Jack the Ripper was talking to Jack-o-Lantern, what the Jackshit;
was a Jackhammer doing in the morning, sledging the road for greatest hits!
All Jacked up, he was confident in his Virtuous Stop signs and All-Star con-Stellars:
I am the well of H:G Wells, to timestamp your ordeals and quench your sorrow;
may I borrow your Darkness, you have my Sunshine and Light!
Lets flaunt yours depression into my abyss of voided Whitemares.
Boxing the shadow-tweets of Pandora and Hard Knox for the oz. to cause the cointoss.
Smalltalking the tall twintale, I fairy-trail of breadcrumbs, ravens didn't peck up to Templeton.
Fancing the Man, in the Child, who lost his sight. I surmise, You might want to wallow in Pain.
I will show you my Guts, show me your Kabuto, to Berserk into a better tomorrow!
All your cuts and bruises are not enough, let me have it All, Your positions and interpose;
Yours fake attitude remorse, to code of conduct a (d)tos You never could implore. Lording ya'all.
I am the breadbasket, may all ravens and vultures come, feast on my bones and marrow!
I am sour grapes, that makes the stomache sweet and tame, be well - respite in your agony...
I am the reed, you pick, to pull out of the raisins stream, to become Richards and Lionhearts!!
I am the ostriche, to pull your head into Heaven, knock on your behalf and let you All-in!
I am the pin, hair your tooths, picked from Pisa and Birch, breached gaps and gallows in Mary Sue.
Love Yourself, to defeat the depleat -- Lording-kindness; to make the Stallion faster indeed!
In tuition intuition had to initiate a sheme-con, Tron -- Io, running from the Green Hornet shun...
Esteem the estates of the If to contemplate in learning to forget the regret in Ree and Becket.
Introduction to Carl Jung’s Psychology via The Four Stages of Alchemy