Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Jack of All Trades (In case of depression and loss of batterylife)

 Jack the Ripper was talking to Jack-o-Lantern, what the Jackshit;

was a Jackhammer doing in the morning, sledging the road for greatest hits!

All Jacked up, he was confident in his Virtuous Stop signs and All-Star con-Stellars:  

I am the well of H:G Wells, to timestamp your ordeals and quench your sorrow; 

may I borrow your Darkness, you have my Sunshine and Light! 

Lets flaunt yours depression into my abyss of voided Whitemares. 

Boxing the shadow-tweets of Pandora and Hard Knox for the oz. to cause the cointoss.

Smalltalking the tall twintale, I fairy-trail of breadcrumbs, ravens didn't peck up to Templeton.

Fancing the Man, in the Child, who lost his sight. I surmise, You might want to wallow in Pain. 

I will show you my Guts, show me your Kabuto, to Berserk into a better tomorrow!

All your cuts and bruises are not enough, let me have it All, Your positions and interpose;

Yours fake attitude remorse, to code of conduct a (d)tos You never could implore. Lording ya'all. 

I am the breadbasket, may all ravens and vultures come, feast on my bones and marrow!

I am sour grapes, that makes the stomache sweet and tame, be well - respite in your agony...

I am the reed, you pick, to pull out of the raisins stream, to become Richards and Lionhearts!!

I am the ostriche, to pull your head into Heaven, knock on your behalf and let you All-in!

I am the pin, hair your tooths, picked from Pisa and Birch, breached gaps and gallows in Mary Sue.

Love Yourself, to defeat the depleat -- Lording-kindness; to make the Stallion faster indeed!

In tuition intuition had to initiate a sheme-con, Tron -- Io, running from the Green Hornet shun...

Esteem the estates of the If to contemplate in learning to forget the regret in Ree and Becket.

1 comment:

  1. Introduction to Carl Jung’s Psychology via The Four Stages of Alchemy
