Don't judge a teaching by its school nor by its scholars -- a teaching may be more worthy or less worthy, than the ribbons and parchments, it is written on. Don't accept anything, just because it spoke well, accept things, because it performed well in his life and was adaptable in yours. Many can do wise and brave words, but then its time to do, you can seldom find them. Sometimes a good advise comes like a beggar into your house and you count the minutes, until he leaves; later being aghast not having spent more time understanding; other times bad advise comes like a king and we spend our fortunes and families and reputations to just gain a faint glimpse of its attention, later regretting having been such fools. Many good things are missed, then people sought greatest things, but first seek your humility and the dirt -- from whense you can put your eyes up to the sky. many start by putting their eyes to the sky first, stumble and fall, and find themselves in the dirt, then curse the Heavens for doing thus unto them. The next day they are asking for a blessing, still looking into the sky and not onto their footing. How can that prevail? Many wisdoms are obvious, that doesn't make it simple -- just more offencive and easier to disregard. For if Man doesn't find a way, how to exalt himself through Wisdom, he soon looses track and care for what he was seeking. Don't be like that Man, Wisdom comes in repetitions and respect; folly comes in disregards and neglect. If you are in a hurry all the time, don't seek Wisdom, for you have already lost. None can drink their coffee hot in one go, without burning their lungs and throat. Don't try to know it all, because you have also deceived and disrespected -- why should you be put upon the Worlds to judge over the multitudes. First learn, how to serve many Masters, then you can Master the loyalty of many servants. A Floor doesn't become a roof, unless 7 floors have submitted unto it. But the first is always the greatest, because He carries them all. Even if you there the Shinigami, Lord AllMighty can still wash his feet in your head; mop the floor with your soul and shit and piss in your kidneys and bonemarrows. Don't seek the greatest honour, seek the greatest deed you can do without receiving thanks. Every worker can work for a fair price -- only God works for Himself and gets accursed for it, that He even made us, suffering both the Righteous and the Wicked in His humble mind. How many people can you take with you to Heaven and how many can you cast down to Hell -- subtract the latter from the former and you know your worth to God. For Christians there supposed to be a liferaft not a blue ribbon. Always read your Bible into shreds, because its not meant to be stored in a library, but lived in the Whole Whide World. Don't worry, just like the dealer gets another deck of cards you get another copy of the book. Learn from the Rocks and from the logs, because that don't cost as much as learning from renowned Teachers, who constrive you to follow only one singe path inside the monastery. The World is much larger, than that monastery, how can you understand, then your wisdom resides only there? Travel around, like the wind, hold your course like a strong vessel; settel down once you have found, what you sought and take root. Those, who spill their coffee, to fill their cup with tea; then spill their tea, to fill it with Cocoa, to yet repeat and fill it with Wiskey shall not find happiness and peace -- only regret and hesitation, for not finding what they there promised. Find yourself first and what you are seeking in this World, then you can seek out others to lead them somewhere. Many have gotten lost and led others astray, because they didn't understand their quest nor themselves. Be wiser than those fool Alps. Don't be a burden but a blessing -- never take more breathes than you need. He who breathes fast tires faster until he falls down breatheless. Sharp pictures drive the eyes away; attention seekers find none. If you do your thing, many will become curious and seek you out, to see why. Be your own business not nomans business; know your place and Honour shall find you with Respectful Regards. How many teachers are these days, how many books have they printed -- Have they even started to serve their own teachings, before they hand them over to their pupils? When you go to another school of thought -- praise that school and doubt yourself; then another comes to yours, let it praise you, while doubting itself. Dogs do the same, sniffing each-others butt and wagging their tails. Why would you growl and expect a better responce from the mirror? Don't try to be the Master, if you can't be the Great Oak-tree, who shelters all and receives even the divine lightning unto himself; who gives his trunk for logs and his branches for firewood; while his roots go deep to fetch water for the fruits and leafs that many use without even thanking you, but complimenting themselves for their clever deeds in optaining them.