Watch 8:22 -- 11:00
The proud Arian, who didn't bow down in front of the Pope;
he took the knee, then -ists and -phobes showd up for smoke.
for there E.T. is, there is a firesale up for Cokes - get it bloke!!
Now Picachu is perplexed -- "Why did customers not like stun -- me broke..."
Grow up in front of the Mirror Narcissos married to Arachne;
navel-gazing, while customers set sail in droves -- yours Acne.
Forgat to Clerasil, to clear your face and sight -- no cartoon Acme,
will save your bacon as Heavy Metal becomes Soyce material.Ree!
Since you find no error in your ways, and its the customer at fault;
lets draw the green miles and red lines to walk away in your scalp.
Johnny Cage and -Storm will take up shop at somewhere elses default;
you can safe zone away, without imagination and passion, miserable Alp!
Avant garde is offensive and takes no prisoners, you didst so too much;
MacGyver was seeking his linage, but had to let you fall in the lava gorge.
The Holy Grail eluded thou, so stunning and brave, you fell asleep from touch --
Little Briar Rose, scorned by the shuttle, drawing blood, thus you have been reforged.
"Its time to stop!!" and "Go back, whence you became, dirt!!" For I find no salt in thou!!
Because you're not salty, but mundane, I will cast you out and trample with my stout
feet, until you're no more, than a puddle of goo, who didn't reach Clearwater Port holdout;
"The orcs are upon you, High-Elven, what you gonna do now! -- Con-Trolls to the rescue 'pout?"
Don't cry behind my door, Argentina, the Truth is, you always left us for the Karens;
very well, now sleep in that bed, you tuck yourself, skullduggering Procrustes for them.
I got no money for you, but certain axes, to cut yours and make numbers Scarlet Ravens,
to pee on the wall on your streets of Philadelphia -- life begets death -- Mr. Golem...
White Witch Grace - Arouse Feminine Sensuality | Sacred Sexual Energy Awakening - Sleep Meditation