Saturday, May 22, 2021

How to cool hot cannons

 The best way how to cool hot cannons, which was actually used in Tartu, was to let little children piss on them. People there collecting piss with buckets, so the cannons could keep firing, for letting a cannon blow into pieces, would have been too much of a detriment monetarily and militarily.

I know, some of you backseat drivers are gonna gush: "Why didn't they use cold water?" 

Ever tried to drink hot coffee on the Arctic, then its -50 C outside? Your coffee is +60 C so the difference is 110 C of temperature. The hot cannon will be close to melting point hot and you want it be cooled with cold water, which is barely +2 if not -2 C? Yeah good luck with that big 3 digit number of difference, your hot cannon has to suck up. Human piss is at body temperature, so its at least +37 C if not +40 C Also human piss is used to make gun powder for countaining Salpeter (Ammonium Nitrate) for that reason, people have to piss on the ground and after two days that dirt can be harvested to get salpeter from it. 

"But why are you telling us this useless information?" 

Because rowdy men are like hot cannons. Instead of rubbing it in, you should take a piss on them and let them understand in their own terms, how silly they are, provided you leave them an opening to retreat from this situation, so they wouldn't have to Los Alamo in the corner, which will not be nice. Then you have won a rowdy man, who is not cancelled nor in jail nor on the spot, but back to society. 

Learning the language of rowdy men, without censoring it. What's the difference if a person says nigger, with if he doesn't say it out loud. Does that make his feelings go away? He still got unfinished business with the guy allocated with the name of Nigger, as long this fight doesn't ensure, the rowdy man will never be able to realize, that this Nigger is not that bad, but just like me a relatable human being. 

Instead I see people placating the rowdy man, like they are Lacdannan, although, they would not go to such lengths to die alone in the dungeons, lest to turn into a dreadknight and start slaughtering your own. 

Don't hate the word, but understand the fear and pain behind it. If you release those, the rowdy man will stop by himself slurring at the Nigger, because there is no threat to be dealt with. The same is true with all the Fucks and Shits. Why would I Voldemort it and F... S... C... Maybe I mean Fealty; or Steadfast or Concordial. People are different. Maybe my vocabulary dost not fit into King James English or Mandarin Chinease, because like Cantonese, I might have 9000+ words what mostly others don't even use. What am I supposed to do, shut up and die on them wasting away my education. Because some people are too snowflake to handle it? Well, then fall somewhere else and not on top a fiery hot furnace. Its always your fault in ending at my Ravens Den and coming in to poke the Whiteraven. You don't get a trophy or pokemon badge easy from me. You actually have to SSS+ boss battle me, and then you can brag with my Johnny's scalp. 

I can always respect a good Nigger, who can mop the floor with me, or defeat my arguments. If that Nigger works hard, like that Men of Honour guy, who wanted to be a Navy diver and even went to lengths to cut his own mutilated leg, to prove a pencilpusher wrong. Even in the movie, he could bèfriend the racist Master-Chief, because he got stuff, like Toph in Avatar: The last airbender would say. That's the only language a bulldiog ever gonna get. If you can be as awesome as this Nigger, I'm always gonna respect you back, because I wont be having to be afraid, that I have to work my ass off, just to give you wellfare; Gucci bags; Prada Shoes; Armani suits etc. while you do only backseat driver gossip and threatten to doxx us, thenever we got a problem with that. Try living on a 12h shift 2 days in the row 2 free, at minimum wage while living at moms, and then see, what it does to your pride -- and then check your privilege, backseat driver!! That is how you cool hot cannons. Thank you very much and have a nice Sunday. Going to church, who is coming to his or are you afraid little Corona Chan takes you down on the market? (Pro 22:13; 26:13) I'd rather be taken down by Corona Chan than by shame and spinelessness of disrespecting myself in denying my spiritual needs. How say Thou?

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