Tuesday, May 25, 2021

If I was a bad actor

 How can a Christian be a bad actor? It was my lifes dream, 

to act on stage, but I can't stand myself in the mirror -- 

Christians do no plays, while being the most playful tricksters.

What is the reality and what's the truth, seeking for the most accurate 

proverb can lead to selfish love and hatred, one eye at a time. 

Judging Homare Aisugawa and the blind buddhist prince, 

can I ever dare opening Google again, to scat words and verbalisations. 

A3 is so creepy, who could have known, that my personality is a play in a show!! 

Like Narcissos, should I fall in love or like Arachne be dismayed of finding no error there?

If I was a bad actor, all Jokers jests would open up for me, I could be the servant 

of the virtuous and finally find peace. How could a buddhist tale and acting anime 

touch me so deep my throat went soar. Am I loosing my edge, for finding no ills 

in those I wills, that I have to resign in confined continuendos and Dove Nintender.

1 comment:

  1. Imagine Dragons / Aaron Lewis / Linkin Park - Crawling Demons (Kill_mR_DJ mashup) https://youtu.be/FH4vk6yg8Js
    The Story Of The Blind Prince - Buddhist Views On Obsessive Love
