Tuesday, June 22, 2021

What is Holyness

 Holyness is like the Sun -- it don't shine for itself, but needs to release his energy to keep burning!

Its like the Moon, who runs its course and shines brightly in the night -- while its surface is riddled with scars and craters, from the stones, fallen on its soil. Still it runs its course, unsullied!! 

Holyness is like the dog, who likes guarding his masters house. Or like the boar, bathing in mud. Its the natural cause of things, then people stop wearing masks, to make their face look sweeter, then it really is. 

Then a wicked person receives holiness, it is like a criminal getting caught by the law. If a virtuous person receives holiness, it is, like receiving the Nobel Peace Award -- Everybody rejoyces for knowing him, and being in the same class or street or nation with him. That is the very reason, people don't like holiness, and why holy places get corrupted by strong and wealthy men. They don't want their deeds to be audited!! 

People like holyness as a promise, then people assume it being there -- not the holyground doing its thing and revealing your true intentions. The land, Israel is built on -- that is Holyland! Because Israel is built on Holyland, their deeds cannot remain hidden and they cannot hide their true intentions. This is the very reason, why Israel and Išmael are shedding so much blood -- for this is their inner person and core judgment, the Holy Ground is revealing!! If a man is Just and thinks himself a servant of Lord Jesus Christ, he takes pitty with Israel and Išmael, and prays for their much needed peace... If a man is worshipping himself, he takes sides. It dost matter, which side -- both are guilty in front of El Shaddai and lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit!! 

A servant of lord Jesus Christ loves all the people, not only those, who pay him tithes or are on high places. He also don't choose the poor, in favor of the rich, because that also is not justice! Just like the rain and the sun fall on all people the same, so are his words the same to all. There is no one measure for an angel and another measure for a demon; one measure for the wicked and another measure for the meek. You don't get more, for being faithful to lord Jesus Christ, but you'll be judged more. The same days wage for the custodian and for the CEO!! Both of them eat the same food, drink the same water and shit the same shit. But then hierarhies are set, we tend to favor the heroes and successful more -- or if we want to fix it, we throw them under the bus, and patronize the lazy, like that solves anything... Temperance is never welcome on the dinner table nor in the meating halls or merchants booths. If you have temperance, you cannot earn from the binge. The most revenue is made from our calamities, if people have too much of something. You can have too much of enlightenment material as well. Sometimes it is better to reamain silent and meditate upon, what you have already digested, not eat more, if you're already good. People don't see it that way. Our schools are like binge eating contests -- who ever gourges the most doctrines and can still recollect it on exams wins. Does he understand these or can correlate between this and that -- who cares about Freedom of Thought!! That could propel people to notice, that the Emperor is nude. We cannot have that, can we now... So people are wildhunted from one discount to another, from one guru and bestselling enlightened book to another. How many of them have you implemented in your life? Gamers are better on that regards. Normally theu don't buy games, with no intent of playing them -- unless they're collectors... 

Holyness dost need reflection from others, that he is Holy -- he's mirror of Desires is empty!! A man asked Yongey Minyur Ringposher at 23:53-24:51 see comment section. "You spoke about awareness of awareness and awareness of unawareness. Some of us are aware, that we're unaware (Socrates influence) others are aware, that we're aware and if we're aware that we're aware that we're also aware, that we run away! Is that confused enought for you?  And so for myself, I like to be aware of my awareness and an awareness as much as I can and I want you to teach me how to be more aware!" on which the teacher answered: "You don't need more aware!!" Later he answered it with silence, because the asker wanted to be aware all the time in this present position. I think this Man was brave and it is an important questions we Westerners stumble upon having enourmous Egos. I believe every such dialogue has at least one such honest thinker, who knows his shortcomings, and is not ashamed to admit them. It is much better, than to be one of those laughing hyenas, even if their meant well, they didn't open up so much. All the laughers there still reflecting, while the asker stopped reflecting and became aware of his problem, without regard, what others might think of it. You cannot seek enlightenment and holyness, if you don't stop reflecting on others point of view first!! Try to teach that nowadays, then public image is the most important thing in the Universe... Being happy and content with our given measure is the essence of Holyness and enlightenment. How many have heard the donkey story? How many of you, understand the donkey story? Or are you still laughing the foolishness of the donkey, while still worried, that you cannot afford the latest I-phone this year or the latest fashion item etc. Either you live your life or your values and tastes live your life -- you can't have it both ways. That is also the meaning of "You cannot serve both Gof and Mammon!" Either your attributes are with God, or they are with "free stuff and loot boxes" Gamers understand me on this. Do you wanna pass the blame on the explicit content, whenever a crime happens, or do you let people take responcibility. If people take responcibility, the power and dominion of the government and establishment diminishes -- thus naturally they want to parent you moore not less!! It is no accident, that laws are passed, that drone and debilitate freedom of thought, because all this has been already, and killed the First Roman Empire. It will also kill America and Russia and China!! In that tall order. Because people don't heed, that blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth! If you don't control black labor, you con't control your country!! It's as simple as that. It is better to do the Cossack thing and kill all illegal immigrants on border, as done to Mother Russia, although people would raise the stink about that these days. Then accept them in and let them drown the entire country with their excessive weight. If you don't popularise working on black labor jobs, to rather have the illegal immigrant do it!  It is as good, as to say, the froot of the tree is blessed -- but lets trample on the roots and call em wicked; take grow wormwood and winegar on its stead, because that is better than the actual roots. How can you call the Froot of the Tree blessed, but the roots used to nourish the entire tree and the froot, which is blessed? How can wickedness nourish something and then become good? Still, that is the very thing, democratic politicians claim, to get more illegal immigrants in. We can't do it ourselves, lets somebody else do it, for we don't like to hold power, let somebody else do it!! How was the famous Russian Joke, that Russians didn't wanna govern themselves ro they invited the Vikings in, to do it for themselves. That's where even their name comes from, because it wasn't local. Maybe the future will tell that tale again, about the great nations of today!! What is your measure of Holyness? Halleluyah!


  1. https://youtu.be/ukTaodQfYRQ Meditation and Going Beyond Mindfulness - A Secular Perspective

  2. https://youtu.be/_w2Zpk5HhZg Psychedelic Trance mix III June 2021

  3. https://youtu.be/CorfPXjzjJk The Morrigan - The Phantom Queen, Irish Goddess Of War And Fate | Celtic Mythology Explained

  4. https://youtu.be/gt4-tBFIcsI 30 Years of God Game History | Populous, Dungeon Keeper, Black & White, Spore and more
