1. Don't call me cute!
I know, I know totally Tsundere like Natsuki from DDLC with her A- breasts and petite look, while being 24 years old. She reminds me of myself, then I was younger and had falling outs with my Grandfather, my mothers Father, who didn't like it, that my Father knocked my Mother out, while she was 19 which botched her scholarship. So because I was born outside of marriage and that marriage only lasted 2 years, my grandfather olways had this coondescending sad look on his face, like Lilith in her regals in Diablo 4 and called me a "Monster" I also work as a security guard in a lunatic ward -- just like with previous occupations. A security guard only gets patted on his head, then the headpat comes from somebody, who is trespassing. I really hate people, who headpat guarddogs. Its really debilitating, there you like rip and tear Doomguy wanna chew his throat, but can't because he's also the client of a convinience store or something. If you say something nice to me, while I'm in office, I will assume you stole something. Also my nickname was at school "The recluse of Buchenwald" I really loved that History teacher, who gave it to me, because I got it instantly, she was worried about my health for looking like Captain America before the special surgery but with glasses with this Harry Potter shy attitude and blond long curley hair, that made me look more of a girl than a boy. It didn't make things easier, that if you closed your eyes and listened to me talk, you imagined like my Grandmother and Mother there talking to you, and not a boy. So because looking so slim, which made me cry inside, because I wanted to look fat, like those smiling Buddha statues. It took me hell of a lot time killing my metabolism with junkfood to get fat, so I couldn't count my Skeletor bones in the mirror. I like my clishe fat security guard look. It makes me happy, although my family (Mother+her boyfriend) are on my case for not working out. I hate workouts people, because of how they condescend towards anorectics and bulimics. People I see a lot at my workplace, because they get treated in the same house I work as security guard. So why am I ranting about it. You know, how I am a Christian Baptist. There was another Baptist, who was also a client in the hospital. That approached my desk and tried to flatter me, because she had a vison from the Lord, that I should work as a Carpenter (Jesus Christ was one) Why do a person looking like a Hercules, is wasting away at such a minimum wage shithole?
I instantly took a mental selfy about me, being in my whiteraven attire, ravens head, like a demon-trickster, looking so twisted and torn, while my body was the clishe security guard with a bear belly. And this Baptist cunt Karen, approximately same age as my mother, called me Hercules!! Let that sink in. I was so close of putting a curse on my fellow Christian. If I had been an atheist I would have called the patrol car, as is the proper etiquette there, was wasting my time, and not letting me do my work. I watch the cameras for a reason. And she was acting like she was covering for somebody. Am I working in a fucking bank or Jewelery shop that she did that?? Calling the patrol car on my fellow Christian from Saaremaa, (It's an Islander, of course) would have been seriously bad optics and I would have lost my job, because everybody knows everybody in Tartu and while Estonia is not a Christian state, if you manage to piss off a Karen here, you are seriously fucked. I also had something going on with lord Jesus Christ on that day, there I violated a ToS, so it was brutally frustrating, to hear her insights glossing out. A Christian, who looks like he fucking sold his soul to the devil and is screwing around like a Wizerdrix is not cute in any regard. Its just sad and gringe as hell, that I would have stooped so low. I could have become a pastor with my 147 IQ and 150+ PQ but I had to botch it because of my Communist wet dream, there a true man dost not work for the money! No, he works as a security guard, and serves the community!! It was possible for me to become a Theology Professor, but I blew my stack, because of reading Eduard Lohse "The theology of the New Testament!" how he, as a Christian, cannot find Jesus Christ in the Bible, because he has to suck up to the Scientists and Atheists in the University. After that I started to fuck up my scholaship in the University which was 50% backed up by my former pastor, for being so promissing of a young eager Christian, with burning goauld eyes... You can get shit done, with such and take over anything. It literally crushed his soul, then I dropped out. :((( Stupid Christian Theologian. Nietzsches "Thus spoke Zarathustra" was much better written and could get his message through. Reading that book, made me finally decide to let myself be baptised. Because you can't baptize 6yr olds, and from 6 to 21 I had to suffer the Law, to prove it to the adults, to be eligible to become Christian by my own admission of Faith. >-< Not cool... Rather call me out on my bullshit like the Russians do to Estonians. We do look so slow in their mind, like somebody molested us in our childhood or dropped us. Its kinda hard to get over 700 years of slavery, then everybody gets to be big and awesome and even our National Hero Kalevipoeg is a rapist, who raped his neace wedded to the blacksmiths son, who he killed in the barfight. His neace, after the druncard bragged about it killed herself because of public shame, So the Blacksmith put a curse on the sword Kalevipoeg Commissioned from him, which in the end cut his legs off. So now Kalevipoeg is guarding the gates of Hell, lest an Estonian passes through. Btw my fathers name is Kalev, so that makes me Kalevipoeg too... don't ask. Does any of it sound likethe typical appropriation of the word: "Cute" to you? I didn't think so.
2. Don't ask me to be your Spiritual Guide.
There once was a friend of mine, at the same Seminary, I attended, who wanted me to be his confessional, and I snapped back, that I wanted him to be mine, and he got offended. We don't talk anymore, although, I really meant that. Due to the fact, that I have tried to kill my soul --my mother would have freaked out, so I couldn't cut myself, like Yuri in DDLC -- so I had to resort in doing that spiritually. It just gives relieve, then you don't understand this world anymore or Christians not living by the Sermon of the Mount or publishing their horrid excuses of Conversion selfies, what make me weep. They always drive me listening to Slipknot; Toetag or some other metal; Underground band to get over it. Why are Christians so proud, that they can mindrape somebody to a droned state, there they would accept anything. Heaven forbid a Christian would be treated the same -- then the AntiChrist is loose and Armageddon is upon us, better call the Deus Vult squad to the resque!! I never needed that to convert and I appreciate the same kind of freedom of thought in everybody, Just like I read in "Thus spoke Zarathustra" Nietzsche and Either/Or by Kierkegaard. Why can't I have the same attitude with the Christians. For that reason I feel safe around people who cut themselves and feel depressed. Its my kind of a crowd I wish I could build a church some day. It would be more of a clubhouse, and the walls would be full of graphic art, so it wouldn't look like a church, but they would be welcome and if I ever get my shit together. I would love to serve there as a Christian. It would be like a Salvation army thing, I hold in high regards, while being a Baptist.
I still remember, how it felt, then Lord Jesus Christ let me read the Pharisee and the Tax collector Parable and recognize myself as the Pharisee. It wasn't nice... I do understand, that the woke crowd is sometimes a political slut. Its annoying, but we're called for something more important, than pointing out the obvious. Just like St.Peter was reluctant in stopping his Prayers Session, for the question: "Do the Greek widows deserve the same honous as Jewish Widows, or are they to be treated, like the trial version of faith, until they accept Judaism fully?" We all know how that dispute between St. Paul and St. Peter went. Or because of the very same reason, because some liberated slaves of Rome thought, they are more liberated, than the Jubilee liberated slaves of Israel and Karened against St. Steven, got him stoned and his entire church of Greek Christians dispanded.
Due to those things, If you condescend like this, Mr. Christian on your nice Bounty Ship, I will immediately call on Lord Jesus Christ and Karen so long until He disawovs you from the book of Life, Then your chances in getting to Heaven will be as nice, as getting the proverbial Camel through the Needlehole. But hey, I'm just a stand up comedian, don't take it so seriously, as I put my Joker face on and enjoy your world burning to Hell.
I hate that, then the Christians are such doushebags, then living in a glasstoilet of Police Academy, while its getting lifted off you, at the National Anthem at the Stadium and you have to salute, and stand up, while your pants are down!! Especially then I catch myself doing that. Then I don't know how to punish myself. That's why I like bondage and spiritual oppression so much. I just haven't found a Dominatrix who would like doing it on me... :(( The Worsed enemies of the Church of lord Jesus Christ -- are the Christians themselves. If there would be less Christians, there would be more followers of Christ, please figure that out for me... Its like a broken meme of having to fuck with your fanbase, then making a sequel to a movie or game, because of some imaginary followers, who's feelings there more important than the teachings of Jesus Christ. See my used quotation in this paragraph.
4. Always listen before you talk.
It might sound weird, but Christians never listen. They always talk thirst and ask questions later. Sometimes the silence is better than any change of smalltalk. Having me on your hangouts for three months, while I say nothing, is perfectly normal to me. If you have a problem with that, call me out in real life or via the mediums there I actually do talk. When I appreciate something, I write poetry on its comment section. If I tell you to not send me a PM to have a D&D session, it means, you say you're ready in the Public forum, because I'm constantly reloading it like a stalker. One boy violated that rule, and I spammed him in the PMs and stopped my D&D session with him. No PM means No PM, or are you people not reading English!! Later I will understand, it was a dick move, but then it will be too late, to do anything about -- cause I learned from my Grandfather how real men never apologize -- then I was my charming self again. That's how I get myself cancelled everywhere.
Then I saw Sayori from DDLC, it really made me wanna punch MC in the face and in the gut, while trampling with my Security worker boots on his crotch. MC was the real reason, why Sayori hanged herself. Never noticing, how she was suffering, while being her childhood friend. How can a man be this dense -- oh... right. I should be the one, to talk about that. My mother is like the Sayori type, while being a Scorpio. It made her suffer alot, then my father and her broke up because my father liked the booze and friends more than marriage and responcibility... >//////< And I look like dad. Real mirror cracking material. For the same reason I don't like the actor, who played Tom Riddle in the movie, then he was talking to professor Slughorn in the memory. I always see my dad in that character. That's how my mothers heart was broken. Why can't I look like Voldemort, with his serpent like face?? I also wanna kill dad and splice my soul into 7... erm I mean 8... it dosn't matter really and is beside the point I am trying to make. Reading J.K. Rowlings book Harry Potter, because it also taught my mentally handicapped little brother, how to read actual books, then he prior only read comix and complained about the fickness of the books with no narration. Because I could see my mental stress unfold, how it would drive me, if I would go on this path. It really helped me out spiritually. Although I supported Trump (Still do), then Rowling did not, just like with Eminem, I still respect them both and read their books and listen to their music, although I don't agree with their political stance. Because what it gave me, for being meaningful and not letting me Sayori my life to oblivion. I don't get along with my little brother, because he was born the look I wanted, so I made his life a living hell and never supported him as an older brother. Then the other boys in our Sunday School there bullying him, I was saying: "Hey, I have to live with him in the same room, so knock it off!!" That's the reason, why my little brother hates Christians and is not baptized, because I was too scared, the church would love him more, so I made sure in a perfect Yandere setting, to not have that, so I could have all positions with lord Jesus Christ. I still don't understand, why it worked out for me, and why I didn't receive the just rewards for it. I can read the Bible, what the Ravens should do, if you disrespect your family... I also was bullied at school, for being kinda gloomy and the teachers pet. I couldn't fight back, because deep down, I felt, I deserved it. I can skin a hare with my words and eat it raw if you know what I mean. I am a firestarter -- if I draw aliens in the class, then after an hour, all children will draw aliens. I always felt ashamed, because its not a Christian trait. Witch-Craft is very strong in my mothers side of the family. Whenever negative intefference ,of the likes of fake dating; ommitting grades to spite you, because of who your dad is, like happened between my Mother and her Russian Teacher. My Mother was a straight A student but only got C-s I wish my russian was so good, its so embarrassing that I couldn't rub off her. I never had that problem studying English or German. I always could learn anything, if I put my mind into it. Due to being like Shikamaru in Naruto, mostly I was bored, and nobody was talking my language, so I just slept in the class. I didn't have money anyway for the advanced classes with my 147 so why bother. Whenever this kind of inteference happens, it also by default boosts your magic capabilities, whether you want it or not...
5. I will pay the tab, then we're having a date!
If you're one of those women, who is so emancipated, that she has to pay the half of the tab -- I will respect that, but I will never have a conversation or date again with you, unless other redeeming qualities are at hand, like you being a 200+ IQ Steampunk programmer Yandere stalker like Monika who wants to lock me up in her room. That would turn me on. But normally, due to being born into an empowerished former important family, who suffered, then Soviet Estonia became free and our currency changing. We lost everything monetarily. Because of that I had a Gaunt upbringing of the Potterverse- . Having Ravenclaw and/Or Slytherin Characters there you're high class posh Black Butler/Black Lagoon savage shit Lilith of Diablo 4 Queen. If you're this Yandere that its actually Kamidere, then you can pay my tab, but I don't like presents and like to pay for everything myself. I never could afford my life or intrests so don't fucking rub it in that I'm, what you would call a scrub.
6. Be yourself.
Don't think for a second, I don't know, for I could have a profile on you. Being a security officer we are required to undergo cold reading training to assess situations, for Estonian Security officers and guards wear no guns. Thats for the patrol. So we have to difuse situations with Talk no jutsu. I underwent the same training when studying theology to become a pastor. I could work in a jail for your confessional. In fact it would be easier to talk to a criminal than to a Christian, although having worked in a Supermarket, the Criminals would see me as a Snitch or Rooster (The jailbitch), because they don't like those who catch their buddies. Also my constitution is not very good for fighting. I will hate you a lot, if you try to fake Christian or anything, to get a better responce from me. I'd rather you say your Fuck You's because you're Satanist or something else. I can relate to that. I also try to be myself, although this is the very reason I will never be a pastor, because the Karens of the Church would not let me through. Being a 1st gen Christian and not a 3rd is a bitch too, because your linage matters in those terms. Who is who's parents, and where did they study etc. Being brutally honest is a detriment these days. If you wanna talk about the Bible and what you think about it, in public spaces. Also my tastes and who I hang out with; my attitude and clothing etc... Well you get the point if you paid any attention in this blog... Because of that I prefer to work as a Security Guard in a Lunatic asylum, than being someone in the Church, until I drop of old age. I would love doing my thing here until pension. I got 39 so its at least 21 happy years easy UWU OwO
7. Real comments will result in Real Responces. If you comment in that section for real and give me feedback, then I will notice it for sure. I miss a gay stud who could comment me in a Poetry Forum the right way and hint, that my poetry was slightly demented. It gave me an inner smile and I could do my thing more. Too bad I got into a fight with him and messed it up, yet again. Just don't fucking run, then you see me growling, because I will Wildhunt after you, like a bloodthirsty demon and rip you apart, if you do. Stand your ground and I will respect you while the both of us survive. Its a dog and bull thing, don't ask. I was born at May 17th 1982 11.50 AM
If you mind these fine and dandy guidelines I would be really happy and obliged, Godspeed to ya all in doing your thing.
So Live Your Life – Chief Tecumseh (A Native American Poem)
Pain - Khalil Gibran (Powerful Life Poetry)
Defeat - Kahlil Gibran (A Life Changing Poem for Dark Times)