ships, to usher Monika stans;

Asher was not as was Zebulon amongst Ehyeh, their pie lost Ram.

Yet they cry out day and night: “Is our lord forever Mad at Mišbat;

dost He not remember Jubilee; Jubilee; Jubilee and Shabat!!”

Why should Yahveh Sebaot take care of Israel and Christian, scram!


Old Man Sane and the babe in your lap prying, despair in vain;

for you covenant will not last, and your council will not prevail!

You all have become heavy soul-searching, like Eli, thus don't gain;

what God has said in the Word. Jealous is thine eye stained;

covetous your arm, seeking out your brothers blood, to Abigail;

but lo, you art Nabal – your heart shall die the same blame-inane,

as the one, sorry to share with David and his men bread and wine!!


Who wants to be Israel? Who longs for God like Hagar and Išmail?

Step up your Game and remember, where have you fallen to lame;

there are no cowards in Heaven, but those who daily prevail;

dauntless to their own, defiant to pains fatigue – Hail!!

Halleluyah, Praised are the Holy of Holies, The Seraphim live;

Cherubim and Angels bow down, uttering their reverent sighs!

Who dwells in the Holy Fire, to bring honour to the Lords Reign!

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