May your Facts be with you as you Fax them to miss in translactation.
The boobytraps missiled the misled compatriots to pussy up the carrots.
Facts matter, as long we may dictate, which is Witch and gets to waterboard
in the colledge and doctrinate the new acolytes for smoking hot takes.
The spacebar had nuckles to say, then the keyboard was hit by breadcrumbs.
Some roadravens tried to peck them out, and reached the Pentagon homepage.
May your Fax be with you, as the others are going to the Future fragmenting
their cellphones going Supersayan4 to limitbreak the oathkeepers, who still believe
in the Socratic method to know, that you know nothing, but still keep up the faith.
Some synical sylinder PhDs there offended of those remarks, about them needing
Servantes to teach them about proper Knighthood in Don Quichote.
Some people cannot Deus Vult, even if the vulture sepultures on their dragons roost.
Fax don't lie, its the russian trolls, who ate my homework, I swear on Bidens Library card.
Which ever damn, what Hoover didn't have a file on, should circle around Hollywood,
so it could drown underwater. Biden could give its name better, than Schwartzenegger could.