Sunday, March 13, 2022

Youtube Attribute Change This video has been removed by new ToS ("Uploader") 

It is good to be around my church again, although, I am not a member... I will come back on the link above, while commenting my emotions towards todays Sermon. It involved main. Mark 3:20-35 alt. Mat 12:22-32; Luke 11:14-28, 12:1-12, 8:19-21 about a beloved theologian of mine, who described the compartment system of the New Testament, and specifically of the two stories of the main quotes. I have also talked about denouncing your family for the sake of the greater family you are called to serve as a Christian. 

What there the problems the theologian put out, from the ministry of Jesus Christ, what had just begun? 

1. The Pharisees condemned it, as work of the avatar of Belzebub (the lord of flies) because there there far too many miracles and exorcisms fact-checked by too many established sources, that it was impossible to ignore them, while at the same time, there there too many sayings of Lord Jesus Christ, what there deemed problematic due to the commandment, given unto Israel, regarding Propthers, what became His undoing and reasons of Crusifiction. Namely Deu 13:1-18 of Apostacy. Because they refused His claim of being Messiah, thus having to condemn Him as a False Prophet! 

2. Henceforth a rumour was spread, that Jesus is insane, prompting His mother and brothers to apprehend Him. For the Messiah cannot be Insane nor possessed by a wicked spirit. Thus ending His minsitry at once, had he ventured to see His mortal family and not lifted the audience on the same level. It is a strong foreboding, for a Jew, to call his audience as his family, provided, they follow the Will of God. Regardless, if you agree the Messiah status of Lord Jesus Christ, it is a strong word indeed! Much in regard of the ineddible words in John 6:22-66 I loved so much. UWU ^^ <3 :P (Y) 

You have to choose either or, as put by Kierkegaard or by Nietzsche (Sokrates vs Homer) You cannot choose both, because one side wants to condemn the other side as the Avatar of Belzebub! How do you love there both sides? How do you understand there both sides! You have to choose, and that choice deems your entire Life!! 

3. Because of the rumours and condemnation, all of Jesus's Family and friends; listeners, there in danger of Apostacy and subject of the death penalty. This is the reason, why I deemed it worthy of being put under this link. Because in a way YouTube is also spreading a silent rumour, much like in 1997 movie "Devils Advocate" then the guilty rich man, tries to hustle the devil himself, without knowing it, and the devil commending him to his hotshot new lawyer, in words: "See, this is, what we call a silent threat!" and the Rich man prompts his white lie aggression: "What did I say? What did I say!!?" Really good acting, if I may say so! ^^ and Keanu Reeves, in his Ivy League and good boy look, not knowing he is the devils child, stating in a smug careless fashion. The Top of acting and silent verbalisation, there you have to see the bodylanguage, as though it is the movies of Bruce Lee, there true fans, see it in slow motion, to not miss a single technique. The same is here: "Its not, what you said, but more, what you didn't say..." 

Behold, YouTube has decided to be one of the Big Boys once more. Going the route of the Thought Police and removing videos and channels, what dost violate the ToS. I don't care that the bot did it. Its tech savy nerds can control, what the bot does and how it opperates. Its but a weak excuse. Not to mention the praging events of YouTube about those removals. He who stands with the Nephilim (Giants) shall fall with the Nephilim. And just as the Nephilim there ousted by the flood, there will come a flood and the centralisation of Internet, which in turn will molest YouTube and remove it from its owners control. Because YouTube has not honored its content creators, who made it Great, God will not honour YouTube. You shall fall like Legacy Media, and become the lapdog of establishment, worthy to be shunned like the demagogues of old, who proclaimed, that the first proposal be dismissed, no matter its source and content, to appear more wise and create demand, not regarding the possibility of competition, who dost do such shenanigans. Change your Attribute and Name to BABELTUBE for you only love confusion and thought policing not the honest distribution of thought in a free society, without the interference of any kind of party; order or Creed. Do you really need another Salem event, to get to know, why we need a free uncontrolled and monitored Internet, what don't adhere any factions, nor leave out any wrongthinker? Not stating clearly a ToS, what is short and comprehencible on a 6 yr old level, which dont alter nor change retroactively punishing people, who there uploading in good faith. Because YouTube cannot provide such integrity, I shall askew all Christians and Content Creators not in league with Legacy Media, in accordance of Rev 18:4-8 Abandon Babylon, who in silent Hates your Guts and sees you as Her Enemy!! Why should you be condemned with Babylon and Her lot!! 

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