Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Seven reasons, why you should choose friends based on what you truly value, and not based on politics.

 I have watched many self-help videos on YouTube on various topics, and while I don't discend them, they have one slight problem, I need to address. The reasons, why the demagogues failed or Russian Intellectuals failed or any establishment to begin with in Europe and otherwise, is how they managed their friendships. I will use J.K Rowlings narration of the Problem On the left side, we have the Establishment boy Draco Malfoy, who's a proud Slytherinian (I would belong there too, so shut the fuck up) Who believes, you should choose friends based on their class and political correctness -- rather than personal attributes. The truth is, Draco Malfoy is a coward, for failing to admit, being in love with Hermione Granger -- who is a muggleborn, thus void of such choosing. That is the very reason, why Draco Malfoy seethingly loathes Ronald Weasly, who is able to not only befriend Hermione Granger, while mocking her "Wingardium Leviosa" due to the nice save in the bath-room. but also marry her. Because ability wise, Draco Malfoy is the better Wizard. Value-wise, Ronald Weasly is the better Man and adult. 

On the Right corner we have obviously saintly Harry Potter, who's likeness with me is troublesome. It really made me snap, then the sortinghat tried to put me in Griffindor, I almost cursed the computer dead. Id rather share likeness with Tom Marvolon Riddle, who has the same view to life than I do. I also would disembody myself, like Voldemort did, if it woudln't greatly upset lord Jesus Christ. What does Harry Potter stand for? That rather than sleeping on your laurels and being the golden boy, you can carve your own path. You don't need to be the Establishment poster boy -- Too bad the actor, who played Harry Potter, decided to be exactly that. He didn't learn anything from his act and reading the book. -- Values matter more, than class and assumed virtue signals. Harry Potter had no problem being raised under the stairs, talking to a house-elf or such like. That is a major big deal, we need these days. But alas, it is also the reason, I don't believe in Harry Potter, because he is too positive, with no sense of tragedy!! Here are the seven points, you need to follow up, to find your True Friends, not some vectors for your Corporation or Career or Spiritual Life. 

1. Be Yourself. If you fake yourself, your fake Avatar will make a friend, not you. Also, how do you call out your friend faking it, if you would do the same?!?

2.Spill your guts honestly and let your friend do the same, make up -- then act as though it never happened, don't try to abuse the intel you get in that manner. This is the way of the confession, how it used to be with Christians, before they started doxxing each-other and a representative had to do the thing, for people getting their shit sorted out. 

3. If your friend does a mistake, reprimand him in person; if he doesn't listen take another friend to explain or person of influence, if it still dost not help, bring it to your social groups attention. If it dost not help anyway, be willing to let your friend go. Sometimes its better to let a friend go, like happened between Ronald; Harry and Hermione, then they there seeking out horcruxy than to clinge to a friend so long, you both get smothered by it. Some people need the long path, to realize their mistakes. (Mat 18:15-17) Sometimes they don't realize and you have to respect that too. It's what you learn, then you become mature, 

4. Treat your friends, like they are family and like you meet them again in Heaven or Hell. It tends to change the attitude, if you consider such things. Don't have one type of friends for your one character trait and other type of friend for you different character type. Its like being married to multiple waifus. Why would you tax yourself like that. Also, it could offend your friends, if they find out, you holding out on them. You wouldn't like that either. 

5. Respect your enemies, and those, who are lower of you, not forcing your friends to placate people, then you fuck up, trampling on them, who are already down for the count. The reason, why God lets so much evil happen, is sometimes, because the Righteous condescended and trampled on the Wicked. Don't be that guy, who legitimates the case of the mad Nazi Scientist or other such. 

6. Respect your environment, trying to be your best self possible, because that will in turn encourage your friends to follow suit. Also suffer the meek, who are not there yet, and don't call them out, for being childish and immature. True mature characters should not be tempted like that, unless you're yourself a child still. You also went a long way, how did you forget all that?? 

7. Do your thing and let others do theirs and friends will always wanna be yours!! People, who have so much time, condescending on people, of how to be a good friend, like the SJW do, how should I put that... Its like the worst Christian preacher trope of a man, who thinks himsef saved, but tries to pick the logs in his neighbours eyes, while vehemently being in denial: "In lord Jesus Christs name, there is no splinter in my eye!!" I mean, if the error can only be outside of you, and you have no self-refelection possible, people will point your one thinger wagging back with ten thingers and a foot saying. "Get out of town, bitch, and take your dog with you!" Its also a curse formula in the East, if you piss somebody overwhelminly off. Never get this far there... If you make that mistake, you'll never find friends. 

If you can mind these seven ways, how to find friends, you could be set to go, Good day, kind sirs and ladies! Godspeed! 


  1. Recommend watch: The Prophet by Khalil Gibran (Part 1)

  2. How Sigma Males Cope with Jealousy | Sigma Male Emotions

  3. INFERNAL | Dark Techno | Cyberpunk | Industrial Mix
