Father-Earth and Mother-Tongue, hear me out;
dont let me forsake and forget, like the wise men.
For my people have a thousand tails and no horns;
no head, to lead them away from harm and sorrow.
His merchants are all Sly-Jacks and Hay-Popes;
his leaders are Kalevipoeg, but they sleep on their watch.
Hell runs rampant and overflows of the dead souls and wails.
None quench themselves in wisdom, but the blood of their neighbours;
lusting at their women and children, and not at his work and just rewards.
Give birth and replenish -- bring back the old gods to spite the church;
those who forsaken their household, then I Am Myself conquered multitudes.
Our councel is outsourced onto the shelfes of foreign lords, to guide none;
our heroes and wizards freelance on foreign soil, forgetting their names and kin.
Bring back the old Gods, to spite the church, perhaps the people will be sorry;
perhaps they'll repent. Judges don't judge but look for pas de deux,
to make a name and a fortune for themselves; the same are the doctors.
None serve their trade to make better, being content, of what they got.
All with jealous greed, karen for the neigbours lot and house and horse;
thus My Lord Jesus Chtist, give ears to Father-Earth and Mother-Tongue;
may the Holy Spirit be upon them to offer restitution for the spoils of war.
Bring back the gods of old, to spite the church, who has forsaken you!
Father-Earth - "Isamaa" crude translation from Estonian, meaning Fatherland
Mother-Tongue - "Emakeel" crude translation from Estonian, meaning Language
Sly-Jack "Kaval-Ants" one of our archetypical trickster-heroes who trick the devil, or old-pagan --
Hay-Pope "Rehepapp" an old workplace in the manor, who warded, that the lord wouldn't receive damage;
safeguarding the hay in the attick. Also gave advice to the lord, mostly being biased in favor of the Estonian serfs. A kind of Robin Hood trickster version. Normally if somebody is called Rehepapp, its like calling somebody Kevin E. Leven, for always working some kind of an angle, which sometimes defeats himself. Mostly stories with Rehepapp included an addled lord, like Joe Biden, who can't tell, that the Hay-Pope is giving him corrupted councel and hustling him.