Sunday, March 13, 2022

God bless the Buddha and His discpiples, for honoring the Sermon of the Mount Let us Live Happily then Dhamma or Dharma Secret Psychological facts about human behavior


God, bless the Buddha, and make me wash their hands and feet; 

those who follow His teachings, for Nirvana's sake, and the Dharma! 

May you be exalted in the Hindus and Zen Budhists indeed -- treat 

them, like your honoured guests, in Your House, My Lord! Defeat 

my wickedness and insubordination, and make me the Good karma; 

the Welcome mat, to cleanse their soles and boots -- lift up their Prajna 

make it move mountains, fill meadows with maitri for Sabbaths retreat!! 


God, bless the Buddha, and make them Wise amongst the fools journey; 

make the Good and Wise men, be birthed in front of His legs and teachings!! 

Woe, to the wicked, who call themselves wise, but not adhering to humility -- 

what good is a Teacher, burning in his own lust and greeds success Homily! 

May the Pali and Sanskrit be lifted up, the same as Latin and English, reaching 

every side of the earth and depth of the Nation, regardless of High and Low Thing.

May you be Exalted, Brothers; Sister; Mothers; Fathers of Lord Jesus Christ Adherently!!


God, bless the Buddha, make the Alps wither away and not wilt Their petals foothold! 

Make me worship the path, His disciples shall tread, covering it with kisses-salutations; 

Make me even the road for those, who come in Thy Name, while not folling as told... 

Those, who worship amongst other tribes-confessions, in accordance of Temprered Gold; 

Your Sermon of the Mount, My Lord, make Buddhas disciples roam free of solemn treason! 

Make none challenge their Way, nor add-subtract anything, what you deemed worthy-season!! 

Blessed are those, who come in the Name of Truth and Righteousness - being the Holy Mould.

Thing -- In Estonian Ting assembly; folkmoot 

Adherently -- following a Teacher; Leader or Ideal i. e. in concordance and on the same level as the usual procipient of a creed in vision. Connected or associated with a contract. 

Mould -- a hollow container, giving shape and structure. Distinct and typical style, influence and formation. 


  1. Wish my Mom would go to church, not make money :(( Eminem - The Sauce (Music Video)

  2. Legend of Korra | Believer [AMV] (AVATAR) ATLA & LOK // Silence (AVATAR) Katara // What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
