Tuesday, May 18, 2021

50 Shades of Gray and Twilight

 I really like those two movies, although, I know they are garbage. I watch them for their highly meditative purposes anyway, because I want to impersonate the female side role, for my Christian insight. For that reason, it doesn't really matter, about no Character creation. Also 50 shades of Gray is an insult to all people, who like BDSM, because it doesn't understand how such people think. Its like somebody from the outside, tries to have a hot take on how gamers should feel like. Its like the popularized version of Paganism also known as Wicca. If you understand its limitations, its all good, but if you're one of those true believers, who believe Everything, what the Media says. Then you could get dissapointed. 

Then I take the female side of those movies, God gets to take the male side, and now it makes more sense to watch such movies. But for regulars, these romanticism emulators are useless. Servantes for the same reason, wrote Don Quichote, because he was fed up with Knight novels, knowing he could fuck it better. And he did. The same problem is with Hollywoods understanding of Romantiscism. At first according to Nietzsche the establishment and culture killed Tragedy with Comedy; then Comedy got killed by Romantiscism, now Romantiscism has an Anna Karenina moment and jumps the train. But for highly meditative people, meditating on Nihilism; the Void; Nirvana; There is no Game; There is no Spoon etc. will find it refreshing. I don't think though it will give Hollywood much money on the long run. Why would people enjoy having them shown paint dry? Unless they are meditating and/or goofy like a Whiteraven. 

Please also watch Vee of Bitchute, whom I appreciate for his "This Week in Stupid" profile. 


On the matter of renting a girlfriend, I could dig that. But I think only the Japanease would be highly skilled and disciplined enough to pull that through because of Nyotaimori. I would not be able to suffer that, because my dick would grow too hard. We all know, what happened with Cocoa and Tobacco. Cocoa was originally Chocolate with Spice, but the westerners replaced the spice with Sugar; Native Americans used to smoke 2 per year, to commemorate peace. White man taught us to smoke 2 packs of cigarettes per day. Westerners are too unhinged for those kind of tags, unless a Kagemusha would bring us back to the Victorian Era, and we would start keeping it in (the dick) for King and Country. Or opt a more religious setting, which I would not like so much, because then I would be locked up in a monastery, without permission to hang out with my non-religious friends etc. 

In the future, I predict, Westerners will become so weak and fragile, that their adversaries can meme-kill them by shouting "It was you, Karen!" and the fool drops dead on the spot, being unable to handle it with its preoccupied attention spans, ravaged with Prime Directives. I mean, how do you expect somebody, who never uses his soul and mental prowess, like a person, who never raises from his bed in years, like in "Seven" 1995 to be able to suffer even the simplest rigours of life. Walking around; small-talk; sniffing the roses, without assuming its a foreign lifeform, trying to eat you as shown in Undertale. 

We do need better content, but who's gonna force Hollywood into it. 

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