Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Can I go to Hell


Bored of your restrictions and the people not fitting into your Way -- "They don't walk High and Mighty, 

thus I restricted them and gatekept their Fun and Games!" Can I go to Hell then and find some demons

 and fiends to play to maybe sway them someday, there is a place called Heaven, lets boogy without delay!


Why do you drone and convert stupid folly -- NPC; Yellow brick walls; average-mundane-sane? Id rather

 madden in glee with Violet; Malice and Despair betters than solemn decrees. Can I go to Hell and seek

 for those, who are lost and Find them a Safe Haven in my hearts and Passage to Heaven in my soul...


Leading by example, to surpass what is Right or Wrong -- I dont need your maps and meaning; I got my 

own to spare around. Forgetting myself in the desert and at the depths of oceans; wild hunts, dancing with

 the Dryads and Nymphs with the Satyrs and Sylphs, with Sirens and Nagas with Mermaids and Kapas...


Can I go to Hell, for Heaven is not crowded enough to have a wild party and I got bored playing my harp. 

Let us make a new song, strung by notes made of human beings lives -- let even the Harpy become a 

Valkyrie and exalt herself wholly. Let all devils become Angels once more and worship Grace!!


  1. If I had a heart Norse version

  2. Youjo Senki「AMV」Night Witches - Best Action: Anime Expo

  3. Youjo Senki AMV- Eye Of The Storm

  4. Die Irrlichter - Das letzte Eichohrkatz
