Sunday, May 23, 2021


 Watch Vee on Bitchute: 

01:05 "Going to colledge is sold as a huge achievement!" Well it kinda is. Not everybody can take it seriously. OwO

01:18 "In life you can be anything you want!" Provided you accept the asking terms, but who's paying attention to those little details. Still, I have to say, you're alright. So don't worry about it. UwU

01:30 "When you go to law school and med school, you realize, its not that difficult, IF you put your mind to it. This is not because, I consider myself a highly gifted person. -- I mean you guys watch me on this channel, for quite a while..."

Brother, how to put this, I wish there would be more like you amongst Christians, then we wouldn't get the stink eyes from lord Jesus Christ so often. If Christians would do their thing, as you have done your channel, first on YouTube and now on Bitchute, the world would be a more tolerant and happy place. People need such a satirical squeeky voiced guy, who can make you laugh and get you out of your armor. I would compare you to Rumi the poet, I respect so much. Its so nice listening to you, and admitting my own defeats in so doing. -- What you said about the IF, is a big one. Its like with Alcohol, IF you could drink with moderation, nobody would get drunk, still there is drunkard driving; abuse and crime. Even Noah in the Bible cursed his own son, who saw him naked in his tent, from alcohol and told the others. 

Haughtiness is the liquor, what makes people fail their education. I would know, botching my theology studies. It wasn't that difficult for me too, with my 147 IQ and 150+ PQ the problem was Arrogance and Pride. If I had been as humble, as you, Vee, things had gotten differently. I also wouldn't know so many people outside of my faith and I would have been a zealoth puritan inside the box, but thats a story for another time. I don't mind, that I had this particular way of life, just like Grey Worm in Game of Thrones. If I hadn't castrated my chances in this world, I would have missed out on a lot of content I only found, because I blew my stack... So don't worry about it. You're exactly, there you need to be and reach the people, you need to reach. It helped me a lot, with my depressions and outrages. You there one of the reasons, I didn't become a Jihadi terrorist, then I was down, after my girlfriend dumped me with the cell. There was a lot of bullshit there, what was my fault, and it doesn't really matter, because the main line is: Thanks for doing your thing!" (Y) 

01:54 "I don't think, I'm anything special!" That attitude is very special, because most people are like monkeys pissing on other monkeys, who think its raining and are washing themselves, trying to climb atop other monkeys above them and pulling them down, so they could sit on their branch and piss on others. This is how hierarhy works. Having a person, who would simply do his thing, without trying to be The Name, is something to behold and fathom. OwO 

02:05 "I'm not on the level of Jordan Peterson nor Ben Shapiro!" Will you fucking stop comparing yourself with your peers. You are your own Senpai, Vee. Don't pull yourself down, because people are looking up for you. Embrace it already. :o You don't need to be Ben Shapiro nor Jordan Peterson, who also are cool, you are Vee!! OwO

04:22 "When I graduated, I found out, that I was 1 in 3000 to be added unto the number of Lawyers who have no job." Welcome to the club, this is how it looks like, if you study a degree, without doing Proffessor Slughorn clubbing and don't lend the textbook of Severus Snape, which is abit more important, than the degree itself, because you need a practice job in order to get the actual job, which only you get, then somebody wouches for you. I would know, because, I needed that kind of wouching, to even attend my Seminary studies coming from my place and my Pastor paid half of it. After starting studying I had my Nietzsche moment, then I realized, that the degree was a detriment to my faith and would be the opposite of what I really want in life, making me a fake person and not a Christian preaching the Gospel -- 1st gen. Christians are not as trustworthy as 3rd gen. because they can be volatile and you don't know. what could happen -- being born outside of marriage etc. These kind of things add up. I'm much happier as a guard in a Lunatic Asylum, for the pay is good and I love the work. I hope I can do it for 20+ years until I retire, for this is what I was looking for. OwO I hope you're also doing your dream job! (Y) 

05:02 "You're not so special!" That is the hurdle you must overcome to become Nietzsches Superman, in the life or Sigma male, as others would say. ;)) I would say, you done pretty good. (Y) UWU One person, gets confronted with this Sonic Wall, and they decrease velocity risking their plane being torn up or just them having to land. You increased velocity, achieved sonic boom and are now flying at Mach 2.3-3.7 I presume. It varies. You have better days and worse. OwO Its how you deal with failure, makes the Man, not what you do with success. The latter matters too, but not so much. Just don't give up, you're in my prayers, along with on Bitchute Styxhexenhammer666; Raging Golden Eagle; The Quartering; The Salty Cracker; Mr. Obvious; Sinatra Says; Tipster; Acid Vault; Satania of YouTube; etc. 

05:45 "Most University graduates are drones." Its been like that since the beginning. Why do you think, lord Jesus Christ, was so pissed about the Pharisees and the Sodokite, then they there the creme de la creme of their Faith and Politics. Because they saw the forest and didn't see the tree anymore! The bigger picture ate up the details, what mattered the most. Just like in Diablo 3 the Speech of Tyrael in Heaven then he stood trial. 

07:06 "I tried a job, that I was not specialized in. I went to the Hospitality industry..." It has done wonders with you, indeed. OwO The reason of you being so humble, not so posh as some lawyers I see in Estonia and loathe. Normally I can't stand them, and judges, because it seems to me, like they don't even want to represent the little man, who got no money nor reputation. Most lawyers just want to make a name for themselves by Pas de deux. They let two rich people duke it out, and the one, who can pay the most in legal fees and who can stall; skulldugger and obfuscate the evidence by whim and audacity the most, normally wins. It has been the problem with Lex Romana since the beginning. Previously it also had slander and bribes, which now are illegal, but still. I normally don't like hanging out with Lawyers and such ilk. I have no problem listening to you, I wonder why.... UwU :$ >///< 

07:24 "I lowered my expectations." That's how you do it, to get a job. The haughty ones loose their head, like in Indiana Jones. Michael Chicklis also admitted in an interview, then he started, he was like: "Here I come!" and he got only backwater roles, nothing much to look at. then he went to a bridge in Hollywood and said in public "I'm sorry!" and later got the role for the Thing in Fantastic 4. Humility can do wonders in this world. Even a Whiteraven can sing you praise, although normally I am not so nice to people. I tend to be like the Hypogryph in Harry Potter, who takes large junks of you, if you manage to insult him. Pride is my Kryptonite. :S :$ I guess you never blinked on my watch X^D

07:32 "I managed to get a job in a hospital, as the guy, who does the statistics." Its a worthy job. Needs a lot of attention and precision. Not many people like it, because its one of those low ones, what give no virtue signals nor high esteem nor career prospects. I respect people in the Hospital industry -- they are the salt of the earth, though some are a wee bit arrongant and tend to be Cretins . You don't seem to have that problem. Your Warmth and Charisma is overwhelming. Its over 9000 rad really ;)) I normally hate doing those kind of positive showering commentaries, but it seemed to me you need some pep. talk and further encouragement in your dry season. so cheers! (Y)

08:02 "Some people, who had lower grades, than me, took it shameful, that I took this job, working as the Secretary!" Don't listen to those, they don't matter, because they have the wrong attitude. I take it, they are still looking for the Perfect Job, just like the Feminists are looking for the Knight in Shining Armor. Sometimes luck can be like the Sermon of lord Jesus Christ Luke 4:25 - 27 "But I tell you truly, many widows there in Israel, in the days of Eliyah, when the Heaven was shut up three years and six months, and there was a great famine throughout all the land, but to none of them was Eliyah sent, except to Zarephath, in the region of Sidon, to a woman, who was a widow. And many lepers there in Israel in the time of Elisha, the prophet, and none of them was cleanced, except Naaman, the Syrian!" For this speech the people of his own town tried to toss him off the cliff the city was built, yes... lord Jesus Christ is a real charmer, He is. Just like me sometimes X^D I would love to wash His ministers feet and hands, which is the lowest of the low jobs a man can do normally held to female slaves. You would apply as a Servant of God, in the same capacity, I just mentioned. ;)) 

08:04 "Even though they there unemployed and there living by moms." I still live by moms,because its kinda hard to get a stable living with food and commodities I need, to keep my job, then normal appartments start at 420 euros and my pay is 680+...750 euros. Also the Computer and the Internet etc. Right now I pay my mom 400 per month and have everything. Try to Trump that on minimum wage if you love the Communist dream. ;) Only overtime keeps me alive. 196 hours per month :D

12:55 "Going to gender studies, specialising in dancing lessons" If it cheers you up, heres a passage of todays Sermon from my Church I attended over a long time, for blowing my stack. Today I made peace. "In former days people listened to one Sermon and 1000 people converted; today people can listen to 1000 Sermons and 1 person converts!!" I guess fasting -- focusing your time on one thing and doing it like Bruce Lee did Jeet Kune do being like water is better than being like a rock and working angles, fragmenting your attention span. You can't be a rainbow snake, that's what I say about it. You have to choose, a path, which leads somewhere, regardless, what the dogs are barking. They wont tag along with the caravan to the desert, which you pass through, to your destination... OwO If you spend quality time, it is more worth, then you casually cruise and spam through the internet. Just saying... (Y)

13:56 "Stop shaming the working class!" Ohh >/////< you shouldn't have, I feel so warm and fuzzy in my heart now OwO It always is good to be appreciated. I like being into the Working class, that was my goal since age 6 although my family tried with music school, which I didn't even wanna, and other stuff, because of my intellect. The more they tried, the more I thought back. I love being a worker, for "Blessed are the poor in spirit (unrefined, simple) for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; blessed are those who mourn (on others behalf, who cant also) for they shall be conforted; blessed are the meek (who are like Zen, who does without doing, being the empty cup, so others could use yourr emptiness, to have some tea or coffee), for they shall inherit the earth" Mat. 5:3-5 The Sermon of the Mount is my lifes creed. It seems to me, your channel applies to its guidelines as well! For that, I salute you! UWU

17:00 "They became video game journalists." Yes. you're just mirroring, what happened to the Jews of Israel, I see your fanclub in the comment section is sending you love as well, with that Shitting Gorilla meme X^D Just adorable. This only proves, you got stuff, then those kind of people hate you. Keep at it and never relent! :P 

17:17 "Then they start pushing those hot takes -- the air conditioner is sexist!" Try  Mat:23:1-39 The Woes of lord Jesus Christ, He blessed Israel and the Pharisees; Sodokite with. You see a resemblance of what you are talking about. 

17:50 "His shirt is shit!" On Sabbath day, you cannot work. Then therefore a leaf falls on your shoulder, you cannot walk with it because this is work of carry; you cannot lift it, because this is work of moving." those kind of word and mindgames there the bread and butter of Pharisees, thus they failed. And it didn't help any commoner understand the law, nor get closer to God. There was a fence around the law, and people theren't even allowed to border with God, just like the mount they received the Commandments. If an oxe or a man would have treaded on it, while Moses was up, hed be stoned to death. People like you, Vee, are like lord Jesus Christ, because they make the life bearable. The cross doesn't seem so heavy, then I listen to your videos. Thank you for that and you're not even Christian!! OwO X^D You'll be in Heaven for sure dining with lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles, I just hope not too soon -- it would make me cry... >////////////< 

18:10 "They alienate the working class!" Tell me about it. Being a self professed Christian/Communist, I would never be caught alive on their rallies, because what the fuck do they know about the farmers in Equador or the environment. They are just backseat drivers, living on wellfare, with their Gucci bags; Prada shoes; Armani suits, what the working class has to pay, so they could keep living on wellfare. I'm wondering why I even pay taxes at this moment... UWU My sneakers cost 15 euros, and I bought them from the market, then I want coffee, I have to haul it in with the Thermos to my office to cut costs. Its only rare if I can afford to buy coffee from the kiosk or mashine. Hospitals are expencive, then it comes to coffee... no shit! :S :$

23:00 "The university is never held to a standard!" Its so everythere. It killed the demagogues of Greece; it killed the Pharisees and Sodokite of Israel; it killed the Kilplased (Shielders) of Estonia Then people have established themselves, they wanna dilute the main theme, what got them there and add more filler, which people don't really want, but it keeps the money going. Until eventually somebody will have a lord Jesus Christ with a whip in the Temple moment and throws all the money tables up, because they there situated in the Pagans side of the Temple, and the pagans couldn't pray, because it was too loud, because of the marketing, what shoudln't even have to be there, but because of lazyness  nobody cared, until Jerusalem was besieged and all Israel sent out with the decrees to never return under pain of death. They got only their place back, because of the Isayah prophecy, because the World powers allowed it. Too bad they want to loose it again, fighting with their brother Išmael... :S :(( 

Thanks for having this video. It made me feel like VIP. It almost felt, like it was made for me specifically. If you ever need poetry, give me a call and I will write you free of charge. Just send an e-mail or write a comment on the current post. OwO

May the light of the Lord Jesus Christ always shine upon you, Godspeed!

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