Some Christians like to say: "Jesus wasn't talking to you!" Well officially Pagan Christians should not exist and we all should be circumcized. All those in favor of this motion, should go there and get fucked, because they don't follow ALL the law. There is your Temple to give your offerings btw. Who gave you permission to cease them, if Jesus wasn't talking to you? Read my lips -- "Selfish is Good!" because it allows you to witness your sinfulness and then get over it. As long as you hide from yourself, you will never understand, why you're fucking up with Heaven, nor will lord Jesus Christ be able to redeem you from it. Martin Luther used to say: "Sin proudly!" because we can't help against our human nature, but we can help, what we do in responce, to that. We can't prevent ourselves to ever falling down, but we can stand up and learn to walk, then keep walking, not stay crawling and crying about it, that we failed our attempt. Selfish is Good, because if you have an issue, like lepracy, it is better to yell; kick and scream, to receive the aid from lord Jesus Christ, how ever cringe it is, than to die due to false pride and the fuck you. received from the law. Mercy must triumph over the law!! Also, I believe, those people, who claim, Jesus wasn't talking to us, will immediately complain, if they get something denied, because of the law. Immediately they find their selfishness, they deny to the other disciples of God. You must be holy, but they teach thou, how to be Holy!! Let us explore through Mat 8 the entire chapter, leaving only out the start, because then we would have to see the prior chapter, for details. (Mat 8:5-34) It begins with the Centurions servant, who is sick. I love this story! Here's a Roman, who in accordance to the Torah, shouldn't even be talking to Jesus, because He wasn't talking to the likes of Him, nor was Rome inclined to be talking to some usurped states religious something, whom the establishment seethingly discended upon. If those Christians are true, that people should not be selfish and Jesus wasn't talking to us, what was this Centurion doing there? Through Luke 7:1-10 we learn, that indeed the Centurion didn't come himself, but sent Jewish elders, to smooth-talk with Jesus, to come to his aid. Because: "He loves our nation and has built us a synagogue!!" Luke 7:5 So surprisingly, lord Jesus decides to go, although normally He had a lot to say about the elders and such. Not far from the house of the Centurion, Jesus receives another envoy from the Centurion and lord Jesus Christ, impressed with his faith, healed the boy on site, without even having to attend!! Luke 7:6-10; Mat 8:8-10. Mathew doesn't do justice to the Centurion, letting him speak in person and not like Luke documented, through the hierarchy. Because somehow, it undermines the message, what he is relying, to believe in hierarchy and priority. But had he not been selfish, we would not know about it -- and his servant, whom he loved, would have not been healed! Be selfish! Do live a sinful life -- then repent from it! Because having your mirrors of the soul corrupted like in Sailor Moon, it is impossible, to grasp on your own, what needs to be done. Shoot the moon, and get as close to the bulls eye as possible, but he who never shoots, out of fear, he wont receive the Max score, will get nothing... Something is always better than null. Always, then reading the Bible, provided you wanna walk with lord Jesus Christ -- you have to say unto thou: "Jesus is talking this to me!!" Just like in those hentai I love so much. "Ooh Yeah, the dick is inside, he is really fucking me!!" Because this is the level of personality you wanna have with Lord Jesus Christ, not some handjob or virtual fuck sent via e-mail. You want the real deal! Jesus is talking to You!!" Arrows are really flying, old chap, Zenon; Jesus is really talking! You can't let go of your Ego, like the Zen-Buddhists teach, if you never embrace and actualize, what your Ego is and stands for. Gnothi seauthon, as the greeks would say. First you stretch the bow and pull back, to have an Ego, and then you let go of the arrow, and see, how it reaches the mark. What's so hard in that? Don't philosophize, like the foolish Alps about Jesus not talking to you. Perhaps lord Jesus Christ is not talking to those Pharisee's but He is definitely talking to You!! For those Pharisees recite Mat 8:11-13
Peters Mother-in-law was healed at Mat 8:14,15; Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4:38,39 What it doesn't say, then Peter followed lord Jesus Christ and abandoned his work and wife -- see my previous essay regarding this topic on forsaking ALL -- his mother-in-law, dind't quite love him anymore, doing all that to her family. It brought great shame, then your son-in-law goes gallawanting. Being a poor fisherman, people tend to forgive more, than if a rich person converts like that. But still, it doesn't go over easy, then this kind of son-in-law comes visiting, while you scorned your waifu, like that!! Hell knows no fury, than womans scorn!" Afterwards that very woman did the maid thing to Peter and lord Jesus Christ, which is a lot to be said, in those circumstances... Selfish is Good!! If Peter had not followed lord Jesus Christ, his mother-in-law would not have been healed!!
How about demon possession after Sabbath eve? Mat 8:18,19? If there is no selfishness and Jesus wasn't talking to us, then let them come on Sunday not on Saturnday!! It's just one day more to wait with spiritual bullies, there's the big deal, just for the sake of the law! No?
Mat 8:18-22 talks about the cost of discipleship, how a certain rabi wanted to follow him there-ever he goes, not knowing, He will go on the Cross! Yeah, some people should first read the ToS before they Godspeed any motion with anybody. The answer from lord Jesus Christ was "Foxes have holes and birds have nests, but I can't even lay down my head!" The mount Jesus was crucified was called the head or the scull" Some other wanted to respect the law and bury the dead first, lord Jesus Christ scolds him of not being selfish: "Let the dead bury themselves!" which was pretty intolerant to say as a jew in that timeline. Selfish is Good!! You will die, if you try to be too nice and finish last! Ecc 7:16 We compeat to finish First! Get it into your thick numbscull -- even if we sit on the last seat, we try to achieve the most of our lives not give our talents back as received Mat25:18,24-30!! This is the very reason, why rich people become ever richer, because the SJW complain and victimshame on the successfull not doing their thing, loosing their talents. In nature nutrients also flow, there is more. If you oversaturate the soil, the roots will dry out. Sometimes you shouldn't give people more drugs or more money, to get the job done, but more tough love, more "Whiplash" -- I love this teacher, I wish he was mine!! -- This is how shit gets done, not with "Jesus wasn't talking to us, thus we're excused in letting our lives flow down the drain..." sounds like a star-trek gay parody in Germany. No you're not! You have an obligation towards your Ego and your Body and your Soul to do your thing!! People would lament, if somebody lets NeuSchwanstein deteriorate and crumble but people are like meh, then the same happens to our Ego and Body and Soul... -- fucking Why??!!?? Selfish is Good! Respect your Ego, and Body and Soul and then Release yourselves (Munto Release me) I really love the anime Munto, recommend watch!
Mat 8:23 - 27 The disciples there dreaded by the tempest! -- For the record, such a tempest on such a small pool of water is indeed dangerous and they had every right being afraid being expert Fischermen and knowing their trade... but they should have known better as followers of Christ, having seen so much already. This is the reason, why we should empty our cups to be able to receive new insight, to avoid such predicaments -- but if the disciples had been worthy at that time already, we would have missed out on the experience of learning from their fuck-ups. Never forget that. Even your fuck-ups can be good for something. Like the video about Sigma males, received 12 minutes ago while writing this Essay and motivational, why bother with receipts if them can find you X^D Preach it, brother! :D
Mat 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20; Luke 8:26-39 The Gedasarene Possessed whether you acknowledge one or two men, it doesn't matter, the deal is, that lord Jesus Christ saxcrifized an entire heard of pigs to heed a selfish request. If those people had been nice and "Jesus wasn't talking to me!" type of peopel, they would have loved the ownership of the people, who's possession went into the sea more, than themselves! NO? Selfish is Good! You're in it for You and nobody else but You! It is ok, to plead for your life and be saved! Get over yourselves and don't be so Holy, if it denies you help, what you need. Let God worry about, what it will cost Him and the environment. I would also say, that getting rid of the Possessed man/men, who make the streets unsafe, is a better trade, than having a heard of bigs. What say you? May you do your thing and prevail. Godspeed! Written induced by Satania Ritual Chamber Music Black Tantra or are you too scared, you gonna loose your way, then something more spicy happens to you. Sounds like Charmcaster of Ben 10 talking to Gwen Tennisson. Make your way, and make it work, no exzuses! Godspeed!!