Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sign Language See the signs! 

I - Who is like God, Michael

I am, who worships the Magnificent God, Allmighty Lord and Saviour, Who Is like Thou! 

Protecting the innocent meak, on the hour of doom, as the hands grow weary, eyes bleak; 

let death defy itself and wreak its reap, as I creep closer to Armageddon and Sheol... 

Who is like Thou, My Lord, as I put the heathens under your throne, who stood Proud; 

pretending to be Kings and kindred spirits under your Name and Will -- those motley reek!! 

There are they now, at the hour of peril and Trumpets of War, shouting "Peace" on streak, 

alas, there is none! War shall devour the souls, who fornicated under false idols crown... 

II Hero of God, Gabriel 

Blessed are those, who come in the Name of The Lord and Saviour, the Heroes of old; 

blessed are their steadfast footsteps and nine miles ahead, making way for God Allmighty! 

Those, who do the bidding of El Shaddai, who attribute themselves be waged in scold 

and spit of this World, benedicting false prophets and doers of iniquity -- not for Gold -- 

for Glory and Honour of Heavens. To be the Champion of Holy Spirit, bringer of Serenity; 

Good Tidings and Gospel!! Take heed, mighty Hero, exalt your Lord and Saviour feisty...

Blessed are Men of God, who bestow upon themselves Goodwill, Godspeed as foretold!!

III God has Healed, Raphael

Rejoyce, Respite, make your wounds draw Strength and lift yourself up from the ground; 

For God is Your Health and Virtue, Your Loving-Kindness and Fountain of Life -- behold! 

As you trample of the venom of the Vipers and the brood of young Dragons by the zounds; 

their might shall not conquer you, their poison shall not gnaw at your blood nor hound... 

Your marrow and thy spine shall bathe in the Holy Fires and be forged like Ophir Gold; 

Your Will and Resolve shall be tembered like the Foundations of Earth, cast from mold!! 

Even if you'd be struck down seven times, rise from your Grave eight times, make it count!

IV Angel of Death, Azrael

May it be known to mortals, gods, there's only one Lord over Life and Death, worthy 

of awe, reverent praise. Put down your crowns ye Principalities, Powers -- make Way! 

He shall reap, what has not been sown, gather what has not been scattered by Thee; 

In His Name, Death shall do as apart, and once His Judgment prevails, hang on a tree!! 

Behold, who can cast you down to Hells torment for Eternity -- mortals, gods -- Sway; 

lest you be unmade, give praise to the Allmighty God, terrible as a juggernaut -- Pray!! 

Although you are gods, all children of the Eternal, you shall fall like tall grass, verily,

V Those, who wrestle with God, Ariel 

Take heed and listen; though your deeds are as Crimson and your thoughts Scarlet; 

Lord Allmighty shall send you an Angel and wrestle you out of Sin! Snow-White 

shall you be, as the chosen Wool of the lamb -- a Lion roaming the highways, fierce 

Chimera on townsquare, to test your mettle. Those who suffer tribulations pierce, 

have stopped erring against the Lord! Rejoyce, who limp like Jacob, worthy knight; 

In God you shall challenge ten thousand and leap over a high wall -- Stand and Fight! 

Be empty for your Lord God, let Him fill you like a suit of Armour and Thee Harness... 


  1. Take CRT down! <3 ^^ UWU

  2. Lost in the Echo -- Avatar Korra

  3. Poets of the Fall - Stay Forever (Official Music Video) (HDR)
