Saturday, May 22, 2021

How Communism failed in the Soviet Union (based on University Teacher) Long version

 I wrote it as a short version in the Commentry under "How Estonians do it!" to have a rant about, how I feel about the Shopping cart. That already put me in the spot. Vee, bruh, warn me ahead of time, then you got something like that, what puts me on the spot. Link is here: 

First things first. I once had a chance becoming a teacher myself to give Theology, so it kinda makes it awkward having to scold her like that. Try to comprehend. How do I see the problem. 

Lets go with time stamps: that will make it easier to understand. 00:56 "My phone is next to me, how can I show you that?" Awkward. Why dost the student even have to show it? We'll get to the because of cheating later, but that's already a red flag. There are plenty of sites, who host exams and should allow keystring tracking. If that is not enough, she could buy via University credit card cameras to all the people, who take the test. I'm pretty sure, they didn't warn ahead of time, the probable costs of taking test, then he attended, thus he has a right to demand his money back and turn to a more friendly Univercity. You can already fire her, but if she pulls it together, it could be a nice save moment. 

01:04 "Ok, I will ask you to make in such a way, so I can see you and your phone!" 

No, Hell No! Why? You can't askew that. It would be literally the same, if I was a Security officer in a shop, if I would have the customer buy a head camera, so I could see what he is seeing, so I wouldn't have to do my job and the customer would do it for me... My boss would immediately fire me, for offending the customer and suggesting such a heinous thing. What is this woman even doing at her office. Can't she take classes on how to give an exam. I'm pretty sure, they are free for teachers. It at leat is in Estonia, or so I've heard. Its the Universities responcibility to school staff, so they could give classes properly, because that in turn allows them to ask more royalty. Like a 5 star hotel can charge you more for the same room than a 2 star lodge. Does this teacher even have stars behind her name? This is an immediate self-fire if she had any self-awareness, she should know this. If she doesn't know this, what the hell is she a teacher for?! I feel for the student even having to reason it through so calmly. I would have been more emotional about it. 

01:16 "Yes! I can see you; your phone and your keyboard!" Repeat flag, Really. How on earth is he supposed to have the test now?? Is he fucking Ben 10 Is he gonna morph into Four-Arms and wield it with two hands, while doing the test with the other two, what if you sus the other two aswell?? Unbelievable...

01:26 "Why is that so hard?" Because he has only 2 hands, and can't use them to click on the answers.

01:30 "Yes, but I need to hold it in my hand like this. Iäm not hanging it by the ceiling!!!"'

Good point, nor should you. Students should not detriment their appartment -- he could also be in a dorm, then he even can't make alterations to his room, without asking persmissions. Does the teacher know that? Has she done all her dues, so that the student wouldn't have to resort in doing her job. Again. I feel, there should be a deduction point system, there the student can take his money spent back from the Universiry, then shit like that happens. This is really grinding my gears; usurping my Empathy and making my good faith run low. I need to charge my batteries. Hump, Its just my luck, freshly out of coffee... :(( 

01:37 "And we cannot use multicam on this application, because it was designed like that."

Ooh, Outch. Massive burn. Sikes. I hear you brother. Did she really allow this to happen. That the student, who is the customer of the Univercity, having to dish the application in use, because the teacher DOST NOT KNOW that it can't be used on multicam!! I feel like this University needs an audit, to see how they are even managing at this point. Does that teacher not know, that she is the Servant of the Servant. That in this setting, she is not serving the University directly, but through the student, who paid the University, not her, to be his teacher and give that class and that exam? So if the customer has a problem with the merchandise not being available properly... She has a problem and should apologize not the other way around. She made the Universities thing unavaiable, and they lost money. Why do I even have to say it? Now I think her license should be revoked. I hate to say it, coming my way, this cunt cannot teach!! Why didn't she ask to verify with the Dean or something. That would have been a nice snowballs chance in hell save. Its not much, but its at least something. 

01:46-50 "Not to mention, we have colleagues with no Web Cam" -- "That is none of your concern!"

Really now. Please tell me you didn't. Yes she did. (Tweetybird spotting Silvester) The student, who is the customer of the Univercity, who bought your class and exam, should not concern himself, if some people have an advantage in taking it!??! For being rich and having a youtube studio for their onlyfans porn videos?! Which is the only setting I can fathom, this bitch could have her exam! I think I see a Karen. Indeed, it is a Karen. This Is a Karen I am beholding, fucking her reputation, the reputation of the university and the good will of the student up, to even have that fucking course!! And you paid this studend how much to have that? Your univercity paid this student how much to have that? I wanna know where you live, teacher, and it better be a shellshocked bunker, because otherwise I will snap. Perhaps living on 500 euros per month, with no Cellphone No laptop No TV etc. will do the trick for you. 01:55 "You have a webcamera, and you need to make it work!"

No!! SHIT NO Kill-Bill2 there is no butt on the ankle Hell no!! Why does she even want to convince the audience in that? NO! You should not care, if your student has a onlyfans studio I previously mentioned. It should be none of your concern, because then he was attending, none told him, that he needs it to pass the exam. Having a webcam is no argument. The teacher should know, how to verify cheating, without making it such a pain in the ass to the student, who could be studying somewhere else. Or did the government pay for it and install Alexa in his room? I think that criminally insane chick lives in China. In some chickenhouse, there all is handouts and she just don't understand the problem. How is this even a thing in the West? Are you sure, Vee, you didn't invent a time machine and take her out of the Soviet Union or something? Maybe it was the University of Moscoa at 1947... I don't know. Fascinating (Spock from Star-Trek) 

01:58 "Ok, well, maybe I drop my phone and the camera breaks, what do I do then?"

Yes, the rental axe in the Bible problem. How to get it afloat. I'm sure if he would be Harry Potter and was dating Ginny Weasly having Hermione Granger as his bestie, he could cast reparo. But its a bummer we can't have that now. Maybe this teacher should pick up the phone and call J.K. Rowling and ask for some heads up. Or if she would be female-Elisha, that could help too. I know how SJW like to genderbend, why can't she fucking female Gandalf and give us a good Elisha show?? That would solve the problem. 

02:01 "Then you will fail the course and will have to try again next year!"

Gee thanks. That gave me a lot of confidence in considering your University. It sounds like the 12 maiden parable in the Bible now... Why don't you go to the merchant at midnight and buy some oil, to light the way, what should have been ready with the good maidens. But at that time, you there too busy gloating how much money you saved, for being smart. Who's laughing now?

02:07 "If you do not want to participate now, its your fault!"

I'm pretty sure you should have staid on the last marker, although I didn't like that one either. (Tyrion Lanister talking about why he don't like the used slurs against him, while sending somebody to the wall." 

No! Its not his fault. The student is the customer. You are the bitch! Your University is the Pimp. Better watch some Taken and see what happened to the Bitch, who tried to "It's not my fault!" to her pimp. That is you. The main character was fucking with her mind on purpose to get a mike on the pimp and still the bitch got slapped for disrespect. It didn't even matter that the main character had to pay overtime for the same disrespect, because THAT is none of YOUR concern. Why can't you deliver, BITCH so your PIMP the univercity could make a buck. Because that's why they are giving courses so that the students get grades. Get it into your SYSOPS already. Or have you a MALFUNCTION? 

02:10 "I am only here to communicate to you, how the exam will take place!"

Then communicate better. This is you being Jar Jar Binks and having a fight with the bad guy, who Anakin still has to race against, because you wanted some chicken. Why should the Jedi come to the rescue and save your bacon? If you're the messenger, why didn't you study martial arts or better communication skills to be able to deliver your class and explain, how to fucking have an exam with you?! For that is what you get paid for!! You must figure it out first, and then be able to explain it to the student, like a 6 year old is talking to you (Philadelphia) 

02:18-21 "Madam, I'm not threattening you. I am just trying to explain, that I have collegues without a laptop and how am I supposed to give an exam, while at the same time holding my phone in my hand?!"

Yeah! I feel you brother... In Estonia, such a resolve and composure is called: "Veise kannatus" -- "The sufrance of the Cow" I wish I would have more friends like that, because they really know how to call out your shit. A real sigma male, like some people love to call it. Maybe you should actually threatten her. I would threatten to lighting myself up with gasoline and matches, while having a darkstream to show it to the wider audience why, in front of the University. Perhaps that would change the attitude. Legal disclaimer. PLEASE DON'T DO THIS, IT WAS HYPERBOLY!! All those reasonings are on point. How on earth is this teacher not comprehending, or is she really an Alp? (Chaos Dwarf in german mythology sitting on your chest while you're asleep. His poop and bad breathe; drool, causes you to see nightmares and have trouble breathing. Also used as a meme in the Estonian Translation of the Bible 1968 to correspond Fool, to give an more accurate feel of what kind of a fool we're talking about.) That teacher surely would give me nightmares and I would immediately quit any kind of business with the company she is working at. I hope people can keep that information from me, because I hate doxxing. Even such creatures deserve a job, somewhere I don't know, that they are working there. I would judge heavily the business, if I did. 

02:26 "No need to repeat yourself, I understood you the first time."

No you didn't. Argh! And this is me wanting to be on your side, because you are a teacher in an University, I botched for myself, that kind of career, to have my communist wet dream of being a security guard. But, that's not here nor there. We wouldn't have this conversation, if you had done your homework and respected your student accordingly. Yes, Teachers need to respect their students also, before they can accept their respect back!! Why are you lying to yourself and to the audience? And you make such a bad effort in doing so... 

02:30 "I need you to find a solution, to position your phone in such a way, so that I can see your keyboard as well."

Oh, now I see it. The problem is, you think you are the CEO of the Univercity, and you can't be bothered with PROBLEMS your minions need to come up with SOLUTIONS!! Because that's what you getting paid for not preparing your class and exams, to give them accordingly. Thanks for putting it out in the open. I thought in my peebrain, that you're actually a Teacher, who loves her class and students and teaching... So silly of me, So sorry, that we had this misunderstanding... Ah well.... Fuck You and take your cat with you, as you fly to Venus or something. Unbelievable. I need some coffee now... >_<

What follows is the srudent trying to comply which I wont even narrate because I feel shame on behalf of the teacher and will stop beating the dead horse here. Thanks Vee, for sharing this. It surely kinda cheered me up and made me sad at the same time. I was looking up to teachers in the Univercity. I don't know, what to say now... Why hasn't the University put out a disclaimer of having Fired that Alp of a useless teacher, and apologized on behalf of their Great Halls of Wisdom being tarnished like that, lest the student brings his business elsewhere. There is the outrage mob? Its down their ally to be outraged about. It doesn't get any better. Or are they ok with it?? Please say it aint so! 

1 comment:

  1. Muhahahahahaw Another of the teacher types get schooled X^D
