Its that day again, then some punkass Christians deny my joy. Its not enough, that I cannot enjoy my hentai games narrations without Christians proclaiming the Word of God on it, no! I can't enjoy my lovecraftian music tastes as well, because some assholes had to spam the bible on a livefeed. Let me tell you something, you big and fancy Christians, who you think, that you are on the side of Lord Jesus Christ! You think you are martyrs, then somebody calls you out on proclaiming the Word of God on a livestream? The Hell you are!! You violated the Terms of Service, and I am not talking about YouTube, I am talking about the Big Boss, the Head honcho, because that Livestream was under the protection of Lord Jesus Christ and El Shaddai and The Holy Spirit, because the law of Gentiles. Just as lord Jesus Christ cast out the merchants from the Temple, you are cast out, from the Presnece of Lord Jesus Christ and have to receive this cease and decist order, for not letting Heathens enjoy their quality time WITHOUT RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL MEDDLING!! What was so hard to understand there? If somebody askews you about the bible, which a woman did. She asked about Deu 25:11,12 and none your suckers repled. Because you where there to doxx and cancel, because oh, how dare these heathens worhship Cthulhu!! Why don't they worship lord Jesus Christ instead!! This was a music stream and you Christiasn highjacked it. I briefly addressed the passage to the woman, who also was a White Witch, about that later, because she couldn't fathom the fairness about loosing your hand for helping yout husbando out, then you accidentally touch the other mans dick. Its not that you meant it.
Let's first address, why I was even awake after a 12 hour shift and coudln't sleep. It was because a game-developer, who dared to fund a republican and not a lefty, got dogpiled and his pregnant wife was in distress, because of this kind of understanding of Justice and Democracy. I wont even start arguing about the fashism, because lets assume, the developer is really a fashist and Donald Trump is also a fashist, because it makes the argument even better. In democracy a fashist has the right to be a fashist, its not against the law being a fashist --its against the law, while being a fashist, breaking the law, and then the man receives penatly not for being a fashist, but for breaking the law. I know its bizarre to fathom, but your faith and creed and politics dont break the law, just as the knife dont kill the man, the Man wielding the knife kills another, and the fashist using his values can do that, but this must be proven first and be brought in the face of the law who verifies and pennalizes, not the lynch- and hatemob of twitter! And even if that developer was guilty of breaking the law, his wife who also was a pregnant wife, thus his wife and unborn child are sepparate two entities, who shalt not be pennalized for their husbands and fathers beliefs or political affiliations. Furthermore, it is legal to give donations to the right wing as it is legal to do so to the left wing. As a feminist, it disturbs me to the core, to even hear, a woman in distress, not to mention a pregnant woman, because of them politics. And then it was ok, to distress her. If it had been a left leaning woman, it would have been ok, to come to her rescue, but orange man bad. This brings us to the Title, and what it has to do with Steven.
At the time, Steven the Martyr became the Diakon, he didn't become that because there was no beef in the Church. The beef was so great, condescending on the question, who is more worthy in the Face of El Shaddai, because Jewish Christians believed in their cut foreskin ebing more worth, than the Greeks uncut foreskin, also some liberated Jewish slaves of the Jubilee year and roman descent thought, they should get some for that. Long story short, the greek widows didn't receive the due diligence, for not being able to do the Jewish pickering thing, that Father Abraham taught, then he hassled the number of faitfuls down to 10 -- but Sodom and Gomorra there doused in flames nevertheless!! Only Lot was saved, and his famiy, the waifu and mother became a salt statue, for looking back, and the daughters fucked their respective father, for not getting married, after Sodom and Gomorra got pwned. Why wouuldn't you wanna such a waifu who' yandere God can do that in and around you? X^D The point is, the greeks, unable to hassle in a Jewish way, lost their right to be treated equally. So the matter went in the presence of St Peter -- who was so stunning and brave, that he didn't touch it with a ten foot pole and let the congregation to elect deakons, so he and the holymen, could pray, and deal with such heinous questions!! So now, Steven the Martyr had to deal with that beef, what St. Peter was too holy to deal with. And he got persecuted killed and all the Greek Christians scattere around the land. Later for this very reason, lord Jesus Christ turned a blind eye and didn't heed the prayers of Jews, then Israel and Jerusalemm was besieged. That was the one reason, Israel had to leave his fatherland under the pain of death, should any of them return. Becasue they there too liberated in the face of the lord, that they couldn't share their daily bread, with Greek Widows -- for they couldn't draw their rights from Jewish hassling...
And now, you faithfu Christians, who you came to proclaim the Word of God, on the Temple side of the Heathens, which was allocated for Pagan and Heathen business, not for Christian and Jewish politics and religion. Because you have put yourself left of the lord, to be equal with those, who hate their political opponents and mar pregnant women, hear this: "You saw somebody, hungry, but you didn't give him food, while representing Christ to that person; you saw somebody thirsty, again, you didn't care, while being in office! Those people there under the terms of service of both Twitter and YouTube, but you didn't relieve it, just so you could virtue signal and show off, what an aweosme Christian you are, because you can spam copy and paste religious doctrine and ruin the joy of non-Christians!! Mat 25:41- 46 Lord Jesus Christ, will also not remember your worthy prayers and your congreagations worthy prayers, on the days of Reckoning, for denying justice to the Heathens!! Just as the word stated by the White Witch, I shall address now in detail. Deu 25:11,12 Then you want to vow someting in Israel, that man, who vows you something, takes your dick into his hand and vows it on your lifeforce and future offspring. If you break this promise, its like, this fiuture of that dick, he could deliver is in check. Thus the hand or life of the holder of that hand must perish!! The same way, if a woman even accidentally touches the groin of the enemy of his husband, then it is seen as double jeopardy, thus the hand must go. Listen ye faitful Christian, who you act like spoiled women, who can only spend the honour and riches of Lord Jesus Christ and El Shaddai and the Holy Spirit! Your right hand shall be no more, and your nat 20 shall go to the White Witch, which you had from the lord, to do your thing. For this Witch didn't need to love this God, who said in Exo 22:18 "You shalt not suffer a Sorceress alive!" But since, she offered Whiteraven this quote, I was desperately seeking, while only being able to see verse 10 or verse 13 and not in the middle. Because she provided, what I needed to bless the gamedev and his pregnant Woman in distress, yours nat 20 shall be handed to that White Witch. He who acts like a prophet, shall be treated like a prophet, he who acts like a witch, shall be treated like a witch!! The Justice of lord Jesus Christ, whom I represent in this matter flows over!! And there shall be Freedom of Speech once more, as conveyed in the law, not as conveyed bylynchmob or some religious zealots warped sense of justice!! Be blessed White Witch and stand in the right of the Lord, for then the lord was hungry, you offered Him food; then He was thirsty, you offered Him drink; then the little people of the lord, there in distress, you didn't hold back your helo. Thus you shalt be blessed as well! Mat 25:34 - 40. Even the woman, who called herself the smartest being on the planet is under protection and shall not be meddled with, for she was under the Pagan law, not under the Christian law! Why couldn't you Chritians respect your boundaries and not sully the Pagans rights, and in so doing, sully your God? Now your rights shall b handed unto the Heathens, for you have sullied the name of the lord and this cease and desist order will reach you! Stop your business now and go back see lord Jesus Christ in Heaven and apologize!! For stuff like this, lord Jesus Christ is running around amidst the guardian angels of the known worlds, to apologize, what his ministers have wrought on the mortal plane!! Why? Just Why did you have to do that?? Better be praying that Corona Chan don't come back with a vengeance and that the Holy Ground is not taken away from the Jews, because you should have been mediating the peace between Israel and Išmael, but you failed to do so, and rather lost your hand in groping some other Mans dick in business, what was not yours!! Halleluyah! <3 and UWU to Cthulhu, then a livestream is commemorating that, and you will not tarnish that you miserable Christian! 24/7 Dark Ambient Music Livestream for Studying Lovecraftian Tomes & Riding the Monorail Somebody should rely this formal apology to the stream, for I don't want to bother them more, I feel too ashamed as a Christian... :((
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