Not loving strangers in your neighbourhood is good. For that, let us observe Die Hard 3 - with a Vengeance. I normally dont love this kind of condescending sequels of good movies, what obviously go the woke way, but I will make an exception to this one. Because it depicted xenophobia very well. The black store owner called Zeus, is actually a xenophobe -- not really a racist, but he dost want strangers in his hood, and boy does he have a bad day, then the protagonist comes with the "I hate niggers!" flag on, to appease a terrorist, who turns to be yet another bank-robber. Like we didn't see this coming, from his dead brother. Criminals cannot be something more imaginative, than bank robbers! Anyway, Zeus helps the white guy out, because he dost want white triggerhappy cops jumping around his hood. And that is a valid fear. It is ok to feel that way, as long you address that calamity honestly, not claiming to be the fearless citizen, who never gets upset and triggered, then gets a critique and ends up doxxing that person!! Yeah. ^^ X^D I specifically like the scene, there Zeus calls out the protagonist in being an racist, assuming, he wants to call him a nigger, then he was simply called out for being an "Asshole!" Its funny, how the log file can be in your eye and not the splinter in your opponents. Trying to catch too many racists and fascists, can make yourself turn really hostile and xenophobic at best, if not even racist and fascist!! Defending and gatekeeping your territory is good, everybody deserves a safe space a home-castle. The problem starts, then you do the Daffy Duck thing and raise your belt to the neck area, to receive now punches under the belt! That's what many SJW do, and why people hate their concept of safe spaces... A good safe space is not a Defind panzer-shield from Star-Trek, what you can carry around and uncloak to trounce on your political or religious opponent. Nobody likes such players of Absjurr. Absjurr is a game of tag, then you cross your hands, you cannot become it. The problem is, people wont invite you in game, if you abuse that concept, and use the absjurr sign too often. The goal is to run away from the bully not spam absjurr and frustrate the bully, who normally is the fatty unpopular guy. And then the Karen parents pennalize the other players for not doing something, defending the fatty player, thus you will not attend anymore in game, because the other players lost face. So don't abuse the absjurr sign. Mostly those people, who claim to be on the side of the people, having narcissistic tendencies, violate this rule the most. They only claim to be with the people, because of being morally and physically weak, and neither being able to be the leader nor the worker. So what can such a weasel do? He starts knocking on other peoples sins and witch-hunting, to gain the favors of the leaders. In a way, Zeus in DIe Hard 3 almost ended up doing the same, but thanks to the protagonist, was saved. The police commisioner didn't fare that well. The Die Hard series seems to particularly hate on authority, I wonder why X^D Not that I would object on it. But still, too many people redo those mistakes, depicted in the movie, what nobody talks about. Its like the proverbial Whtie Elephant in the Room, you stole from the Hindus and thus cannot talk about, because it shouldn't even be there. Just put a rug on it, complaining how its sad, that your floor was done by shoddy craftmanship!
Xenophobia is good, because now you have something to talk about. The White guy has issues to tell and the black guy has issues to tell -- if both on them get down to business, the air gets better, like on a hot summers day, the lightning storm is your friend, because after it, the temperature drops and its all good. Because we want people to get along -- what better way to have a brawl, sort our differences out, and after that, sipping our beers find out: Damn, that nigger is no half as bad!! or Damn, that skinhead is not so terrible at all. He also has feelings; hopes and aspirations. Xenophobia is good, but Propaganda and Politics is Evil, because that sleeseball gets inbetween and starts playing the telephone game to get his zerosumgame going, to divide et impera! Because that was one of the things, the Demagogues of Greece there teaching, and people still follow through. Obstruct the people getting together and getting along. Because how could you offer them bullshit, then there is no beef going between the different faction. It doesn't matter, if its Black on White; Protestant on Catholic; Democrat on Republican -- the issue is the same. People there denied Xenophobia!! Put out your thin red lines and borders. That is ok! That is your tolerance level, which others need to respect. Done in good faith, it goes a long way. You might even learn something, if you admit openly: "I don't like you nigger, because you listened to snoop-dog too loudly in the evening, and I had a fierse meeting in the morning, I almost slept in!" and gets the responce: "You skinhead always park me in, I can't get my gate opened to drive to my store!!" etc. Such neighbours dispute can be good things, if seen through. But people like to halfass things and then complain, how its the other sides fault, that problems don't get solved. What are you, the guy who wants to get shit done, or the guy, who wants to collect all them problems as Pokemon? How many types you got? Psycho? Toxic? Dragon? Fighter? enough already, or want some more!! Xenophobia is as good as Nihilism -- its a tool, like a Katana is a tool. If you use it well, you can get the job done. If you use it horribly, you cut yourself a limb off or somebody else and end up in infirmary; lunatic ward or jail... Get the job done of talking your true feelings to the stranger you don't want in your gates. You might be surprised, what this kind of conversations might give. I have had the most refreshing and exquisite talking points with Satanists; Alt-Right People; Bitches; Sociopaths and Narcissists; Witches etc. Namely people a selfrespecting Christian Baptist would never be found in acquaintance with. Had I remained inside my box, perhaps I would be more happy in my echo chamber navel-gazing and loving my reflection, but it wouldn't do much to my God and my Faith! Getting out of my confort zone and constantly stating in front of my lord Jesus Christ: "I hate mailmen!" God sends me to work as a mailman. "I hate this security firm!" God tosses me exactly to work in this particular company! etc. It has laways been thus in my life. I have to but state, what I hate, and what do you know, I get to walk a mile in their shoes... UWU I like the experience I got from there. It has made me more respectful and blow my stack less times than usual. I used to be constantly under steam, then a teenager, being a INFP-T I obviously never talked about it, with anybody, but God! Having my faith, was somewhat good councelling, although, sometimes I wish I had friends to relate, who could speak my language, so I wouldn't have to draw so many thin red lines around, to ward off bad vibrations!! Admit your shortcomings, and then deal with them honestly. Don't be that bitch in the bible meme, who eats and whipes her mouth clean and states, I have done nothing! Pro 30:20 All such denial is like WitchCraft and Adultery in front of lord Jesus Christ. Its better to be a murderer and robber, and get caught, than to be a well respected Christian, who gets away with those petty things, thinking God on his side, only to find out at the Holy Court, what: "Begone from my presence, you evildoer! For you have not done this; this and that!!" really means. Its ok to be Xenophobe -- its not ok to pretend not having a problem and be the Superfriend, who can relate to anything and everyone, while not. Hyperhumanism dost save the day, but alas, The Antichrist will come, be hyperhumanist and sickly sweet, dollify everything like a sociopath, and Everybody from the Church to Every political affiliation will trip on him, like on speed. But the Servants of God will traverse the road, like a nigger and take it like a bitch! Halleluyah! <3 UWU 2 HOURS Dark Techno / Cyberpunk / Industrial Bass Mix 'UNSCARED' [Copyright Free]