Those who kill Cain, to be avenged sevenfold;
because curses are like dares, what make fools jealous.
Those, who think themselves wise, taking offence;
from an empty jar of clay -- for there was no poison inside.
Release everything and you shall receive everything...
Form a vision and make it stand -- someone be distraught;
because some time ago, he was thinking about it, and let it go.
You made it happen, so now you're the thief! Keep your faith.
Don't take anything on your journey -- not even your mother
and your child like heart. Not your thoughts nor aspirations.
Become the path and the desert itself. Forget, what you know,
seek a new form of knowing, then seek a new form of speech.
When you pour out your wisdom, ask little; say even less.
Questions beget more questions and misunderstandings --
often answering itself with gaslit prepositons. Behold the Truth.
Wisdom is not saught, because of its ordeals, but because of its rewards;
few have the muster, to journey the whole path. Many want to read a book;
then take a journey in their head, and call it a day. How could you ever,
get out of town, if you take your dogs with you -- for you would have to feed them!
Don't take anything with you, counsel nobody with it. Only you know what you seek.
Seek the path unraveled, and the border not crossed. What is called treason,
often is a merchants deceit, to ward all customers inside his own tent.
Seek your own insight and dig your own well -- don't trust your fate to the foreigner.
Work your own sweat and toil your own worries -- why dost you care about the neighbours.
Is his cross indeed sweeter, than your own, that you look at it, with such desire?
Don't judge, what you can't carry; don't dismiss, what you don't understand;
maybe you are wrong first, so listen, before you answer. Don't glee in your adversary's
defeat. Feed the childen, of your enemies and raise the cups of the Lion;
then your sheep shall eat without worry and your shepherds may sleep on their guard.
Starve your enemies pride and hunt all prey down, and the Forest will haunt your paths.