I have this funny request now... I don't even know how to put it. I have an idea about a virtual currency, called Hedon, to account the spiritual networth of deeds and things, so it would be more easy to pay tithes and tips, to account, there you at spiritually with your inner core, be it God; Communism; Capitaism etc. I havent quite figured the formula out. Right now it should be like 2 people talking have 3 opinions, while 1 person talking has only one, because there is nobody to counter; agree nor spite. Could somebody, who is an apt programmer pick this up, because I can only pay you "Kabuul" like did King Solomon with Master Hiram. Then master Hiram looked at the land, which was supposed to pay for the Awesome first temple, he built, he asked King Solomon in an itallian manner waving his hands astonished "My friend, what is this?" and thus Kabuul is named that ever since, just like Kanguru is "What is this?" I can pay you with gratitude or with poetry, if you like me to write something.
Obviously first you need a site, what tracks peoples conversations and actions the same lke DDLC in its Only Monika mode. It should be limited to only that site to avoid the Mark of the Beast creep.
Could somebody please make this kind of a game, so I could track my progress betters, for I don't get any commentary in I need. Nobody calls me out on my bullshit. Disappointing really (That Barbarian in town the start of Diablo 3)
The opinion markers are My Opinion; I agree (Hivemind) I disagree (Fiend) Your Opinion; Their Opinion That would skewer the start and make 2 people have more than 3 opinions, so there should be somekind of a threshold before it hits the big numbers or a filter so that the numbers don't explode.
1-1OP; 2-3OP; 3-5OP; 4-7OP; 5-9OP; 6-11OP etc.
1 Hedon is worth 22 OP There is also the discrepancy of Bronze silver and Gold OP's depending of how much longevity an opinion has. Is it like a brainfart in which case it should be accounted as a negative gold opinion and if its a masterstroke of the SSS+ kind, its a gold opinion. I don't wanna add more than one to every opinion, because otherwise it would pennalize the SJW and people, who just hang in there too much. What's the point of rubbing it in. They got nothiung I want.
If this idea of a spiritual currency is valuable to you, please pick it up pick it up (Sounds like Covetous Shem from Diablo 3 ) It should be safe, I think. Go for it. Could I also be one of the beta testers, pretty please OwO UWU
I already correspond something like that in my porn book I wirte in the other blog. Sometimes I don't know, why I even started it. I feel so bad about the main character having to suffer my enormous Ego.
:(( It was supposed to be hentai manga, but I cannot fucking draw. Now what I do?