Friday, March 11, 2022

Hentai is my Haven Telecast -- Sexual


I don't need safety, I don't need priests -- moral busibodies in zealous defeat; 

more pursuit relentless, regardless the feats, merrier the silent Haven of Sleat!

Outside the prying eyes of meek, who smartass but not Wise, not even a creek... 

Hentai my Haven, what allows virtue run steep, without any church to wheep 

for the lost sheep, what never their fense to be offended, by death do us reap!! 

Better be in the company of succubi and werewolves than in deceitful League -- 

winning all games, without the merit of responcibility feels like a cheap cheat.


I don't need morals to do others eyes, nor rule I over the fair maidens bosom; 

my organs at church, safe Haven in Hentai -- nobody tells your size-numbers. 

I don't care race nor do I swear Creed, as long your eyes are your souls reason! 

Fair minds and spirits, never needed barns to worship, while spitting excursions; 

for sake of splicing hairs and grabbing the club of Power -- better fuck somber, 

than give in to Despair... If not a mortal wound, cure it with Hentai and wonder 

about the intricate venues of storyline taste can mingle dark humour thensome. 


Too much presinct, too many fences, rulers binge, keeps runningmen gag; 

then Orders grow Tall, Martyrs and Heroes, shall despoil your youths glam. 

Don't snoopy, what others said behind closed doors or in Oncle Toms Shag; 

counting the citizens only good for famines; plagues, Warriors talking hand! 

Hentai is my Haven, then I need to vent, loose myself, chased by Oncle Sam. 

Only You know best, how to read and write, not censors nor inquisitor Cram; 

only You can take up your shield and sword, for Responcibilities sake, Grand. 


There others see deviants, I see people worthy to given a fighting chance Real; 

seeing better stories, narratives, how to build up character, than Anthem Galore. 

Even Holiness needs be in moderation, not drive itself out like the trial -- 

three shots of Vodka drinking the Japanese Man abyss in good company's ire!! 

Hentai my Haven, to reach the unreachables, whom the pious deemed whore, 

be allowed over the doorstep, while forgetting theirs sorcerous scripture-tore, 

what left Jesus tearing His hair, while abstaining in the Courts of the Supreme... 

Hentai my Haven, I like the Gate of no Gate -- step in, dine with Kitsune-Hime; 

other outcasts, who didn't make the cut or there cancelled, to show you Heaven. 

There is no willing irregular, I cannot teach manners-discipline, while behind, 

having the stature of a Fool, laughing in faceless motion pictures and sunsigns. 

Please enter, be Welcome, dine with Lord Jesus Christ, you Kevin E. Leven 

invited to be more than your Thug Life curtails! No need morally Even-Steven, 

nor Simon Says the Virtue, be Yourself -- Yours Best Future awaiting, thus Shine!

Sleat -- The peninsula of the island of Skye, in the highland council area of Scotland, known as the "Garden of Skye" home of the Clan MacDonald of Sleat 

creek -- a narrow sheltered waterway 

bosom -- a womans chest or breasts; a friend very close and intimate 

excursion -- blitzkrieg; a small journey or trip. A deviation from a regular course of action 

Club of Power -- in Estonian "Vägikaigas" he who has the last grip of its top, wins the argument while starting from the bottom. Is a game of speed and agility, and done with a club which length neither should know ahead, to keep it fair. Obviously the first grabber takes the lead and decides, how much club is left to grab, because you cannot grab down. 

despoil -- steal or remove from the booty or shared loot of war and plunder 

cram -- completetly fill to the brink and overflow, is a term for schools and method of teaching pupils. "Tuupima" in Estonian, there the student has little say on the effort, cause the teacher does the outpouring. 

Grand -- Magnificent and imposing in appearance; denoting the largest or most important item of its kind. A High ranking person, a title of Honour 

curtail -- reduce the value (of fabric or clothing) by cutting pieces out of it. 


  1. [AMV] Daisuke Kambe - DADDY

  2. Romanian social democrats fight back against Censorship (Y)

  3. Warning: Bill 67 UwU Kill the Execution of that Order to segregate us back to Medieval times and Dark Ages.

  4. Tyrion Lanister used to be my Favourite character... Too bad he forgat about the Game of Thrones lore in real life, to learn from it. :o

  5. One True God - Love Me Tomorrow
