Friday, June 18, 2021

How to manage as an INFP

 I have seen on the internet so many week and feeble INFP, who haven't received the proper training, to live in this world. What seems to be the problem? INFP's being the dreamers and poets; the Mediators, lack one faculty. They cannot lead. They are literally unable to organise stuff -- not their own life nor anything else. Being able to see syncronicity and other patterns, it makes it next to impossible to tidy your room nor do other such things. Not that it wouldn't be possible to learn, but it would rub the feathers of a INFP the wrong way. Because of that, as a contrast, an INFP needs strong parenting of the old-school way. Dreamers need to stricktly be rubbed in, like dog pubs. Because otherwise they wont get it. I remember, how my childhood was, not being able to listen to rules and guidelines, unless they there hammered in with corporeal punishment. The most perfect teacher, for an INFP is ero sennin Jiraya. Because, what does that kind of sensei give to an INFP. Restraint and warmth. He is not so strict as a prodigal teacher would be, the likes of Kakashi Hatake. If a teacher scolds, like Jiraya, it is so much better, than treating the INFP like a snowflake. Ok you didn't upset his/her feelings, but his/her inability to deal with critiscism remained unresolved. It is better to sort these things out at youth, then children are moldable like clay, then later, there it is so much harder. Also children tend to master stress better, then it comes from peers, they respect, than from peers, that there selfimposed on them. Because somebody had to virtuesignal to sting the parents out. Then INFJ need a laid back beatnik upbringing to have as much freedom as possible. INFP are already as volatile as gas and need a container, to not get outthere and vanish. In the olden days, it was said: "The elves gonna snatch his shadow!" then it came to the INFP, because so many things can go wrong with them. They are highly sensitive towards any kind of -ism and -phobia or creed. Because of that, somebody needs to restrain them, lest to allow their feelings to burn out. INFP's need a shoulder to bite and cry on, then they are frustrated about rules and the cold harsh world. But even they must learn about them rules, in order to manage. Just because you don't like the traffic rules, you don't get to jay-walk; just because you don't like the tax-code, you don't get to evade it. Parents need to go the extra mile and the mile after that, with an INFP to make all the stressful and routine things into bitesize, so a INFP could stomache it. If you fail to educate an INFP that way, not only will you get a snowflake, but a poisonous one. Because, INFP's being the mediators, have this unique gift, there the Universe always has an ear and eye open for them. Whatever an INFP says, is more valuable and tends to go into fruition, than other peoples thoughts and words.  In short, if you fail to raise an INFP properly, they will develop an evil eye, what will tear apart their own lives and their lovedones as well. For that reason, INFP's need restraint, to not respond to their first urge, they got, which might not be the best one. INFP take a lot of care and understanding, for not being able to manage by themselves, because they are always seeing visions and creating new worlds, what dost exist yet. For that very reason, they need bossy friends and parents and peers and waifus, to compensate the lack of their own dominant traits. If I hadn't had 2 Scorpios and a Leo in my family, then I grew up, things would have gone differently for me. I would still be soft, like in my childhood, then every tiny minuscule thing got me upset. Getting restraint will teach the INFP what topic is worthy of their attention and getting psyched about, and what is not. You have only so much attention to pay. For that very reason, I try to hang out with Psychopaths or Sociopaths or people, whos values are rather right-wing or the punk-rock death-metal variety, because I am more to the left and into envisioning Utopian Realms. It keeps me stable, if I deal with those energies, I myself lack and cannot fathom. Yandere and Kamidere would be best waifu for me, because they would give restraint, strong ToS and guidelines, how to be inside the ship. The more you workout so  to speek, with your moral and physical or even social lackings, the better you manage as an INFP. In childhood, I was so shy, it was literally impossible for me to even approach a girl, lest to talk two words with one. Having restraint and strong parenting, got me out of this shyness. Giving an INFP such restraint and guidelines, allows them to get to contact with things, they normally don't like to deal with. Its the parents responcibility, to see to it, that the INFP can manage in this world, even with tedious and routinous stuff. If you havent gotten that, from your parents, here's some ways, how you can ammend your shortcomings as an INFP:

1. Have a pillow to bite; strangle and cry into. Its useful to get over the stress, if you have some substitute actions to do. 

2. Write a diary, not the kind, there you complain, how cruel this world is, but there you write in detail down, why something made you unsure of yourself and frustrated you. What anxieties and calamities you feel to have. This information is good later, then you come back to it, to learn from your mistakes. Also write poems and essays, because they capture your pain and agony, making it easier to suffer. 

3. Exercize a lot, and do physical chores such as chopping wood; mowing the lawn etc. That will consume your energy and will work against the fruttration of not being heard or being misunderstood. Its so much easier to contemplate about stuff, then you cannot move out of fatigue. That restrains you from doing unnecessary movements. Thought is not only in your mind, but in every limb of your body. That is the reason, why children first get worn out with games, before it is good to give them something new, what they normally arent ready... 

4. Admit your shortcomings to your family and parents. It is hard to develop a good read on an INFP if you don't give intel, how your language patterns work. You shouldn't always hide behind the I don't feel like it, excuse, because it doesn't give many options. Luckily my mother being a Scorpio was able to break through of this stalemate. Its very hurtful to constantly reason everything away with I don't feel like talking. Sometimes you need to talk, even if you don't wanna, because your family needs quality time with you. 

5. Respect the boundaries set and don't try to creatively go past them. I know rules suck, and nobody wants to follow them to the letter, but sometimes you appreciate people by following their guidelines. This is their language of Love, you need to respect, in order for them to be able to respect in kind yours. INFP's by nature are delinquents. Because they like to see things outside the box. Try to mind, if you make the lawnmower run on rocketfuel to have your parents consent to avoid hardship later. INFP's need to study harder anything, what relates to dry and math kind of research. Find the proper Mentors, who you're willing to listen, to get the job done. 

6. Write down your goals and don't be afraid to change them. Embrace your weirdness and know what you want in life. It took me a long time, until I understood, what I craved in life. Until that time, school was almost over and I was aready studying theology. Knowing ahead of time, spares you alot of distress, because people don't like you changing aspirations as often as socks. So try to mind this. 

7. Learn to be Yourself, even if it breaks your heart and alienates from your family and lovedones. You are living this life for Yourself, not for others. Never forget that. You owe it to Yourself, to be the very best You, not the cheep nockoff version of somebody elses hopes and dreams, or unfinished business. 

Take heart and shine you crazy Diamonds! <3 UWU 


  1. Jordan Peterson ~ When You're Too Different From Others

  2. What Would You Do With Infinite Money? INFP - INTP | MBTI 16 Personalities Types

  3. JOE ROGAN'S SPEECH NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR | One of the MOST Eye-Opening Speeches

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