Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Bible Responce Pending

 Should I make a Bible responce blog post maraton, because I obviosly are unable to do a video stream, because of inability to bear myself in the mirror without gringing -- or hear my own voice in recorning.

Somehow a debilitating disorder for a person, who likes to preach and sing. Do people even care to go ballsdeep into the bible with all the Literatury thought patterns, because I would cross-reference my more perverted poetry in it, with all the dark characters, I have created, having a reality show moment. Would anybody even be interested in such a setting, huh. I wonder. Maybe I'm not just making any sense right now. Btw. Did you see the poster of Diablo 4 Lilith, Ooh, she can step on me any time of the day. Too bad it doesn't have any kind of Lilith Mission packs like Nod in Red Alert. A bummer really, if you think of the introduction videos. What's the point of the Diablo franchise, then only NPC's get to fight on Diablos side. You can't really understand the strengths and weaknesses of your position, if you are denying somebody to counter it with Devils Advocate prompts. I would also get on tangents in there, and talk about unrelated stuff, whichever crossroads my minds and has an Eldridge offering session. 

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