Monday, June 14, 2021

Cherry Pickaxe

 Let's Tom and Jerry, the words gone merry; to mar the blurry; 

Cherry Pickpocketing and -axing the flurry of Rick and Morty.

Filed the mortified Mortimers comotions, supporting extorted the typewriter; 

of lost spaces in the concreted Chimney, being too full not empty defaces...

Not my typo, went hungry hyppo, to Jekill and Hyde on the park Ave. Tripoly; 

The Myers&Briggs stitching the suplies on the abridged Nash Bridges; 

running away with my refrigerator on Sabbath day, for the fallen leaf itches!! 

I digress, the distress, repressing the resentment of regression-ascension cesspool,

gone deathpool spreeing on the guns akimbo gone pedestrian in Carmageddon oldschool.

I must tool, the box, what was 4thwalled to wormhole the Holy cross-section of a Black List: 

Yuri cut the cord; Sayori hanging there; Natsuki ate her liver, Monika sealed the deal.

Collage of the Ownage, to damage the Fromage -- some Mage OMG the Alfa-Omega lag!!

1 comment:

  1. INVOCATION | Dark Techno | Cyberpunk | Industrial Mix
