Godspeed means, that you wish somebody well beyond normal ordinance. That this thing you bless, would have divine guidance; ordeal and zeal. As though all the traffic-lights on your road are turned Green. There are some restrictions or proper etiquette, which is not talked about, because you're expected to get it on the go. You should not wish Godspeed in the morning or before somebody starts a quest, because its seen as high jinx. Even, or especially, if you mean well, you would be seen as an Alp to wish it then or like the Arab proverb, "May your wishes come true!" is actually a curse. For instance, if you would wish to blow too much Cocaine you would OD. That would be a bad Godspeed, then you didn't think things through. Because all the streetlights there Green and nothing hindered you. A Good Goodspeed is done, then you have finished reading a bookk; watching a video or ending something and are Joyfull about it. There is an exception to that, which is found in Luke 14:1-24 The Godspeed wish, just like with Tarot, is found in verse 15. The devil is in the details. I always dread to preach about this passage, bećause its so damning on Christians and all people, who wish to get close with God and be his Humble Servant, who gives the Gospel in due time etc.
What is the problem here. The Dropsy Healed on the Sabbath day. Even the Healer who healed with Divine Prowess was expected to not do that on Sabbath day. So even for the Dropsy to come forth was somewhat of a dick move, but who could blame him. Dropsy is an old term for the swelling of soft tissues, due to the accumulation of excess water. Today this might be called congestive heart failure (Google search) or lord Jesus Christ to heal him. It caused great contempt by those who there invited to the Great Pharisees supper, on Sabbath day, which was deemed more valuable than this poor mans distress. Jesus then talks about being humble and opting for lesser places, lest your ambition would demote you, if somebody more worthy shows up. Naturally a younger eager attendee, couldn't wait any longer and decided to Amen it and Godspeed, to get on with the feast. Little did he know, that he was speaking with Lord Jesus Christ, who didn't like this kind of interruption, because His speech was far from over, and He hadn't gotten over the issue, about the disparagement of the sick, compared to the Feast, which could only be held, in Gods Grace. For a poor could not feast on Sabbath day, due to the rigors of having it prepared properly on the previous day. How do you prepare it on Friday, if you work on Friday? The rich don't work, they let others work on their field, so it somewhat gets blurred.
Its saddening, then spiritual work is treated the same, that our own Feasts are far more important, than the probable aid of a sick, who came on "the wrong time"
Lord Jesus Christ talks His parable of the Great Supper, there people make lewd and illlicit excuses to not attend that feast. In the mediterranean region, it is an affront to turn down such an invitation from a higher up for no good reason. It basically means, you snub the inviter. Thus naturally the Great Man replaced the invitees with poor people to spite the honour of the prior ones. Surmising, that none will ever dine with Him again. People on the table understood, this was because of snubing at the sick and because of the falsely used blessing. But regardless, it had to sting, hearing that from Jesus. Only one slight of hand and lapse in judgment -- forever damned. Out of Gods Providence, what the Jews held so dear! Would you still love God, if you had to check your privilege this much? No progressive could muster the strength. I'm not sure, even I could. Hold your tongue, then you feast with the Lord AllMighty, for you might be feasting after your soul. Have a nice day!
Postscriptum I forgat to add the definition for Priviege -- a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.
Because I have heard, that virtue-signallers normally claim, that only white people and racists have privilege, but not them calling it out and offering them concequences in order to cancel them. You just reinstated the same term in other words. What's the difference in calling out a Dick or a Cock? Please tell me about it. Does yours turn Green and have SuperSayan energy if you call it Cojones?! Please tell me about it. Even the Progressives need to be Humble and check their privilege. Thank you and Have a nice day!!
THIS WEEK IN STUPID (16/05/2021)
When I Die - Rumi (Powerful Life Poetry)