Wednesday, March 2, 2022

How to be Creative? Jordan Peterson Advice for Hyper Intelligent People (High IQ) 

1. First learn discipline and restraint, before you start contemporary arts, there everything is reverse and your own design. You don't know yourself yet -- how can you build things up a new way, then you don't know, what is a building block and what hole it goes to or how they can be put together. You first have to learn the Basic alphabet, before you can learn a secondary or third or fourth -- to put them all down and make your own alphabet and vocabulary, to learn how to skip and shortcut and spell (hyperlink). 

2. Develope skills shutting the outside cheers up. If you love Creativity, your first enemy is -- positive reinforcemence. Why, because, in a way it is both a bribe and a deterrent. You want to get more of that drug, but you need to conform to other peoples taste. You cannot find true creativity, if you are stringed by your parents; and your schools and your society. For that reason, the truly gifted love the Critic! The more constructive and real criticism you receive the more sparring matches and heads up you score.

3. Learn to walk your own paths, and befriend a bully. It is easy to judge somebody from the outside, but go inside someone elses worldview and try to comprehend and understand. Play devils advocate and try to defend Adolph Hitlers case in the court of Heaven or Jossiph Stalin, like your life depended on it, because you're his/ her illegitimate offspring etc. It gives you the verbal and cognitive fortitude to master discipline and wisdom. 

4. Don't rely on catch-phrases and newspaper bulletins. Never trust a reporter, even if they mean well, they are the most susceptive of propaganda and going astray to far-left or far-right, just to gain more traction and to sell more pages. It is easy to loose your investigative sense, if you're serving a Master just for career or monetary sakes. Don't trust churches nor parties nor community centers -- because they are central. They need funding and they are always short of staff and wear down easily, getting attention as a last resort for the most lowest of reasonings. They are never held to the same standards as did Nietzche in writing "Also Sprach Zarathustra"! because they want to be for every man and thus Humanist not Superhuman transcending the limitations of Good and Evil. 

5. Find a minimum wage work, what gives you routine. Creative people burn out, because they smell too much odors and taste too many flavours. If dogs would be released in our supermarkets, they would go insane, because there is simply too much food for them to smell. You can in the same way get overwhelmed with value. Our information society propels us towards a I "A Phantom Menace" Tech and Style succumbing towards IV A New Hope  Brutal architecture. Then the Library of Alexandria burnt down, Europe entered the dark ages and had to relearn much of his knowledge of Greek Wisdom from the Muslims, who had studied it. The Arts and Sciences had to be relearned and hashed. 

6. Fast from not only foods; but ships; tastes; meanings; sounds. There is a reason, why the jogi and spiritually adept meditate in secluded areas to assume enlightenment. 

7. Quality trumps Quantity -- sometimes a simple poem is harder to write then a great Sonnett of 14 Stansas. Simplicity trumps pathos and intricate depth. 

8. Learn to shut up and don't say or mean anything, then you behold something -- simple minded stupid people always need to have opinions and something to say, diluting the true meaning of freedom of Speech, thinking that wolves are mighty because they always have to devour something and be on the hunt. A real wolf only hunt, then its hungry or to teach its cup. A wolf, who hunts for sport, gets quickly singled out and dies either from starvation or hunters bullet. 

9. Notority and fame are not your friends, just as Jesus Christ couldn't do many good deeds in his hometown, for having a reputation. These create expectancies and people getting upset, if you don't meet with their assumed good faith and morals. Many times morals are woven around celebrities, to make them do the biddings of Nations and Parties or Corporations and Guilds, which happened to Nietzsche under his sisters quill, for being married to a Nazi, which ship her brother deeply resented hating the anti-semites. 

10. Learn to live a simple life and expect nothing from the World, while expecting Everything from Yourself! Don't be shy in shouldering all of the World and having all of the Angst it produces. Never relent in exceeding your limitations to go even beyond your ultra instinct. Then throw it away. 

11. Creative people don't need to be Creative, they simply Are and eat, shit, sweat and breathe Creative, without effort and trial. They are like The Fool in Tarot who is both 0 and 22 both Madman and Genii!


  1. acreative they to get the message through, I would say X^D

  2. "How To SPOT A FAKE Person!" - Jordan Peterson Motivation UWU

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